On this page, you will discover 14 unique Corvette coloring pages that are all free to download or print! To say that my two young boys adore Corvettes would be a colossal understatement! They are truly fascinated, which began with their first glimpse of these sleek, high-performance American cars.
So, when I decided to create this series, they were thrilled! Since I wasn’t sure where to begin, they assisted me in selecting which Corvette models to include, from the classic Stingray to the modern C8, various limited edition models, and even some iconic racing Corvettes!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Corvette Coloring Pages
Here are 10 affordable, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Peek-A-Boo Corvette Doors
To make this craft, you will need construction paper and a cute picture of your kid (or of themselves, if you’re doing this in a classroom setting!).
Pick a Corvette illustration where the doors are more or less head-on and have the kids color it in.
Using scissors or an X-acto knife, carefully cut along the car doors’ top and bottom and where they meet on the inside. But be sure to leave the outer door lines attached!
Cut down the photo to the upper half or third of the kid’s body (shaping it to fit the opening of the doors) and paste it, from behind, to the illustration.
The way it should work is that the doors open, and your kid can be found inside.
Paste the entire page onto a piece of construction paper.
9. Glitter Glue Corvettes
There is something so appealing about a bright, shiny new Corvette, so why not add a little glitter to my illustrations?
You can add a lot of glitter using glitter glue pens or outline and fill in the cars with glue and shake the glitter on.
Either way, you’ll want to wait until the glue has completely dried before gently blowing the excess glitter into a garbage can and hanging it on your fridge or wall.
8. Calendars
Turn my Corvette illustrations into snazzy classic car calendars you and your family will cherish.
You’ll need to print off the designs you want and have your kids color them.
Then you or your kids can create the days/weeks portion of the calendar either by hand or on the computer.
You’re going to punch holes in the bottom of the illustration page and the top of the days/weeks page, line them up and attach them using O-rings or twine, ribbon, or string.
You can make them all for an entire year or just go month-by-month!
7. Party Decorations
Add a little “vroom” to your car lover’s birthday party in various ways using my Corvette pictures.
You can create table décor by coloring in and cutting out the individual vehicles, then propping them up with toilet paper rolls cut in half (this would also make cute place settings).
You could also create a road scene on your wall and add the Corvette cut-outs to it.
Get creative! And get your kids in on the coloring action for that special DIY touch.
6. Shadow Boxes
You can buy shadow boxes online at Amazon or in stores like Walmart and then use my Corvette pictures as the backdrop.
Color in the illustration and then cut it down to fit the box. Then you can glue the other pieces into place – I recommend specialty toy cars or pictures of your Corvettes through the years.
5. Party Invitations
You can resize my Corvette pictures by copying/pasting the illustrations into a word processor.
For party invitations, I would opt for the quarter-page; you’re going to place it in the upper-left corner, except upside down.
It’ll turn right-side up once you fold the page in half and then again.
You can also add the party details right on the page, too – put that in the lower-right corner, and it’ll be inside the invitations once they’re folded.
4. Stickers
To make stickers, you will need a Cricut machine.
You’re going to cut and paste the individual Corvettes you want onto a sticker page and an illustrator program. You can virtually color them in there before saving.
Then you’ll upload the sticker page into Cricut’s Design Space and use the Print then Cut feature (full directions are here).
When the Cricut is done printing and cutting, you’ll have sweet Corvette stickers that you can use on your water bottles, laptops, notebooks – really anything!
3. Magnets
You’ll need shrink sheets, upon which you will print the illustrations that have the Corvettes you want to turn into magnets.
Have your kids color them in with markers, cut them out, and then bake them off per the instructions.
Once they’ve cooled, you’ll get your hot glue gun and glue magnets to the backs of the cut-outs.
2. Posters/Collages
My Corvette pictures would make beautiful wall art, especially once colored in and framed. You could make a gallery wall in your kid’s bedrooms.
For a more collaborative project, your kids can use the pictures to make car-inspired collages, adding magazine clippings.
1. Puzzles
For a fun birthday party or classroom project, have kids pick out different Corvette illustrations, color them in, and then draw, in black Sharpie, puzzle-shaped pieces directly over the pictures.
They’ll cut them out along the lines and then trade puzzles with another kid.