Prepare to bring a classic tale to life with these 20 Pinocchio coloring pages, all free for you to download and print! Whether you’re a longtime fan of the wooden puppet’s journey or sharing it with a new generation, these pages are perfect for every age!
This collection takes you through Pinocchio’s adventurous journey, featuring scenes from his creation by Geppetto to his encounters with the Blue Fairy and his interactions with Jiminy Cricket. Each page captures the essence of this beloved story, allowing you to reimagine Pinocchio’s quest to become a real boy in your own colors!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Pinocchio Coloring Pages
Here are 10 affordable, unique, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Pin The Nose On Pinocchio Games
Turn one of my Pinocchio pictures into your next party game with just a few steps.
You’ll choose a Pinocchio illustration – preferably a simple one, without a whole lot of background – and print it out onto cardstock.
Then, you’ll find a good image of his pointy nose after he’s told a few lies, and print that out about five to 10 times (depending on how many players you expect).
Color in the shapes and cut out the noses.
When it comes time to play, you can hang up the picture of Pinocchio and give the noses to the players with pushpins inserted.
9. Pinocchio Snacky Toothpicks
This cute craft is ideal for serving up snacks – say, at a Disney- or Pinocchio-themed birthday party?
You’re going to pick a Pinocchio picture where the figure is mostly in profile; shrink it down to about an inch or so and copy/paste just the head into a word processor doc.
From there, you’ll copy and paste as many as can fill a sheet, and print those out. Color them in (it should require minimal coloring) and cut them out.
Now, you’re going to take toothpicks and glue them to the backs of cut-outs so that the toothpick extends outward like Pinocchio’s long wooden nose.
Let the glue dry, and you can start using it to pick up pieces of meat or cheese, olives, etc.
8. Mini-Storybooks
Your kids can tell a little bit of the Pinocchio story by making little mini-booklets with my coloring pages.
You’ll choose two or three pictures and have them compose a few sentences telling what’s going on in each. They can write it directly on the page if there’s room.
They’ll color in the pictures and then bind the books together using a slider binder or a three-hole punch and O-rings.
7. Pinocchio Nose Growing Paper Plates
For this craft, you’ll find a Pinocchio picture where the main character is mostly in profile. You might have to resize it to fit a large paper plate.
Cut him out except for his nose and paste him onto the paper plate.
Then, you’re going to cut a slit where his nose goes.
Using a picture of his elongated nose (or one you drew yourself), color it in and cut it out, then insert it through the slit.
You can adjust the nose from extra short to extra long!
6. Pinocchio Inside The Whale Crafts
For this craft, you’ll again need a paper plate – which you’re going to paint greyish-blue or like a whale. Add a blowhole to the top and a face, and then cut down the middle.
You’re going to mount this onto a piece of construction paper – blue would work well for the sea – and secure it into place using a brass fastener where the two pieces of the whale meet.
This should let you open and close the whale. While it’s open, you’ll choose a picture of Pinocchio, color him in, cut him out, and paste him underneath the whale.
The effect is that you open the whale, and Pinocchio appears!
5. Popsicle Stick Puppets
You can make your storybook come alive with these popsicle stick puppets.
You’ll print the characters you want to use onto cardstock and have your kids color them in and cut them out.
Then paste them onto the ends of popsicle or crafting sticks and let the glue dry.
When the glue has dried, you have puppets with handles (for small hands) that you can use for play acting out your favorite scenes from the movie or creating new scenarios for Pinocchio.
4. Movable Limbs Pinocchio
You’re going to pick a Pinocchio picture where the main character is shown in full; print him out, color him in, and cut him out.
Once he’s cut out, you can do surgery of sorts – cutting him up at the joints, elbows, and knees.
You’ll need brass fasteners, which you will use to “put him back together again,” overlapping his limbs slightly to secure all his parts.
You’ll be left with a marionette of sorts whose arms and legs move.
3. Puzzles
My Pinocchio pictures would make wonderful DIY puzzles for all ages – and this activity is especially good if you have a classroom.
Have your students pick out different Pinocchio illustrations, color them in, and then draw directly on them with black Sharpie in puzzle-like pieces.
They’ll cut them out and then gather the pieces together.
If you have a group of students, they can all trade puzzles!
2. Watercolor Paintings
Break out the watercolors and paintbrushes – art class is in session.
You can get all your supplies at the dollar store and set up a little painting studio at your kitchen table.
Encourage your kids to experiment with color; not everything has to be as it appears in nature!
1. Magnets
To make magnets out of my Pinocchio pictures, you’ll need to print the characters you want onto a shrink sheet.
Have your kids color them in with marker and cut them out. Bake the cut-outs per the instructions and let cool.
When they’re able to be handled, you can hot glue magnets to the backs. Let the glue dry completely before handling the magnets.
You’ll have the sweet characters of Pinocchio adorning your fridge, but you can put them anywhere magnetic – like your oven or a chalkboard or marker board.