Jumpstart your organization with these 52 unique November 2026 calendars that are all free to download and print! These calendars are perfect for hanging on a wall, keeping on your desk, or even sticking to your fridge, so you can easily keep track of all your important appointments and dates.
This collection includes a wide variety of November themes and elements, such as Thanksgiving, fall foliage, Veterans Day, late autumn motifs, and much more! These printables (which come in both landscape and portrait orientation) are perfect for those who like to plan ahead and are in search of a fun and practical tool for managing their time.

To print any of these calendars, simply click on any of the below images or links, which will open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. Once the PDF is open, you are then free to download and print as many times as you like!
All these PDF calendar pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
Looking for something else? Search our 10,000 free printables!
10 Uses For Printable November 2026 Calendars
Here are 10 fun and creative ways that you can use any of the above calendars!
10. Thanksgiving Planners
Of everything that goes on in the month of November, Thanksgiving is by far The Big One.
This celebration of the Pilgrim’s first feast with the American Indians is for food and family, whether that means preparing a huge meal or traveling hundreds of miles.
If you’re preparing the meal, you’ll want to start prepping for it at least a week in advance, if not more.
That means shopping for both food and décor, and you can use the back of the calendar to write down grocery lists and to-do lists.
If you’re traveling to be with family, you can use my November calendar as a travel itinerary, plotting out where and when your flights or drive are.
9. Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday Planners
The days following Thanksgiving are huge shopping events for the winter holidays, namely Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday.
You can plan for these days using one of my November calendars, marking down what stores, physical or online, you want to hit up.
You could even use the back of the calendar to keep track of your budget, marking down the prices of each item you purchase and subtracting it from your starting amount.
8. Election Day Planners
Election Day, or the day when voters head to the polls for the general election, is in November.
If you’re working at any of the polling locations, you might want to use one of my calendars to help keep track of any pre-election meetings or post-election activities.
7. Veterans Day Planners
A day when we all honor the veterans who have helped to make this country great, Veterans Day has grown in many communities to include multiple events.
From ceremonial flag folding to veterans giving talks at local schools, to breakfasts or luncheons for veterans (not to mention free meals at restaurants), there is a lot to keep track of.
You can do so by using one of my November calendars so that you don’t miss an event.
6. Diwali Planners
Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a Hindu celebration of light over dark and knowledge over ignorance.
Because it typically lasts five to six days, you can use one of my November calendars to mark the observance of the holiday, whether it’s feasts or fireworks or cleaning and decorating the home.
Use the back to list what you need to do to prepare for the holiday, including things around the house and grocery shopping lists.
5. Leonid Meteor Shower Planners
If you like to look to the heavens and gaze at stars, November is an exciting month for you.
That’s because of the Leonid Meteor Shower, which is visible between November 6 and 30.
You can use one of my calendars to plot out which nights you plan on sitting out to stargaze, which has a special emphasis on November 17 and 18 – when the shower peaks.
Also, mark down what you saw each night and save the calendar for future reference.
4. Late Fall Gardening Planners
While the garden season is pretty much over in most four-season parts of the country, you can still keep track of when your plants really die off and what lives through December.
Further, you can use one of my November calendars to write down notes for next season – what you’ll do differently, what you’ll keep the same, etc.
3. High School Football Playoff Planners
If you’ve got a kid on the football team in high school and they are going to the playoffs, you will want to keep track of where and when the games are being played.
This is because playoffs are typically held at a neutral location, and they may not follow the usual Friday night schedule.
Further, as the games get closer to States, you’ll be traveling further away to watch them, so you might need to use the calendar to write down travel and accommodation details.
2. Christmas Shopping Planners
The smart people among us don’t wait until Black Friday to start their holiday shopping; they get started as soon as the hands of the clock hit midnight, November 1.
And why not? These days, retailers run their Black Friday deals all month long.
So to keep you organized, you can use one of my November calendars to mark shopping trips, what you purchased, how much it cost, etc.
1. Giving Tuesday Planners
Giving Tuesday falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving – so it falls in line with Black Friday, Small Biz Saturday, and Cyber Monday.
On this day, people are encouraged to donate to their nonprofit(s) of choice, with many large corporations or trusts matching the total amount given.
If you run a nonprofit, you might want to take advantage of my November calendar by plotting out how you’ll advertise that your organization is open to taking donations for this day.
This could include a social media campaign and fundraiser, email marketing blasts throughout the month, or even text campaigns.
However you do it, the more organized you are, the more you could potentially see in donations!