On this page, you will find 30 adorable Minnie Mouse coloring pages that are all free to download and print! Like many young girls growing up in the 1980s, I was obsessed with Disney animated movies and all their iconic characters, including Minnie Mouse!
For this series, I illustrated a wide range of styles, themes, and characters, including baby Minnie Mouse, easy outlines of Minnie Mouse to color, Minnie Mouse as a princess, Minnie Mouse with Mickey, Christmas-themed Minnie Mouse, plus many others!

To get started, click on any of the below images or links, which will open the PDF coloring sheet in a new tab. From there, you are free to download, print, or even color digitally on an iPad.
All of these coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes too! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Minnie Mouse Coloring Pages
Minnie Mouse is always a hit with kids, and there is no end to the fun that can be had with this delightful Disney character.
Below are some unique and interesting ways to use your finished coloring pages!
1. Make a Minnie Mouse Bracelet
This fun craft is incredibly easy and will last a long time. A plain wooden bracelet of any size will do, but the thicker, the better.
Cut a wide strip of the coloring page, measuring the circumference of the bracelet, and affix it with plain Elmer’s white glue.
Laminate it with acrylic spray, and as long as the bracelet doesn’t get wet, it will last a long time!
2. Minnie Mouse Cake Box Cover
Any child can make this fun cake container, especially if a birthday is around the corner.
Use a simple plastic cake container and turn it into something special by coloring an up-close cameo of Minnie Mouse and laminating it to the top of the container.
The best glue for this is rubber cement or standard craft glue. Be sure to laminate the top with acrylic spray, and this cute cake container will practically last forever.
3. Valentine’s Day Fun
There’s a reason Minnie Mouse has endured as a Valentine’s Day favorite! Staple a finished Minnie coloring page to a plain piece of pink construction paper to serve as a card.
On the plain page, the child’s valentine’s day message can be written.
Then, another Minnie Mouse can be colored, but this one should be cut out and glued to the back of the handwritten page for a nice back cover.
For extra fun, decorate Minnie with pink and red pom poms, glitter, or puffy glue!
4. Create a Minnie Mouse Doily
Doilies are a fun and interesting craft, and a broad range of doily templates can be found, from easy to difficult.
All that’s necessary is scissors and the finished Minnie mouse coloring page. The brightest, boldest colors work best for this craft.
Following the template selected, cut along the pattern’s lines and carefully unfold the coloring page.
A spectacular design will suddenly appear, which can then be glued to red or pink colored poster board and laminated with glassine for a lovely keepsake doily.
5. Make a Minnie Mouse Bow
Minnie Mouse is rarely seen without a bow, so try this easy craft that’s completed through a simple pattern of cutting and stapling.
Youngsters begin by cutting the page into equal strips of any width, depending on how wide or narrow they want the bow.
Each strip is then folded inward from each end and held tight with a staple or two.
Once complete, each stapled strip is then stacked one on the other, and the bundle is tied in the middle with thick pink or red yarn for a beautiful bow!
6. Minnie Mouse Mask
A Minnie Mouse coloring page can easily be turned into a fun party mask for Halloween or any time.
When the coloring pages are complete, the youngster should glue them to thin, pliable cardboard, punching a hole on either side with a metal hole punch.
Elastic string can then be used to make the mask wearable, just don’t forget to cut out holes for the eyes!
7. Decorate a Christmas Stocking
Children can’t wait to find out what’s in their stockings, and this craft can be done in a classroom or individually at home.
A standard felt Christmas stocking works perfectly for this craft. When the design is cut out of the finished coloring page, it can be affixed to the front of the stocking with felt glue.
Acrylic spray is not a must, but the stocking will last longer if used. Puffy glue can then be used to etch the child’s name on the top of the stocking.
8. Minnie Mouse Cookie Tray
Start with a simple, round plastic serving tray, and decorate it with pink and red craft spray. Follow a distinct pattern or simply let the child use his or her imagination.
Adding glitter, silver sparkles, or a ring of pom poms glued around the edges makes the plate extra fancy.
Minnie Mouse can then take center stage in the middle of the plate, where she can be affixed with crazy glue.
The entire plate should then be coated with three layers of acrylic sealant for a great cookie tray.
9. Make a Doorway Ornament
This craft will resemble a wind chime. Only it won’t make any noise! Once colored, cut Minne out and make two small holes: one at the bottom and one at the top.
Thread the cut out with string or yarn, leaving room at the top and the bottom.
Cut out white, red, and pink hearts, and thread three above Minnie, and three below, finishing up with 7-8 multicolored pom-poms at the bottom.
This cute craft can be hung in a doorway, from a ceiling fan, or in a window as a decoration.
10. Create an Original Bedroom Door Sign
Children love making door signs, and Minnie is a great choice for a little girl who isn’t quite old enough to want the classic “Keep Out” sign.
Choose a coloring page featuring Minnie with a big smile and color and cut out the character. Use Elmer’s glue to fix it to a thin piece of corkboard or thick cardboard.
Punch a hole in the top so that yarn or string can be used to hang it, but don’t forget to embellish it with craft pom-poms and sparkles.