On this page, you will find 10 cursive Q worksheets that are all free to download and print! Of all the cursive lettering a child can learn, the letter Q is one of the most challenging due to its unique structure. With this in mind, I created these easy-to-follow worksheets that are great for both teachers and parents!
For this series, you will find a wide range of printables, including simple upper and lowercase cursive Q lettering, dotted cursive Q letters for tracing, cursive Q letters with guide arrows, easy-to-write words starting with Q, plus many more!

To access these worksheets, click on any of the below images or links to open the PDF on a new page. Once opened, you can then download and print for free as many times as you want!
All these PDF worksheets are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
7 Ways To Use Cursive Q Worksheets
Q, especially lowercase Q, can be a difficult letter to learn in cursive, but you can instruct students to use my worksheets in several ways to help them practice.
7. Practicing The Pencil Movements For Uppercase And Lowercase Q
While some might think the natural place to start learning cursive is in tracing, I suggest another route that involves simply letting the children make pencil movements first.
Have them feel out the shape and form of uppercase and lowercase Q by using blank guideline space on my worksheets to encourage this practice.
For uppercase Q, that means having them practice making ovals first, then adding the right ways loop.
For lowercase Q, that involves breaking down the letter into a series of shapes: first, the pinched oval; then the straight line down and loop in; and finally, the swoop outward.
As a reminder, this isn’t about perfection in any way; this is about getting the children used to the pencil movements.
So, it’s all right if they don’t stay in the lines and if their shapes are all over the place at first!
6. Tracing Uppercase And Lowercase Cursive Q
Whether or not you start the students with making shapes, before they can write the letter independently, they should begin by tracing it.
Tracing refines the shapes and sizes of the letter, bringing it into uniformity (which students can then, in later years, put their own unique handwriting spin on).
My worksheets provide ample space for tracing both uppercase and lowercase cursive Q’s, both separately and on one sheet together.
You could even take one of my worksheets and create a traceable that connects uppercase to lowercase Q.
5. Writing Uppercase And Lowercase Q Independently
Hopefully, you kept ahold of the tracing worksheets because underneath is where there is plenty of blank guideline space for writing the letter Q independently.
Again, students can focus on uppercase and then lowercase, and then they can complete the worksheet where they write the letters together.
4. Linking Lowercase Q To Itself
A good way for students to practice lowercase cursive Q – as it is the more difficult of the two iterations of the letter – is to create a traceable that links them in a row.
Using blank guideline space on one of my worksheets, make dotted line lowercase Q’s and then create copies for your students.
You can have them trace the Q’s, and then on the line underneath, see if they have the confidence to write them on their own.
3. Linking Lowercase Q To Other Letters
Of course, the Q doesn’t stand alone – it is used in conjunction with other letters.
And my worksheet devoted to linking it with other letters provides good practice for starting to create words.
However, you could also create a worksheet of your own that links lowercase Q to every other letter of the alphabet; so, for example, “qa, “qb,” and “qc.”
And you could make a worksheet that connects uppercase Q as well.
2. Tracing Words That Begin With Q
Speaking of entire words, I have several worksheets devoted to three- and four-letter words that begin with Q.
Students can trace them to practice linking Q to other letters and forming words that begin with the letter.
You could use my worksheets to make your own, too, where students can practice writing the words without tracing.
1. Tracing Words That Contain Q
Consider using the blank guideline space on one of my worksheets to create traceables of words that contain the letter Q.
After all, it’s important for students to practice linking letters to Q, not just from it.
So words like “Equerry” or “Aqua” or “Unique.”