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December 2026 Calendars (52 Free PDF Printables)

Immerse yourself in the holiday spirit fully prepared and well-coordinated with these 52 December 2026 calendars that are all free to download and print! Like many families, December is one of our absolute favorites as it ushers in Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and other fun winter activities that we can’t get enough of!

Whether you’re eagerly anticipating Christmas festivities or planning winter activities, these calendars will ensure you stay ahead of your schedule and key dates. This collection showcases a variety of December themes, such as Christmas motifs, winter landscapes, and different orientations like portrait and landscape, allowing you to select the perfect one that fits your requirements.

December 2026 Calendars Featured Image

If you would like to access any of these PDFs, you can do so by clicking on the image itself or the text link below it. Once opened, you will then have the option to download or print any of these calendars entirely for free!

All these PDF calendar pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!

Looking for something else? Search our 10,000 free printables!

10 Uses For Printable December 2026 Calendars

Here are 10 fun and creative ways that you can use any of the above calendars!

10. Hannukah Planners

Hannukah (or Chanukah) kicks off the December holiday season, and the eight-day festival of lights celebrates the miracle of a one-day supply of oil lasting for eight days.

Observant and secular Jews alike tend to celebrate Hannukah, and it’s one of the most famous of the Jewish holidays, starting this year on December 7 until the 15th

It’s about food, games (playing with the dreidel), and prayer, and you can use my December 2026 calendar printout to help organize and plan for the event.

Whether you have a huge grocery shopping list that you must break up over a few days or you need to plan out your shopping for gifts, my calendar can come in mighty handy.

9. Christmas Shopping Organizers

Christmas is, of course, the major holiday in the U.S. and around the world, with preparation for some people starting in October.

However, the vast majority of people will do their shopping in December, and if you are one of those people, you can use my December calendar to plot out and organize everything.

Whether you’re making a special trip to, say, an outlet mall or you’re waiting for an item to go on sale online, you can keep track of when and where you make your purchases.

You could even use the back to keep track of your Christmas gift budget.

8. Christmas Eve Organizers

For some families, Christmas Eve is the big event, with some starting off at Christmas Eve mass or church service and then moving on to a feast at home.

If you’re hosting Christmas Eve, you could use one of my calendars to help you plan out everything, from the trips to the grocery store to when you’ll decorate.

7. Christmas Day Organizers

You can also use one or more of my calendars if you’re hosting Christmas Day or if you’re traveling, making the rounds to different family members’ houses.

If you’re hosting, you can plot out when and where you’ll do your shopping and make to-do lists (and plan on when you’ll accomplish each task).

If you’re traveling, you can mark down in what order you’ll visit each house or plan out your travel itinerary if your travel is spread out over days.

6. Kwanzaa Planners

Kwanzaa, a celebration of African American culture and the seven principles of Kwanzaa, always falls on December 26.

The six-day holiday typically culminates in a big feast on the sixth day, January 1, after events including drumming and music, candle-lighting, or a discussion of one of the Seven Principles.

Plan your week of Kwanzaa, whether you are simply a participant or if you’re an active community member involved with organizing events, using one of my December calendars.

5. Post-Christmas Work Planners

If you normally work a 9-5, the week between Christmas and New Year’s can be a bit wonky. 

You might take some time off, or maybe the office is allowing you to work from home or work shortened hours.

Whatever the case, you can keep the dates and times straight in your mind using my calendars and keeping them on your desk or pinned up on your cubicle.

4. New Year’s Eve Planners

If you like to party for New Year’s Eve, you can plan to use one of my December calendars to plot out your night.

If you’re going out, you’ll need to make reservations for a restaurant or bar for the night, but you’ll also want to plan to buy a fancy new outfit, complete with shoes or a bag.

If you’re hosting a party, you’ll want to plan in advance what food and drink you’re going to have on hand and when you’re going to buy and prepare it.

3. Garden Trackers

Depending on what climate you’re in, your garden could be winding down (or still producing) into December.

It’s a good idea to mark down when each plant stops producing or how much it’s still producing, plus notes on how the last fertilizing affected output, etc.

You can also mark down when you winterized your composting pile or when you sowed cover crops to improve the health of your soil for next spring.

2. Weather Trackers

For a fun activity that you can include the kids in, consider using my December calendar printouts as weather trackers.

For the entire month, record the high and low temp (you can check the weather section of your local news site if you miss it) and the general weather pattern.

Was it bright and sunny and unseasonably warm? Or did you get hit with a major snowstorm? Did the temperatures drop below zero for an entire week?

Hold onto the calendar for a year and then compare in 2026!

1. Food Journals

Start your New Year’s resolutions a month early and start eating better in December.

You can use one of my calendars to keep track of what you eat or even to plan out your meals ahead of time, so you are less likely to stray from the path of virtuous eating.

You can also use the calendar to mark down specifics, like carbs, macros, or sugar intake.

Looking for some extra fun activities to do during the festive season? Then be sure to check out our list of Christmas coloring pages, where you will find over 500 free sheets to download and print!


Tuesday 8th of August 2023

. Post-Christmas Work Planners. How do I get this?


Tuesday 8th of August 2023

I Love your templates Im not good on comp. but I would love to know how to download Christmas list and how to organize Christmas

Monday Mandala Team

Tuesday 8th of August 2023

Hi Jayne, thanks for your comment and glad you liked the templates! For the Christmas list, you can search for that on our website to find those printables :) As for the post-Christmas work planners, those are on the list and should be out shortly!

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