Patriotic pride, festive celebrations, and historical significance come together in these 4th of July coloring pages, free to download and print! This collection captures the spirit of Independence Day, showcasing its vibrant and meaningful elements.
These pages feature a variety of 4th of July-themed illustrations, including American flags waving proudly, spectacular fireworks lighting up the night sky, and iconic symbols like the Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell, plus many more you can see below!

To start coloring, click on any of the below images or links to open the free PDF. Once opened, you can then download or print to your heart’s content.
All of the below pages are on US letter-sized paper, but they also scale perfectly onto A4 paper too! Happy coloring!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With 4th July Coloring Pages
Here are 10 inexpensive, exciting, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Festive Calendars
Have your kids create festive July calendars featuring the holiday that the month is best known for, July 4th.
You’re going to have them color in the July 4th picture of their choice, and then, either on the computer or by hand, they’ll make the calendar grid on a different sheet of paper.
Reinforce both pages with construction paper (that will also serve as a kind of “frame” for the pages).
At the bottom of the picture page and the top of the grid page, you will punch three evenly-spaced holes.
Then, connect the two pages using red, white, and blue ribbons and tie the ribbon in bows.
Take some cording and string it through the top of the picture page for something to hang it with.
9. Party Decorations
You can turn my July 4th pictures into festive décor for your next holiday party – all you need are some willing colorers and some imagination.
For example, you could cut out some stars and place them on the table or string them up as bunting.
You could use entire pages as placemats or posters, too.
8. Patriotic Jewelry
If you want to make jewelry before the July 4th holiday, you will need shrink sheets and jewelry notions – earring backs, cording or wire, etc.
You’re going to print off the shapes or designs that you (and/or your kids!) like, onto the shrink sheets and then color them in with markers.
You’ll cut them out and then punch holes in the shapes where you want the jewelry notions to attach.
Then you’ll bake them off per the instructions on your specific shrink sheets, and when they’re completely cooled, attach the jewelry notions using pliers or hot glue.
7. Glittery Posters
For a craft that is great for grade-schoolers and younger, have the kids use glitter glue pens or glue + glitter to “color in” my July 4th pictures.
Since July Fourth is all about sparkles (and sparklers), why not bring that energy to these illustrations?
If you have glitter glue pens, great – if not, they can fill in the pictures using regular Elmer’s glue and then shake the glitter over that.
Wait for the glue to totally dry, gently blow the excess glitter into a garbage can and hang it on the fridge or wall!
6. Starry Headbands
Pick an illustration with a good deal of stars and have your kids color them in and cut them out.
You’re going to take dark blue construction paper and cut them into two-inch strips, then loop them together to make the headband (you might have to use a few pieces).
The kids will then place the stars on the front of the headband – they can do this however they want, but I recommend a tiara-like shape.
They’ll paste the stars down, overlapping as they see fit.
And then, when they’re done, they can wear their headbands for the fun and festivities of the day!
5. Star-Spangled Rocks
This fun and easy craft can be done before July 4th, and the rocks can be placed around your town as you celebrate the day.
You’ll just need a bunch of smooth-topped rocks of various sizes and Mod Podge.
You might want to resize my illustrations so that the different shapes are small enough to fit the rocks.
Your kids are going to color in and cut out different July 4th shapes and then Mod-Podge them to the rocks.
You’ll want to do this at least a day before the rocks have time to dry!
4. July 4th Crackers
If you’re hosting a July 4th party and want to give out favors or little gifts to all your attendees, you can use my patriotic pictures to make crackers.
Fill them with candies, homemade jewelry, or even little toys for the kids.
3. Suncatchers
Fill your home with patriotic pride by making suncatchers from my July 4th pictures.
You’re going to print the images onto transparency paper and then cut down tissue paper to fit between the lines.
You can fill in some or all of the designs – it will look good either way! You can also cut out different shapes to make smaller suncatchers.
Poke a hole through the top and string cording through, then hang your suncatchers in a window using a suction cup and hook.
2. Starry Wreaths
Have your kids color in and cut out multiple stars (you might have to print the same coloring page a few times to get the proper amount).
Then you’re going to take a piece of paper and fold it in half; cut out a half-circle and then another so that it makes an arch, about two or three inches thick.
Open up the arch to reveal a ring, and then have your kids place the stars on the ring, overlapping them until the ring is filled.
Hang it in a doorway or on your fireplace mantle!
1. Tissue Paper Flags
Pick an illustration that features a flag prominently; you’re going to need lots of tissue paper in red, white, and blue.
It can be helpful to cut the tissue paper into smaller squares.
You’re going to pinch and twist the tissue paper and glue it into place on the flag – white where the stripes are white, red where the stripes are red, etc.
Then for the stars, you’ll alternate white and blue tissue paper.