On this page, you will find 10 original cursive D worksheets that are all free to download or print! When I was an elementary school teacher, our selection of cursive letter sheets was very lackluster, and, to be quite honest, very bland!
This was at the forefront of my mind when I was making these as I wanted to breathe some fresh air into these templates, while still making them easy and informative to use. I also included a variety of worksheets, including cursive D with instruction arrows, cursive D upper and lowercase, cursive D words with matching graphics, and more!

All of these PDF worksheets are on US letter-sized paper, but they also fit perfectly onto A4-sized paper too! For a complete set of all these worksheets, you will find a single file further below. Enjoy!
Due to multiple requests, I compiled all of the above worksheets into a single PDF worksheet, which should hopefully make parents and teachers lives easier when it comes to downloading and printing!
If you have any requests or ideas for other cursive D sheets that you would like for the classroom or homeschooling, please share your ideas in the comments section, as I would love to update this page as time goes by!
7 Ways To Use Cursive D Worksheets
D is one of the easier letters for youngsters to learn in cursive, but it still requires practice to get just right. Here are some uses for my Cursive D worksheets so that kids can master the letter.
7. Practicing The Motions Of Uppercase And Lowercase D
Because uppercase and lowercase D so closely resemble their printed form, D is one of the letters in cursive that should come more naturally to students.
However, before you get them tracing and then independently writing, consider having them practice the motions of uppercase and lowercase D on my worksheets.
They don’t even have to complete the letter at first; for uppercase D, get them used to drawing the pencil downward, creating a loop, and then curving upward.
For lowercase cursive D, have them practice the curve of the “body” of the letter.
It’s not so much about completing the letter but getting them used to the pencil movements.
Let them get the hang of that for a line or two, and then have them move on to tracing.
6. Tracing Uppercase And Lowercase D
Once they have the gist of the motions, have the children move on to tracing uppercase and lowercase cursive D’s.
My worksheets have lots of space and dotted line D’s for them to practice staying true to form and within the guidelines.
You might want to print a few (or more than a few) pages per student so that they can master the tracing of D before moving on to writing it independently.
5. Independently Writing Uppercase And Lowercase D
Once the students are ready to begin writing uppercase and lowercase cursive D’s on their own, without the aid of tracing, my worksheets have plenty of lines to accommodate them.
Watch as their confidence grows with every iteration of the letter, and if they struggle, they can always go back to the tracing at any time.
4. Linking Lowercase D Independently
A good way to practice lowercase cursive D lettering is to have the students write it repeatedly, linking one D to the next.
Once they are really good at forming lowercase D, you could add in linked, dotted line lowercase D’s for them to trace on the unused guidelines and make enough copies.
Or you could simply instruct them to link the lowercase D’s in some of the blank guidelines, independent of tracing.
3. Tracing Three- And Four-Letter Cursive Words That Start With D
What better practice for further writing, not to mention reading and memorization, than tracing three- and four-letter cursive words that start with D?
I have some popular words that begin with D for tracing on my worksheets, but you could even use some of the blank guidelines to create your own.
You could even expand the selection of words that the students will trace by creating five and six letters words that begin with D.
Some examples include “Daddy” – which also contains two D’s within – or “Damage.”
2. Writing Words That Contain Cursive D
You could also use some of the free guideline space to create traceable words that contain the letter D, so that students can get used to practicing linking words to D, not just from D.
Create your own dotted-line words, such as “Did,” “Body,” and “Edge,” then use a copy machine to make multiples for your entire class.
Challenge students who feel ready to write the words independently of any tracing as well.
1. Tracing Alliterative Sentences With Cursive D
You could also create dotted-line sentences that feature alliterative cursive D’s, such as “David drops off Denise at the doctor” or “Does your doll dance?”
Again, if students get really good at tracing, they can attempt to write the words independently.