Prepare to dive into a burst of colors with these 53 flower coloring pages that are yours to download and print for free! These vibrant sheets are a fantastic option for parents and educators wishing to guide children into the breathtaking world of flora, putting a spotlight on the vast variety and beauty of flowers.
From the serene lily and the vibrant sunflower, to the delicate daisy and the elegant rose, each page invites a different floral adventure. Even more, discover a world of flower bouquets, whimsical garden scenes, flower mandalas, cute flowers to color for kids, and detailed close-ups of flower anatomy!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Flower Coloring Pages
Here are 10 affordable, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Greeting Cards
You can use my flower pictures in one of two ways to make beautiful greeting cards.
First, you can resize, reframe and print the flower illustration onto a piece of cardstock and fold that page in half so that the picture is on the front.
Or, you can print the flowers onto regular computer paper or cardstock, color them in and, cut them out, then paste them to the front of the card.
Either way works well, though the second method looks more DIY and “crafty”!
9. Decorative Trays
You can find small wooden trays at your local craft store or perhaps even a dollar store; pick up some Mod Podge as well if you don’t already have some.
You’ll print out the flowers you want to use, carefully color them in with fine markers or colored pencils, and then cut them out.
Next, you’re going to Mod Podge the cut-outs to the tray, placing them however you like – centered in the middle, for example, or off to one side.
Apply a few coats of Mod Podge and let dry.
The great thing about Mod Podge is that it seals the tray, so you can use it to convey or hold beverages.
8. 3D Flower Papercrafts
To make 3D flowers, you’ll need to choose an illustration where the entire flower is present – petals and stems.
You’re going to print that out, color in the flowers, and cut them out carefully.
As an added touch, you can print out multiples of the same flowers, then on the extra pages, just color in the flower “face” and cut that out, then paste it on top of the original.
You can then use the flowers you like – mounted on construction paper, for example, to make a pretty picture.
7. Paper Bouquets
Pick out at least five or six single flowers or a cluster of flowers, like the Mariposa Lilies Outline Coloring Sheet.
You’ll color them in and cut them out.
Then, taking a piece of construction paper, carefully draw and cut out a circle that is big enough to enfold all the flowers. Draw a triangle in the circle so that all three points touch the circle.
Hold the circle so that the triangle’s tip is face down and glue the flowers into place so that the petals will poke out from the bouquet.
Fold the circle along the lines and glue the flaps down. You can add a paper cut-out bow or use a real ribbon to complete the bouquet!
6. Wrapping Paper
My flower pictures would make beautiful wrapping paper for a small item.
You could even take the illustration of your choice, copy/paste it into a word processor document, resize it so that it’s much smaller, and then copy/paste it into a pattern.
5. Flower Crowns
For the Queen of May or just the Queen of the Day, you can make an adorable crown of flowers using my pictures.
To do this, you’ll need green construction paper, onto which you draw, starting about an inch up from the bottom, tendrils of grass.
You can do this on as many sheets of paper as you’ll need.
You’re going to cut out the tendrils and make a loop with them, securing at the ends that are big enough to fit around your child’s head.
Next, you’ll pick flower illustrations that come with the stems and print out about five or six of them.
Cut those out and then paste them on the inside of the crown so that they stick upright out of the “grass.”
Now your child has a beautiful crown of flowers to wear with a beautiful floral dress!
4. Flowerpots
For this craft, you’ll need small terracotta flowerpots, as well as green crafting foam that you’ll cut down to fit inside the pots.
Then, you’ll print out three flowers – it’s okay if they don’t have stems because you’re going to make some! – color them in and cut them out.
Next, you’ll take a green pipe cleaner and glue it on the end to the backs of the flower heads; once that’s dry, you can insert the pipe cleaner into the foam.
3. Suncatchers
Print the flowers you want to use onto transparency paper (which you can find on Amazon or in office supply stores).
You’re going to “color” in the lines with tissue paper, either cut to size or in little pieces, like a mosaic.
Cut out the flower after you’re done filling it in, poke a hole in the top, and loop some string through to hang it with.
2. Yarn Flowers
For a cute activity that will work with your kids’ hand/eye coordination, take one of my simpler flower drawings and, using a Sharpie, draw in equally spaced dots along the outline.
You’re going to give your kids extra big plastic needles and different colored yarn, and they’re going to outline the drawings with it.
1. Egg Carton Gardens
To make these, you’ll need an empty egg carton, where you will cut slits into alternating egg cavities and then paint green.
Next, you’ll print out and color in six flowers (they can be all the same or different), then cut those out, leaving off the stems if they have any.
You’re going to take a green pipe cleaner, bend it in half, and glue one end to the backs of the flower heads.
Then you can stick the other end through the egg carton slits so that the flowers stand up in a pretty homemade garden!

Thursday 21st of March 2024
Thank you for all of the great pictures, these colouring pages help me to relax and I truly feel it is helping in my healing process.
Monday Mandala Team
Friday 22nd of March 2024
Hi Katrina :), so happy to hear you like the pages and we are so happy that you can find solace in our printables.
Sunday 18th of February 2024
Hi, is there a link to download all the flower pictures on this page on a single pdf file? Thank you so much for the pictures, they sure come in handy for my psychiatric residents.
Monday Mandala Team
Tuesday 20th of February 2024
Hi Tony, so happy to hear the flower pictures are coming in handy for your residents! Right now, we don't have a single PDF download for all the coloring sheets, but it's definitely something we'll think about for the future. Thanks a ton for the suggestion and for your understanding!