Open your hearts to a splash of affection with these 60 heart coloring pages that are all free to download and print! If you have students or your own little ones who are charmed by these universal symbols of love and care, these pages are guaranteed to bring a rainbow of emotions into their day!
Included below are an array of hearts in various designs, from simple, classic heart shapes to ornate hearts adorned with swirls, heart mandalas, stripes, and even flowers! So, pull out your favorite hues, let your creativity flow, and get ready to embark on a heart-warming coloring journey!

To start coloring, you can click on any of the below images or links. This will then open the PDF on a new page, which can then be downloaded or printed. You can also save these PDFs for digital coloring on an iPad or iPhone!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Heart Coloring Pages
Here are 10 affordable, exciting, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Valentine’s Day Greeting Cards
With a few additional steps, you can turn my heart pictures into adorable Valentine’s Day greeting cards that are perfect for the ones you love.
Pick the hearts you want to use, color them in, and cut them out.
You’ll then need red or pink construction paper, which you’ll fold in half to make the card. Paste the hearts in an artful arrangement on the front and include your greeting.
Then write a heartfelt message within!
9. Heart Picture Frames
For a fun activity that is perfect for the classroom setting, have your students bring in a photo of themselves.
You’ll pick a heart to use and pass out the page, then have the kids color it in and cut it out.
Then you’ll have them fold the heart in half and cut out a smaller heart, leaving about an inch or so of space.
They’ll then cut the picture down to fit inside the heart frame; they can also write something on the frame!
8. Window Clings
To make window clings, you will need puffy paint in a variety of colors.
Basically, you’re going to print off the hearts you want to outline and draw over the lines with the puffy paint.
Now, you can simply outline the hearts, or you can color them in entirely; however, if you opt for the latter, you will have to wait upwards of two days for the puffy paint to dry completely!
Once the puffy paint has dried, however, you can peel it off the page and put it up in a window that needs decoration!
7. Suncatchers
For this craft, you will need transparency paper, which you can find in office supplies stores or online at sites like Amazon.
You’ll print off the hearts you want to use onto the transparency paper, then fill in the lines with tissue paper however you like.
That can include making a mosaic with little bits of tissue paper or doing half and half with two colors, or even placing down one color with another over it.
Once you’ve glued the tissue paper down how you like it, you will then cut out the hearts and poke little holes near the top.
You can loop some string through, tie it off and use that to hang your suncatchers in a bright window.
6. Cotton Ball Hearts
For a cute and fun activity that is perfect for toddlers and pre-K, get yourself a lot of cotton balls (you can pre-dye them pink or red if you want, too!).
Simply put, the kids are going to glue the cotton balls onto the hearts, filling in the lines with them.
Or, they can use bunched-up tissue paper. Either way, it’s good practice for their fine motor skills and pincer grasp.
5. Valentine’s Day Decorations
Whether you’re hosting a Valentine’s Day party, an intimate homemade dinner, or simply want to liven up your classroom, you can do so on the cheap using my heart pages.
Individual hearts can be colored in and cut out, then strung together to create bunting – you could even connect enough hearts to spell out Happy Valentine’s Day.
Larger hearts could be used as place settings or table decorations.
You could use some of the crafts listed here to help decorate the walls for your party, too!
4. Heart Buddies
Make these cute little heart guys on a rainy or snowy afternoon in February – or really, any month of the year!
You’ll need a single heart, which your kids can color in and draw a face onto in the middle. Cut that out and set it aside.
Then they’ll take four even strips of construction paper and crinkle it up, like an accordion, from one end to the other.
They’ll glue the construction paper crinkles to the heart, where arms and legs would go. They can finish off the heart buddies with glitter, ribbon, or yarn (maybe a mustache?).
3. Heart Crowns
To make heart crowns worthy of any Valentine’s Day party, you will need construction paper in red or pink (or yellow or purple!) cut into two-inch strips.
You’ll loop the strips – as many as you need to fit each child’s head – and either tape, staple, or glue the ends together.
Then you’ll print off the hearts you want to use. You can and should do multiple hearts for each crown!
Have your kids color them in and cut them out, then paste them to the crown in whatever array they like.
2. Button Hearts
For this craft, you or your kids will simply fill in the hearts on one of my pictures with buttons – I recommend pink and red, but you could also use purple, black, or even orange.
Slightly overlap some to give the picture extra texture, and be sure to let the glue dry totally before picking up your creation!
1. Heart Glasses
To make heart glasses, you’ll pick a heart shape that you like and print two out. Color in the hearts and cut them out then cut out smaller hearts from inside.
You’ll trace the shapes onto a piece of construction paper, right next to each other, with a little bridge between, and cut that out, too – all in one piece.
Then, glue the colored-in hearts over the shapes on the construction paper.
Draw two temples and cut those out and then glue them to the frames.
Once everything is dry, you and your kids have some snazzy eyewear!