Animate your coloring fun with these 20 Cartoon Network coloring pages, free for you to download and print. This collection celebrates the diverse and entertaining world of Cartoon Network, featuring a variety of beloved characters and shows.
From the fantastical in Adventure Time to the extraterrestrial excitement in Ben 10, the heroic deeds of The Powerpuff Girls, and the everyday quirkiness in The Amazing World of Gumball, these pages capture the spirit of some of Cartoon Network’s most popular series!

To use any of these free printables, click on any of the images below or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Cartoon Network Coloring Pages
The Cartoon Network is every youngster’s favorite channel.
If your child has completed lots of coloring pages on this theme, here are some fun and affordable ways to put them to good use.
1. Make an Original Cartoon Strip
If your youngster is creative, maybe he or she did not like the way a certain cartoon turned out. That’s fixable!
The youngster can choose favorite characters from the Cartoon Network coloring pages, cut them out, and use them to create an original comic strip.
The characters can be glued to a colorful piece of cardstock or construction paper as a base.
Add text bubbles, either drawing them on the paper or cutting them from white paper and taping them to the poster. The child can then add his or her own original dialogue!
2. Cartoon Collage
If your child wants to make some fancy artwork but can’t choose just one or two Cartoon Network characters, have the youngster create an artistic collage.
The child can begin with a large piece of poster board as a background. Black is a perfect color for this.
Then, several cutouts from the finished pages can be glued in a semi-circle across the top.
The youngster can keep adding cutouts, making each semi-circle a little smaller until it peaks at the bottom. This unique, colorful collage can be displayed anywhere.
3. Make a Fun Cartoon Network Calendar
If your child has colored lots of pages and they’ve piled up significantly, making a Cartoon Network calendar is a perfect solution.
Use long pieces of craft paper, place the finished coloring page at the top, and draw the calendar portion on the bottom half.
When finished, fold the entire collection of pages in half, press a crease at the top, and staple them together.
This creates a perfect calendar to use anywhere! It’s also educational because it teaches the child the months of the year.
4. Cartoon Network Candles
If your youngsters are looking for something different to do with all those finished pages, have them make unique, decorative candles.
Old canning jars, empty sauce containers, or even old glasses you don’t use anymore are ideal for this craft.
These should be laminated with cutouts from the finished coloring pages, and the artwork should be sealed with a coat or two of acrylic spray.
Drop a tea light inside, and add lots of curling ribbon at the top for one-of-a-kind decorative candles.
5. Be An Expert Cartoonist
It can be fun to make certificates of achievement, but such crafts can also be done in a comical way. To begin, give each youngster a piece of light-colored cardstock.
The child’s name, the date, and a favorite Cartoon Network show should be written on lines in the center.
Underneath, the words “Expert In:” should be written, and the sentence finished with whichever cartoon is the youngster’s favorite.
The surrounding space can be decorated with cutouts from the finished pages, and the youngster can proudly display the certificate on his or her bedroom wall.
6. Classroom Fun
Youngsters will enjoy making this adorable circular banner in a classroom or at a party.
Each child should color and cut out a favorite cartoon network character, reinforce it with cardboard, and seal it in glassine or contact paper.
These should be connected together with tape or staples in a circular fashion, with the characters facing outward.
When fastened, it will stand on its own as a larger-than-life decoration.
7. Make Designer Markers
Most children have sets of colorful magic markers, and these are perfect for a fun and easy craft.
Have the youngsters laminate the markers with cutouts from the finished coloring pages, matching the hue of the marker to a character.
The fun is seeing if they can find characters to match each marker’s color!
8. Cartoon Network Nightlight
Almost all youngsters have a nightlight in their room, so why not make this object more fun?
Any ordinary nightlight can be embellished with a character from a finished Cartoon Network coloring page.
When the child has colored his or her favorite item, it can be attached to the outer shell of the nightlight with invisible glue.
The light will shine through and delight the child as it illuminates the character!
9. Decorate a Toy Box
Children usually have toy boxes in which to store traditional toys, and sometimes these can take a beating through the years.
If your youngster’s toy box is old and faded, why not turn it into a Cartoon Network designer box?
The child should cut out all the characters from the various finished pages and come up with a decorative pattern for the toy box.
Using craft glue or rubber cement, the cutout should be affixed to the box’s surface and sealed with a light coat of acrylic spray for a brand-new toy box!
10. Cartoons and Popcorn
Popcorn goes with watching TV, especially when it’s cartoons, and that’s the theme for this craft.
Begin by having the child cut the characters from the various finished pages and use these to decorate old, plain serving bowls.
Choose one large one to be the main popcorn bowl and then several smaller ones for individual serving dishes.
The youngster can use any pattern he or she comes up with to decorate the bowls, and they can be used for popcorn on Cartoon Network night!