On this page, you will find 24 original gorilla coloring pages that are all free to download and print! Children are sure to go “ape” for these printables, which will let them unleash their inner primate while also having tons of creative fun in the process!
For this series, I illustrated a wide range of gorillas, including mountain gorillas, silverback gorillas, simple-to-color gorillas for young children, realistic-looking gorillas, chest-beating gorillas, cartoon gorillas, and even the mighty King Kong!

Along with making a cheap and entertaining craft activity, these printables can also double as an educational tool to teach children about these majestic mammals. Once the pages are colored in, they can be used as art in a classroom, door entry art, book covers, DIY bookmarks, plus many other creative uses!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Gorilla Coloring Pages
Here are 10 creative, fun, and cheap craft activities that you can do with the above coloring pages!
1. Gorillas Come to Class
Begin this terrific craft by securing a very long piece of thick, green yarn from a high point in the room.
Then, have the children choose their favorite gorilla page, and once the gorillas are colored and cut out, laminate them with glassine or acrylic spray.
Punch one hole in each gorilla, and thread them vertically all the way up the yarn so that it looks like the gorillas are climbing up a vine in a jungle!
2. An Easy Gorilla Puppet
Once the gorilla is colored, the head and body should be separated, and the head glued to the bottom of a paper bag. The body should be glued directly underneath.
Brown construction paper can be used to make the legs and arms bigger, which should be glued to the back side of the bag.
Finish with silly wiggle eyes and a mouth made from puffy red paint. When the child puts his or her hand in the paper bag, the gorilla’s mouth opens!
3. Gorilla Letter Craft
Loads of fun for all children, this craft begins with drawing a bowl of grapes in the middle of a poster board.
Each child then traces and cuts out a capital and a lowercase “G” from construction paper to go on either side of the grapes.
The colored gorilla should be glued next to the capital “G” and the bowl of grapes next to the lowercase “g.”
This makes it look like the gorilla is about to eat the grapes and is a fun tool for learning letters.
4. Gorilla Pop Out
Begin this interesting craft by having the youngsters trace and cut out a tree from green poster board. The tree can be embellished with green pom-poms or shredded crêpe paper.
Have youngsters cut a slit somewhere in the tree, about halfway up. Once the gorilla is colored and cut out, a craft stick should be pushed through the slit and glued to the gorilla.
This allows the child to push the gorilla up and down as if it’s popping out of the tree!
5. Make a Fancy Gorilla Book Cover
All youngsters enjoy this fun and practical craft! Using a standard brown paper bag and the classic book cover pattern, have youngsters make textbook covers.
Once the gorilla pages are colored, they should be left intact and glued to the book cover. The edges should be trimmed if the page is too big.
The covers can then be embellished with green pom-pom borders, glitter, felt, or even some yellow puffy paint to serve as bananas! The result is a fancy, but practical book cover.
6. Design a Gorilla Paper Weight
Have the youngsters find a medium-sized rock or use craft stones from a discount store.
Depending on the size of the rock, leave the gorilla page intact or cut it out.
The gorilla page is then wrapped around the rock and glued fast. Rubber cement works best for this. It doesn’t have to be smooth, as long as the page is securely affixed to the rock.
Seal the paperweight with two coats of acrylic spray, and it will last a surprisingly long time!
7. Make the Gorilla Dance
This easy craft can be completed in no time! Once the gorilla coloring page is finished, the gorilla should be cut out with the arms, legs, and torso separated from the head.
Using paper fasteners, the youngster should put the gorilla back together. The character is now movable.
Glue two craft sticks in a cross and attach the gorilla’s arms and legs to the ends with thread.
The gorilla has now become a movable puppet.
8. A Fuzzy Gorilla Mask
Fabric craft fur, elastic string, and the gorilla coloring page are all that is needed for this craft.
Once the page is colored, it should be cut out in the appropriate size for a mask, and fabric craft fur glued to the surface with invisible glue.
Next, holes should be cut out for the eyes, nose, and mouth, and a hole punch used to create a place on either side for the elastic string.
Once the mask is tied on, kids can enjoy pretending they’re in the jungle!
9. Make a Clipboard Come to Life
A fun way to use a finished gorilla coloring page is to separate the head from the body by carefully cutting them apart.
The head should be glued to a piece of cardboard, but the rest can be left as is.
The body of the gorilla should be used to laminate the clipboard, and the head glued to the top clip.
This makes it look like the gorilla’s head is moving every time the top is squeezed to release or capture papers!
10. Create an Exciting Game
To use a gorilla coloring sheet as a game, have the youngster color the page and cut out a generous size hole for the gorilla’s mouth.
The hole can be a little bigger than the one drawn on the coloring page.
Next, laminate the gorilla to a large square of cardboard, making sure to cut out the same size hole.
Hang the cutout in a doorway, and use small purple craft balls for “grapes.” Children can have fun tossing the grapes into the gorilla’s mouth!