On this page, you will find 10 cursive E worksheets for teachers and parents that are all free to download or print! These cursive sheets are great for students to practice and gain confidence in writing the letter E, while also having some fun along the way!
Some of the printables I created include large cursive E letters, cursive E with instruction arrows, cursive upper and lowercase E, 3 and 4-letter cursive E words with graphics, and many more!

All of these PDF worksheets are on US letter-sized paper, but they also fit perfectly onto A4-sized paper too! For a complete set of all these worksheets, you will find a single file further below. Enjoy!
Due to multiple requests, I have combined all of the above worksheets into a single PDF file for easier printing and downloading!
If you have any ideas or feedback on additional pages that can be added to this set, please share them in the comments section, as I know there are so many other iterations that could be created!
I hope these printables come in handy, either in the classroom or at home! Enjoy!
7 Ways To Use Cursive E Worksheets
The most commonly used letter in the alphabet, E, can be tricky to learn in cursive. Here are seven ways to use these Cursive E worksheets to help your children or students!
7. Practicing E Movements
Before tracing or writing freehand, encourage your children or students to simply make the movement of E, especially uppercase E, using the guidelines on the worksheets.
E, particularly capital E, can be difficult for students to learn at first, so giving them the space to explore how to make the shape is a great way to introduce the letter.
Ask them to stay between the guidelines as much as possible, but have them practice a few lines of just swooping the pencil in the shape of an E.
6. Tracing Uppercase And Lowercase E’s
Once they have done a few lines of freehand E shapes, getting them used to the motion, they’ll be ready to trace.
My worksheets have ample tracing opportunities for both uppercase and lowercase E, and you could even print out multiples of the same page so that children have plenty of room to practice.
Have them start out with one, move on to the other and then encourage them to try my worksheet, which combines uppercase and lowercase E.
5. Writing E’s Independently
Once the children have mastered tracing E’s, it’s time for them to start writing them independently of any guides.
Of course, they’ll still have the guidelines on my worksheets, and you can print as many as you need to accommodate their learning.
If they are having difficulty writing E’s on their own, simply switch back to tracing for a bit.
4. Linking E’s To Each Other
If you’re looking at the worksheet that combines tracing and writing lowercase and uppercase E, why not ask the children or students to actually connect the two for a few lines?
It’s good practice, even if it doesn’t necessarily come up in words very often (“Eeyore” comes to mind). Let them feel how the letters flow with each other.
It could actually serve as their first lesson in linking cursive E’s, with linking other letters to follow.
3. Writing Three- and Four-Letter Words That Begin With E
My worksheets feature both three- and four-letter words that begin with E, for tracing.
Consider expanding on the selection of words I provide with words of your own.
Or after the children have traced the words enough times, challenge them to write the words independently of any tracery.
To do this, you’ll need multiple copies of the word pages, plus likely some lined sheets of your own.
2. Linking E’s To Other Letters
On my worksheets, there are ample examples of E’s linked to other letters that the children can practice by tracing.
You could expand on this lesson by having them practice tracing E (both uppercase and lowercase), plus every other letter of the alphabet, even if they haven’t learned the rest of the letters yet.
And you could have them practice tracing every other letter of the alphabet followed by lowercase E, so they get a feeling for how other letters link to it.
1. Writing Words That Contain E Within Them
Consider using the ample guideline spaces provided on my worksheets to have children practice tracing words that contain E within them.
Such words like “Bed” or “Sleep” (very good for practicing how E’s link together!) or “Me” would all be good options.
You could create dotted line traceables of the words on my worksheets and make copies to hand out to students.