Strap on your fashion boots and strut into a world of style with these 30 Bratz coloring pages that are all free to download or print! With their distinct sassy characters and bold fashion sense, Bratz made a significant impact on pop culture and continues to inspire young minds around the globe.
Below, you’ll find printables of Yasmin, Cloe, Sasha, Phoebe, Raya, Bryce, Jade, and other favorites, all ready for your creative touch. Each page brings forth a new outfit, a new pose, and a new chance for you to explore the vibrant world of Bratz!

To start coloring, click on any of the below images or links to open the free PDF. Once opened, you can then download or print as many times as you like.
All of the below pages are on US letter-sized paper, but they also scale perfectly onto A4 paper too! Happy coloring!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Bratz Coloring Pages
Here are 10 affordable, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Paper Dolls
You can make paper dolls out of my Bratz pictures – all you need to do is print out the figures you’ll want to use and have your kids color them in and cut them out.
For an additional step, they can also trace the cutouts against cardstock (or any other stiff paper), then cut the outline and paste the two pieces together.
If your kids are aspiring fashion designers, they can also trace the cutouts against plain paper and create cute outfits to go on the paper dolls!
9. Finger Puppets
If you have younger kids, you could also make finger puppets out of my Bratz illustrations.
You’ll color in and cut out individual Bratz figures and then, near their feet, poke holes.
Enlarge those holes with scissors to be circles or ovals, and if necessary, reinforce the openings with a little tape.
8. Book Covers
Jazz up any boring old book cover (provided it’s a smaller book) with my Bratz illustrations.
First, you’ll need to copy and paste the chosen pictures from the original PDF format into a word processor document that has been oriented to landscape.
Center it on the right-hand side, leaving about an inch margin all around.
Print those out and have your kids color them in. Then you’ll lay the paper flat, illustration side down, and line up the book with the page.
Mark with a pencil where the top and bottom of the book lie, and set the book aside. You’re going to fold inward where you’ve marked, all along the length of the page.
This creates flaps that you can slip over the existing book cover.
7. Keychains
To make keychains, you will need shrink sheets and keychain hardware (you can find kits online at Amazon with everything you need!).
You’ll print the figures you want to use onto the shrink sheets and have your kids color them in with markers.
They’ll cut them out and then punch holes where they want the keychain hardware to go.
Bake the cutouts per the shrink sheets instructions and wait for them to cool.
Once they’re ready, you can attach the keychain hardware.
6. Party Decorations
You can use my Bratz illustrations as party decorations if you’re on a budget (or even if you’re not!).
Get your kids to help out and color in the individual figures, then cut them out and string them together to make bunting, or they can arrange them on poster board as a collage.
They can be used to make food signs, place settings, or even signs for where the bathroom is.
And you can use them as part of a centerpiece or a balloon arch.
5. Jewelry
To make jewelry, you will need shrink sheets, as well as jewelry findings, like earring backs, O-rings, and chains for necklaces and bracelets.
You’ll print out the figures your kids want to use onto the shrink sheets and have them color them in with markers.
They’ll cut them out, and if they’re using O-rings to attach jewelry findings, they’ll need to punch holes in the cut-outs.
Bake the figures per the shrink sheets instructions and let cool.
Once they’re ready, you can attach the jewelry findings using pliers or, in the case of post-earring backs, hot glue.
4. Mini-Storybooks
Bratz dolls can inspire your kids’ imaginations, so why not combine that with some sneaky practice writing?
Have your kids pick out three or four pictures and create a mini-story to go along with them. They can write one or two sentences on each page, then color it in.
You could also bind each storybook, complete with a cover, title, and author page!
3. Party Invitations
To turn my Bratz illustrations into party invitations, all you need to do is copy/paste the picture into a word processor document. Shrink the image to a fourth of the page.
Then center the picture in the upper-left corner – and flip it upside down.
Print this off (however many invitations you need), and you’re going to start by folding the page in half, short end to short end, so that the picture is right-side up.
Then fold it in half again, short end to short end.
You can open the invitation and add in the party details by hand; or you can do it on the computer before you print, using the bottom-right quarter of the page.
2. Hair Clips
To make hair clips using my Bratz pictures, you will need shrink sheets, as well as plain barrettes – they can be plastic or metal.
You’ll print the Bratz figures your kids want to use onto the shrink sheets, have your kids color them in with markers and then cut them out.
Next, you’ll bake the cutouts per the shrink sheets instructions.
Once they’ve cooled, you can hot glue them to the barrettes; if you’d like, you can add ribbon or sequins – get creative!
1. Wrapping Paper
You can also use my Bratz dolls illustrations as wrapping paper for a small gift.
You’ll print off the picture you want to use – or pictures, as you could print off multiples and tape them together to create a bigger paper.
Have your kids color in the pictures and then lay the page picture-side down. Place the gift in the middle of the page and wrap it as you normally would.
The image should appear on top!