On this page, you will find 74 unique unicorn coloring pages that are all free to download and print! When I was a young girl, I was utterly obsessed with unicorns. So much so that I would bake unicorn cookies, wear dresses with unicorns on them, and even had a unicorn lunch box!
When it came to illustrating this series of printables, to say I was excited would be a massive understatement. For this post, I created many unicorn printables in various styles and themes that I think will appeal to all ages and skill levels.

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas to do With Unicorn Coloring Pages
Unicorns are fascinating and fun, and all youngsters love to color them. Those pages can pile up, though.
Here are 10 inexpensive, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
1. A Happy Unicorn Placeholder
For a fun classroom activity, give each student an empty tissue box and a coloring page featuring a smiling unicorn.
When the unicorn is colored and cut out, it should be wrapped around the box.
A colorful tail can be made from several strips of bright construction paper and the unicorn’s horn embellished with glitter or pom poms.
Using a small square of colorful paper, have each child write his or her name and attach it to the unicorn for an adorable table placeholder.
2. A Cute Place to Store Crayons
Begin this craft with an ordinary square cardboard box about four inches wide and four inches high.
Next, the unicorn’s head and mane should be cut from the page after it’s colored, and glued to the front of the box with the unicorn horn sticking up past the rim.
Four pom-poms can be used on the bottom four corners as “feet.”
The unicorn horn should be reinforced with a toothpick, on which rubber bands or paperclips can be hung, and markers, crayons, pencils, or similar items can be placed inside.
3. Unicorn on the Moon
To make super fun wall art, start with a unicorn page featuring a full-length unicorn.
Once it’s colored and cut from the page, cut a large, crescent shape from yellow or white poster board. Slide it behind one or two of the unicorn’s legs and glue it fast.
Punch a hole at the top for a piece of yarn or string, and embellish it with glitter or puffy paint for an adorable piece of wall art.
4. Unicorn Rainbow Craft
This engaging craft is a great individual or classroom activity and a coloring page featuring a unicorn face is ideal.
Once the face is colored and cut out, it should be glued to a square background in any color the child prefers.
Long strips of bright construction paper can then be glued to the bottom to create a rainbow colored fringe.
Decorate the horn with gold glitter and add wiggle eyes to make this cute craft lifelike.
5. Unicorn Mom and Dad
This fun craft can be a gift for mom and dad–or anyone else the child has in mind. The youngster should color two unicorns and decorate their faces to depict people.
Yarn can be used for hair, red puffy paint for lipstick, and felt for a mustache or beard.
Once the unicorns are finished, they should be glued to thin cardboard and sealed in glassine.
Large craft sticks can be attached to the back for a great gift for mom or dad, or any pair the kids had in mind when creating their “characters.”
6. Make a Unicorn Wreath
This craft is easy for any child, and begins with cutting out a “wreath” from ordinary poster paper.
This can then be colored in any way the child desires, and embellished with bows, pom-poms, rainbow stickers, stars, or puffy paint.
Once the unicorn is colored, it should be cut out and glued to the left or right side of the wreath.
The child can write his or her name along the other side of the wreath or even on the unicorn’s horn for a great bedroom door sign!
7. Unicorn Balloon
Since all children love to picture their unicorns flying, what better way to use those finished coloring pages than to laminate real balloons!
Helium balloons are obviously best for this task, and the unicorn should be glued to the surface with a thin layer of krazy glue.
For extra fun, curled ribbons in rainbow colors can be tied at the bottom and the children can have fun seeing whose unicorn can “fly” the highest.
Just make sure you play this game indoors!
8. Adorable Tree Ornament
Have your kids create a fantastic paper ornament with a unicorn page.
Once the page is finished, a compass should be used to trace four circles on it. They should be cut out with pinking shears or scallop-edged scissors and folded in half.
Next, one side of each circle should be glued to the next one until the four are stacked up.
When a string is placed in the middle and the circle is unfanned, you have a terrific 3D hanging ornament!
9. Sleepy Unicorn
For this innovative craft, two unicorn pages must be colored and cut out.
Next, a square of poster board should be glued to a large craft stick, like a sign handle, and the finished unicorns cut out and one glued to each side.
On one side, glue wiggle eyes over the unicorn’s eyes, and on the other side do the same, but use closed craft eyes with long eyelashes to depict the unicorn sleeping.
The craft stick can be used to flip the picture around to make the unicorn “fall asleep.”
10. A Unicorn Rainbow
This activity makes a perfect classroom craft. Since unicorns and rainbows always go hand in hand, have the students work together to make a giant rainbow.
Once it’s complete, they can color and cut out their unicorns, and space them evenly all along the rainbow.
For extra fun, the rainbow can be decorated with additional embellishments, like stars, or even a pot of gold at the end!