On this page, you will find 10 cursive B worksheets for kids of all ages. Included are upper and lowercase B worksheets, cursive B letters with instruction arrows, simple cursive B letter words, common cursive B joins, and more!
These free printables are great for teachers and parents who are teaching their students/kid(s) about cursive lettering and require some simple and effective practice sheets.

All of these PDF worksheets are on US letter-sized paper, but they also fit perfectly onto A4-sized paper too! For a complete set of all these worksheets, you will find a single file further below. Enjoy!
7 Ways To Use Cursive B Worksheets
When your children or students are ready to take on learning the second letter of the alphabet, my cursive B worksheets can be used for many purposes. Let’s take a look!
7. Tracing The Letter B In Uppercase And Lowercase
Before your children or students can write the letter B in cursive on their own, they’ll have to practice by tracing.
Luckily, my worksheets offer ample opportunities for children to practice tracing both uppercase and lowercase cursive B’s.
There are worksheets for just uppercase, just lowercase, and a combination.
Start with uppercase B, as it’s easier to learn because it closely resembles the printing B. Then graduate to lowercase B once the children have mastered the uppercase.
In no time, they’ll be doing more than just tracing – they’ll be writing cursive B’s without any assistance!
6. Practicing The Direction Of Pencil Movement For B’s
Before your children or students start tracing, they’ll have to practice the pencil movement for the cursive letter B, both uppercase and lowercase.
My worksheets come with arrows showing the initial pencil movement needed to write cursive B’s, so they’ll know how to start the letter.
In fact, it might behoove the children to use some of the worksheets just for practicing the initial pencil movement (or the first two pencil movements) – the swoop upward and down for capital B and the more flowy swoop upward and loop down, then half-loop up for lowercase B.
5. Writing The Letter B In Cursive On Their Own
After the children or students have mastered tracing the letter B in cursive, they can graduate to writing it all on their own.
There is plenty of space on my worksheets, with the guidance of the three lines (for top, middle, and bottom), for when the children are ready to master cursive B’s without tracery.
In fact, you can print out multiple copies of different pages for extra space if your children or students require additional practice.
4. Linking B With Other Letters
The obvious next step for cursive learners is to link the letter B to other letters, and my worksheets can accommodate you with that.
In fact, you could print out multiple pages of my worksheets for the blank guidelines and practice linking cursive B’s with every other letter of the alphabet, not just the letters most commonly next to it.
3. Writing Words That Begin With B
There are a lot of words in the English language that begin with B, and with my worksheets, your children or students can practice writing quite a few of them in cursive.
It’s a natural progression from learning to write B’s in cursive on their own to linking the letter B with other letters.
2. Writing Cursive B Three-And Four-Letter Words
For elementary-age or first-time cursive learners, small words of three or four letters that begin with B are just challenging enough to keep things interesting.
But, they are not so challenging that they cannot overcome them.
So, I have worksheets devoted to three- and four-letter words; children can trace the words first, and then they could even write them out on their own using sheets with guidelines.
You might want to print multiple pages, though, as the addition of new letters will likely be tricky, and they may not get them on the first try.
1. Writing Words With The Letter B Within Them
You can use my worksheets as a jumping-off point, graduating to writing three- or four-letter words that don’t begin with cursive B, but do contain a B within them.
So words such as “Cab” or “Able” will get children to practice linking their B’s on both sides of the letter or before the letter.