Squeak into the world of creativity with these 20 adorable mouse coloring pages that are completely free to download and print! With their tiny whiskers and twitching noses, mice have long been symbols of curiosity across cultures, making them a delightful coloring subject for kids!
For this series, you will find a mix of mouse designs, from the classic countryside mouse, cute kawaii-themed mice, cheese-filled scenes, playful mouse families, and even a few inspired by famous mouse characters we all adore! So, grab your coloring pencils and embark on a whisker-twitching adventure!

To start coloring any of these pages, click on any of the below images or links to open the free PDF. Once opened, you can then download or print as many pages as you like.
All of the below pages are on US letter-sized paper, but they also scale perfectly onto A4 paper too! Happy coloring!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Mouse Coloring Pages
Mouse coloring pages are fun and interesting for any child.
If you’re looking for something to do with the finished artwork, try these ten affordable and engaging crafts.
1. Mice on the Stairs
If your home has an un-carpeted staircase, your child will love this craft.
Have the youngsters color multiple mouse characters, glue them to cardboard, and cut them out.
Using non-damaging wall putty, these should be added to the backs of each step on your staircase.
It will look as if the mice are scurrying back and forth on the steps!
2. Easy Mouse Craft
For this easy craft, choose a coloring page featuring the side view of a mouse.
When colored and cut out, it should be glued to half of a paper plate with the plate’s flat edge at the bottom.
The child can then add a wiggle eye and a pink pom-pom nose to embellish the face, and a funny tail can be made from a pipe cleaner twisted into a spiral.
Black pom-poms are hilarious as feet, and this funny mouse can be displayed anywhere.
3. Make a Fun Paper Mouse
When your youngster has finished coloring a mouse, the head and body should be cut out separately.
Cut a tiny hole at the nose, and push the face section down over the point of a snow cone cup. Add a pink pom-pom as a nose.
Using tape, attach the mouse’s snow cone head to a piece of cardstock.
Then, glue the body to the cardstock directly underneath. The mouse will look like it’s sticking its head out for a piece of cheese!
4. Silly Abstract Art
For this hilarious craft, cut a triangle from yellow construction paper and have the youngster draw circles on it to resemble Swiss cheese.
Then, using cutouts from the finished mouse coloring page, have the child build on the cutout, using the cheese as the mouse’s head.
Once the body and ears are attached in the right places, wiggle eyes should be added to the triangle, and red puffy paint should be used as a funny mouth.
A black pipe cleaner can be twisted into a tail. Display this silly artwork anywhere you want a laugh.
5. Mouse Ears With a Twist
Lots of youngsters make their own Mickey Mouse-style ears, but they’re even more fun when done this way!
Have the children trace and cut out mouse ears and staple them to a circular strip of cardboard so they can be worn as hats.
Using cutouts from multiple coloring pages, the mouse ears should be laminated collage-style.
These are more fun and more colorful than traditional mouse ears, and all children will love wearing them.
6. Mouse Finger Puppets
Start this easy craft by having the youngsters glue their mouse coloring pages to thin cardboard or construction paper.
Then, the characters should be carefully cut out, leaving approximately two inches of space at the bottom.
In this section, cut four small holes for the child’s fingers, and when they are put through the holes, the mouse can be made to “walk.”
To make it extra fun, add toothpick whiskers, wiggle eyes, and pink pom-pom noses!
7. Mouse Lends a Helping Hand
Using an empty toilet tissue cardboard, have the youngster laminate the roll with the mouse cutout from the finished coloring page, making sure that the tail sticks out.
Cut the head out separately and glue it to the front of the roll to give it a 3D appearance.
Reinforce the tail with a pipe cleaner and use it to store rubber bands, scrunchies, or large paper clips.
For a comical touch, cut a small triangle from yellow construction paper and glue it to the mouse as if he’s about to have a snack!
8. Make a One-of-a-Kind Centerpiece
This crafty mouse is simple but adorable, and any age child can make it.
When the mouse is colored and cut out, it should be folded in half, with the face on top and the body underneath.
When the two ends are taped or stapled together, it will look like the mouse is sniffing the ground because the head of the cutout will be lower than the body.
Fill the empty space in between with cotton balls, and put this cute decoration on a desk or bureau.
9. M is for Mouse
To make this pretty, frameable art, give each youngster four popsicle sticks and have them fashion the letter “M,” gluing the sticks in place on a piece of posterboard.
The mouse from the coloring page should be cut out and glued to the “V” section in the letter’s center.
Decorate the background with tiny yellow construction paper triangles to depict cheese.
The youngster can sign his or her name on the bottom, and this adorable art can be framed.
10. An Easy Mouse Decoration
Begin this craft by having the youngsters laminate half of a paper towel cardboard with mouse cutouts from the finished coloring pages.
A cut-up pipe cleaner makes great whiskers, and two wiggle eyes can be added to either side of the roll.
When four black pom-poms are added as feet, the mouse will “stand” on its own!