Level up your creativity with these 20 action-packed Knuckles coloring pages that are all free to download and print! These sheets take you on a thrilling journey through the universe of Sonic the Hedgehog, introducing you to the steadfast and fearless Knuckles the Echidna.
For this series, we illustrated an extensive range of Knuckles scenes, including the classic red echidna in his iconic pose, thrilling battle moments, team-ups with Sonic and Tails, and the extraordinary Super Knuckles transformation, to name a few!

To get started, click on any of the below images or links, which will open the PDF coloring sheet in a new tab. From there, you are free to download, print, or even color digitally on an iPad.
All of these coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes too! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Knuckles Coloring Pages
Here are 10 affordable, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Knuckles Head Gear
Knuckles has some pretty distinctive hair, and your little ones can mimic it with this craft.
You’re going to choose an image where Knuckles’ dreadlocks are prominently on display – say, Knuckles with Thumb Up or Knuckles In Angel Island.
Then you’re going to use the rectangular selector function and copy/paste just his head onto a word processor document.
Resize so that it will roughly fit your child’s head and print out. Your kid can color it in and cut it out.
You’ll then make a headband out of a strip of construction paper and paste Knuckles’ hair to it. Slip the “crown” onto your kids’ head and watch them transform into the baddest Echidna around!
9. Paper Toys
For this simple craft, you’ll print the Knuckles figures you want to use onto cardstock.
Have your kids color them in and cut them out. Cardstock is thicker and sturdier than regular computer paper, so it can stand up to handling a bit better.
Combine with Sonic or Tails cut-outs for the ultimate in playtime!
8. Knuckles Medal Necklaces
For this craft, you’ll need steel round bezels with clear domes that fit overtop (which you can find on Amazon or at your local craft store).
You’re going to resize the Knuckles figure you want to use so that it will fit into the bezel you chose and print that out.
You or your kids can color it in and cut it out. Then you’ll Mod Podge it into the center of the bezel and let that dry.
Pop the clear dome into place over the bezel and string a pretty chain through the loop to finish the necklace.
7. Knuckles Reaching For Rings And Emeralds Mobiles
To make a Knuckles, ring and emeralds mobile, you will need an embroidery hoop and string.
You’re going to print out one or two Knuckles figures, as well as three or four emeralds. You can draw the rings and cut those out, too.
Color in all the cut-outs and poke small holes near the tops; you’re going to attach string through the holes and then tie the other end to the embroidery hoop.
Ensure the strings are different lengths to add interest and variety to the mobile!
My Knuckles pictures are perfect for crafting bookmarks that your little Sonic fan will love.
You’ll print out the figures you want to use onto cardstock and have your kids color them in and cut them out.
Then, you’ll make rectangles out of construction paper, about four inches by eight or 10. Paste the Knuckles cut-outs onto the rectangles.
You can also add stars or emeralds!
5. Knuckles And Emerald Surprise Fold Page
For this craft, you will need an extra-long sheet of paper; you’re going to fold it in half and then in half again. Open it so that it’s folded in half just once, and then fold the front flap down.
You’re going to draw an emerald onto the page as it’s folded like that, and then open the paper all the way.
In the middle two sections, which should be blank, you’re going to paste a cut-out of Knuckles, as well as any background you want to draw in.
Fold up the page to make the emerald intact once again, and then pull the page down to reveal the surprise Knuckles within.
4. Knuckles Gloves Poufs
Knuckles gloves poufs can be made by printing out a picture where his gloves are prominent – I recommend Knuckles With Thumb Up – twice.
Have your kids color in his gloves and cut them out, then starting from the bottom, staple the two sides together for each glove.
Get about halfway up and then stuff the inside with tissue paper, cotton balls, etc. (whatever you have to hand); continue stuffing and stapling until the gloves are full and stapled all the way.
3. Knuckles Mazes
For teachers especially, making these fun Knuckles mazes can be a great way to reward your students.
You’ll use the rectangular selector and isolate the Knuckles figure you want to use, then copy and paste it into an illustrator program (it can be as basic as MS Paint!).
Use the magic wand selector so that just the figure is outlined and cut away the excess.
Then, you can create your maze around the Knuckles figure using straight lines.
2. Watercolor Paintings
You can set up your kids with easels, watercolor paints, and paintbrushes and let them paint in the lines of my Knuckles pictures.
Be sure to put down a vinyl tablecloth for any spills or dribbles, and you’ll want to dress the kids in clothes that you don’t mind getting messy (or use your own old t-shirts!).
1. Knuckles Earrings
For the discerning fashionista, you can turn my Knuckles pictures into cute earrings in just a few steps.
First, you’ll print out the figures you want to use onto shrink sheets – make two copies.
Then, have your kids color in the figures with markers and cut them out. They’ll also want to punch holes where the jewelry findings will go.
Bake per the shrink sheets’ instructions and let cool completely.
Once they’re ready, you can attach the jewelry findings – I recommend hook earring backs so that Knuckles can dangle!
If you want to use post earring backs (or your kids don’t have pierced ears), you can forego punching the hole in the cut-outs and instead just hot glue the backs on.