Flutter in for a vibrant adventure with these 19 hummingbird coloring pages that are entirely free for you to download and print! If you have students or your own youngsters who are captivated by these stunning birds, these pages are sure to bring a whirlwind of color and joy to their day!
For this collection, I’ve illustrated an array of hummingbirds, showcasing their iridescent plumage, distinctive fluttering wings, and their enchanting dances with blooming flowers. So, sharpen your colored pencils and get ready for a coloring journey that’s sure to be as dazzling as a hummingbird’s flight!

To start coloring any of these pictures, you can do so by clicking on any of the below links or images, which will open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. Once opened, you are then free to download and print as many times as you like!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Hummingbird Coloring Pages
Here are 10 affordable, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Suncatchers
To make beautiful suncatchers with my hummingbird illustrations, you will first need to print the pictures onto transparency paper.
You will then “color in” the lines with bits of tissue paper, which you can cut to fit the shapes or create a mosaic look with small pieces.
After you’re done filling in everything, you will then cut out the overall shapes (the hummingbirds’ figures).
You can then poke a little hole near the top of the hummingbird’s head and tie off a piece of string with which to hang the suncatcher in a window that gets a lot of light.
9. Mobiles
To create a hummingbird mobile, you will need to print out five or six figures (or pages), color them in in different shades and then cut them out.
You’ll poke little holes near the tops of the hummingbirds’ heads and tie off pieces of string of varying lengths.
Then you’ll attach the other end of the string to an embroidery hoop that’s been turned onto its side (so the circle is flat).
Next, you’ll take three pieces of string of equal lengths, tie one end of them evenly around the hoop, and then all together over the hoop.
This gives you something to hang the mobile with!
8. Decorative Plates
You can turn my hummingbird pictures into beautiful decorative plates that are perfect for entryway keys or nightstand jewelry.
You’ll need an inexpensive ceramic or glass plate – plastic won’t do for this craft. You can find cheap plates at the dollar store or yard or estate sales.
You’re going to print off the hummingbird that you want to use, color it in (I recommend using markers for the most vivid colors!), and cut it out.
Then, you’ll Mod Podge the cutout (or cutouts – you can do multiple birds!) to the plate, going over it several times with a sponge brush.
Wait for the Mod Podge to dry completely before putting out the plate for use, and bear in mind that it is NOT food safe any longer!
7. Spinner Toy
Use one of my simpler hummingbird pictures to make a spinner toy that will entrance your small kids.
You’re going to cut out the hummingbird of choice and put a piece of computer paper over it so that it’s visible through the paper.
Then, you’ll trace the hummingbird, except its raised wing; instead, you will do your best to draw the wing lowered. This is why you should use a simpler drawing!
Next, you’ll cut out a circle from a piece of cardstock or construction paper and paste the two hummingbirds on either side.
Then poke holes on either side of the circle and tie off two pieces of string.
Let your kids hold both ends of the string, pulling them taut so that the circle “dances” and spins, making it look like the hummingbird is flying.
6. Watercolor Hummingbirds
Pass a lovely afternoon painting my hummingbird pictures with watercolors.
You can do this on your own or get your children involved – just be sure to dress them in clothes you don’t mind getting dirty (or have them wear one of your old t-shirts).
And don’t forget to put down a drop cloth or vinyl tablecloth to catch spills.
5. Hummingbird Jewelry
To make hummingbird jewelry, you will print off the birds you want to use onto shrink sheets (which you can find online at Amazon).
Color in the figures with markers and cut them out; if you’re going to be attaching any jewelry notions with o-rings, you will also want to punch holes into the cutouts.
Bake the cutouts per the instructions and wait for them to cool. Then you can either use pliers or a hot glue gun to affix the jewelry notions to the shrink sheet hummingbirds.
4. Greeting Cards
For pretty greeting cards with a DIY touch, color in my hummingbirds and then cut a circle around them so that they are at the center.
Take a piece of construction paper or cardstock and fold it in half, and then paste the hummingbird circle to the front. You can also add a lace doily first.
Write a greeting on the front and a special message inside.
3. Wall Art
My hummingbird pictures would make gorgeous standalone wall art; just cut and paste the birds into word processor documents and resize them to be larger.
Then print them out and color them in with good markers or colored pencils.
Cut them out, and you can reinforce them with cardstock; hang them up on the walls like you would wall decals.
Create pretty bookmarks that you’ll enjoy opening again and again using my hummingbird pages.
You’ll likely want to resize the central figure you’re using so that it’ll fit an eight-inch by four-inch bookmark.
You can make the actual bookmark out of cardstock or construction paper, then color in and cut out the hummingbird(s) and paste it on.
1. Hummingbird On A Stick Decorations
For lovely décor that will brighten any room, you’ll first need to source a small-ish branch from your yard.
Color in and cut out the hummingbirds you want to use, leaving about an inch and a half of paper on the bottom.
You’re going to fold that extra paper under so that it forms a flap and use the flap to glue the hummingbirds to the stick.
Then take some twine or string and tie it to either side of the stick, leaving enough slack so that you can hang the stick by it.