Slither into the world of colors with these 40 intriguing snake coloring pages that are totally free to download and print! With their many various sizes, varied patterns, and ways in which they hunt, it’s no wonder that children of all ages are so fascinated by snakes!
For this series, we have illustrated a wide range of snakes from across the world, including venomous Australian snakes, pythons, cobras, rattlesnakes, jungle snakes, sea snakes, and many more that you can see below!

To start coloring, click on any of the below images or links to open the free PDF. Once opened, you can then download or print as many free pages as you like.
All of the below pages are on US letter-sized paper, but they also scale perfectly onto A4 paper too! Happy coloring!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Snake Coloring Pages
Here are 10 affordable, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Snake Mobiles
While they might be a little bit creepy – that’s what grade-school kids will love about these snake mobiles.
You’ll have them color in and cut out a few snakes from my illustrations and then poke holes about in the middle of their bodies (or you can also hang them from their heads or tails).
Tie off some string through the hole and then tie the other end onto a wire hanger or embroidery hoop.
9. Snake Fact Booklets
If your kid has to do a little book report on an animal, why not opt for snakes and use my illustrations?
Have your child look up five or six facts and write them directly on the pages. Then they can color in the pictures and bind them together into a three-ring binder or portfolio.
8. Paper Plate Swirl Snakes
For this craft, you’ll only need the face of one of my snakes – so make sure you choose a good one!
Your kids will draw a swirl onto a paper plate, keeping about an inch distance between the lines.
They’ll color in the snake’s body – greens, reds, oranges, even purples! – and then cut along the swirl line.
At the very top, they’ll paste on the snake’s head, which they would have colored in to match its body.
Then they can lift the snake by its head and enjoy the coiled, bouncy body.
7. Snake Headbands
To make snake headbands, you will need construction paper cut into two-inch strips that will fit around your kids’ heads (so you might have to combine two).
You’re going to have your kids color in, cut out snakes from my pictures, and then paste them to the front of the headbands.
If you can, center the snake’s body so that the head is facing forward and the body trails off and wraps around their head with the construction paper headband.
Pick a snake picture with the full body uncoiled and have your kids color it in and cut it out.
Now comes the tricky-ish part: They’re going to lay the cut-out over a piece of cardstock and trace the outline.
Then they’ll cut out that outline and paste the two pieces together.
As an added bonus, you can punch a hole in the snake’s mouth and attach red or orange yarn to make it look like the snake’s tongue!
5. S Is For Snake Page
Pick a snake illustration where its body is shown in roughly an S shape (it doesn’t have to be perfect), and have your kids color it in and cut it out.
You will draw a block letter S in one color of construction paper, have your kids cut it out, and paste it down onto a larger piece of construction paper near the top.
Then they’ll paste the snake below the S.
Next, you’ll need markers; the kids will write “is for” next to or under the S and then “NAKE” next to the snake cut-out.
4. Pipe Cleaner Snakes
You’re going to need a variety of pipe cleaner colors to make these snakes, so make sure you’re stocked up beforehand.
Have your kids pick two or three colors they would like to use and, holding them all at once, twist the pipe cleaners together.
You don’t want them to be twisted too tightly – instead, make long swirls.
When they reach the end, they will pinch off about an inch and bend it forward.
Then they’ll take a snake picture, color it, and cut out just the head (you might need to resize the illustration).
They’ll glue the face onto the bent part of the pipe cleaner.
3. Toilet Paper Roll Snakes
Like the paper plate snake, the toilet paper roll snake will get cut into swirls, starting from one end and working your way to the other.
Decide which end is the tail and which end is the face.
You’re going to resize a snake illustration so that the head will fit the toilet paper roll and have your kids color in and cut it out.
Then they’ll paste the face onto the correct end.
2. Keychains
To make snake keychains, you will print off the illustrations of your choice onto shrink sheets.
Have your kids color in the snakes with different colored markers and then carefully cut them out.
They’ll decide where they want the keychain accessories to hang from and punch holes accordingly. Then bake off the cut-outs per the shrink sheets’ instructions.
Once they’ve cooled completely, you can attach the keychain accessories.
1. Googly-Eyed Snakes
For a fun, funny, and simple snake craft, have your kids color in my snake pictures from start to finish.
Then, where the snakes’ eyes are, have them paste on googly eyes! This should transform the pictures from serious to seriously goofy!