On this page, you will find 10 simple survive O worksheets that are all free to download and print! These worksheets are great for teachers and parents who are in the process of teaching children about cursive lettering and are currently on the letter O.
For this series of pages, I created a wide range of templates, including easy-to-follow upper and lowercase cursive O, cursive O lettering with guide arrows, words starting with O, common cursive O letter joins, plus tons more!

To access these worksheets, click on any of the below images or links to open the PDF on a new page. Once opened, you can then download and print for free as many times as you want!
All these PDF worksheets are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
7 Ways To Use Cursive O Worksheets
O is typically quite an easy letter for new learners of cursive to grasp, and you can make the process simple (and fun) with these ideas for using my cursive O worksheets.
7. Practicing The Pencil Movement For Uppercase And Lowercase O
Even before tracing, you can set up your students for success by encouraging them to familiarize themselves with the pencil motions for uppercase and lowercase O.
This is essentially a circle for both iterations of the letter, but it also includes the little frill at the top for both – for the uppercase O, it’s a loop, and for the lowercase, a curve to the right.
Use some blank guideline space to have the children practice making circular motions with their pencils – don’t worry about the shape being perfect.
Then have them add in the flourishes, working it until they can make the circle and the flourish all in one swift motion.
Again, it’s not about making the perfect shapes or the perfect size.
It is about building muscle memory, so that when the time comes to focus on shaping, the foundation for tracing or writing the letter already exists.
6. Tracing Uppercase And Lowercase O
My worksheets provide ample space for tracing both uppercase and lowercase cursive O’s, though you might want to print a few copies of each worksheet per student.
Children can work on uppercase O individually, then lowercase, and then they can trace them right next to each other.
As an added exercise, you might consider creating a traceable attaching the uppercase to lowercase.
Using dotted lines on blank guideline space, draw the uppercase O connected to the lowercase and then make as many copies as you need.
5. Writing Uppercase And Lowercase O Independently
There is also lots of space on my worksheets for students to practice writing uppercase and lowercase cursive O’s independent of any tracing.
In fact, it’s on the same worksheets as the tracing exercises, so make sure you hold onto those.
In addition to them practicing writing uppercase and lowercase O on their own, you could also challenge them to link the two together on their own as well.
4. Tracing Lowercase O Linked To Itself
Another good exercise for children to practice is rows of O’s linked to each other.
Start off by creating a traceable row on some blank guideline space and have the children copy that.
Students can then see how many perfect O’s they can write in a row on their own.
3. Tracing Uppercase And Lowercase O Linked To Other Letters
Another good thing for students to practice is O linked to other letters of the alphabet. I have a worksheet dedicated to this, but you could create your own.
Using one of my worksheets underneath a sheet of paper and a ruler, mark off the guidelines. Then create traceables linking lowercase cursive O’s to all the other letters of the alphabet.
You could also create a sheet that links uppercase O to all the other letters of the alphabet as well.
2. Tracing Other Letters Linked To O
Of course, not all instances of O are going to involve the letter first. It’s just as important for students to practice how other letters link to O.
Using one of my worksheets, you could create an exercise where students trace every letter of the alphabet linked to O; so, for example, “Ao” or “ao,” “Bo” or “bo,” “Co” or “co,” etc.
1. Tracing 3- And 4-Letter Words That Begin With O
I also have worksheets devoted to tracing three- and four-letter words that begin with O for students to practice, but you could also create worksheets with five or six-letter words.
Or, you could create a worksheet devoted to three- and four-letter words that contain O – for example, “Boat,” or “Nor,” or “Gone.”
That way students are practicing linking both other letters to O and O to other letters.