On this page, you will find 22 spooky jack-o’-lantern coloring pages that are free to download and print! Just like many American households, we love to immerse ourselves in the Halloween spirit with decorations, food, and thrilling movies. If you share our excitement for this spooky season, then you’re in for a real treat!
For this collection of illustrations, I’ve designed a variety of jack-o’-lantern styles and themes that cater to all ages and skill levels. You’ll find simple-to-color jack-o’-lanterns for kids, eerily realistic designs, friendly and menacing faces, jack-o’-lanterns with scary ghosts, and many jack-o’-lanterns paired with other classic Halloween elements!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Jack O Lantern Coloring Pages
Jack-o’-Lanterns are fun at Halloween or anytime; kids can get creative coloring.
If those finished pages have piled up, youngsters can make these 10 great crafts to preserve their hard work.
1. Jack-o’-lantern Wall Fan
Two identical coloring pages are needed for this fun craft, and the Jack-o’-Lanterns should be colored with the pages left intact.
Each page should be folded vertically, accordion style, and then fanned out.
The bottoms should then be securely taped together, creating a bowtie shape.
When glued to a green piece of poster board, this fancy double fan becomes great wall art during autumn!
2. Create Hanging Lanterns
This classroom craft is fun, easy, and perfect for any age child.
Once the youngsters have finished their coloring pages, they should carefully cut long, vertical slits across the page to create a paper lantern texture.
The idea isn’t to shred the page, though, so a one-inch border should be left at the top and bottom. The pages should then be folded into cylinder shapes and fastened with glue.
From green construction paper, “handles” for these hanging lanterns can be cut and taped to the top, and the Jack-o’-Lanterns can be used to decorate the classroom!
3. Decorative Jack-o’-Lantern Mugs
Making a Jack-o’-Lantern mug is super easy and loads of fun.
Give your youngster a jar or mug with a handle, and let the child use craft paint to color it orange.
Once the Jack-o’-Lantern is colored and cut out, it should be attached to the mug with invisible glue.
Packing twine can be used to embellish the top of the mug, and a green pipe cleaner can be added to look like a drinking straw. This cute mug can be displayed anywhere.
4. Jack-o’-Lantern Secret Treasure
For this easy craft, give each youngster an empty soup can, which they can laminate with their Jack-o’-Lantern coloring pages.
Next, have them color an additional page, glue it to a small piece of cardboard, and cut it out.
A green pipe cleaner should be stapled to the center of the circular cutout and bent up in a spiral fashion to look like a stem.
This becomes the “lid” to the Jack-o’-Lantern can, and your youngster has a place to store secret treasures!
5. Make a Unique Gift for Mom or Dad
Give each youngster a paper plate and some green and orange construction paper for a fun gift for Mom or Dad.
When the Jack-o’-Lanterns are colored and glued to the back of the paper plates, the youngsters can decorate the borders with orange construction paper squares.
The children should then trace and cut out their hands from green construction paper and glue the hand to the top of the Jack-o’-Lantern as its “stem.”
When initials are added to the artwork, it’s a great gift for mom or dad.
6. Modern Jack-o’-Lantern Art
If your youngster wants a career in modern art, this funny Jack-o’-Lantern craft is perfect!
Start with a large, black piece of poster board and have the youngster trace and cut out a pumpkin, including a stem.
Next, using tissue paper, let the child give the pumpkin a fluffy, textured center.
When the Jack-o’-Lantern is colored, it can be carefully cut out and glued to the middle of the larger cutout, and the stem can be used to hang the artwork anywhere you decide!
7. Classroom Jack-o’-Lantern Fun
This engaging craft only requires coloring pages, some cardboard and glue, and two green pipe cleaners for each child.
Once the Jack-o’-Lanterns are colored, they should be glued to cardboard and cut out.
The green pipe cleaners are stapled to either side of the Jack-o’-Lantern as “arms.”
The youngsters can have fun making their cutouts “hold hands” by twisting the pipe cleaners together to form a giant Jack-o’-Lantern chain for the classroom!
8. Mummified Jack-o’-Lanterns
This engaging and spooky classroom craft is much easier than it may seem.
Each child should be given a small pumpkin, to which their Jack-o’-Lantern cutouts can be glued when they are colored and cut from the page. Invisible glue works best for this.
Large wiggle eyes should be added to their faces, and then each child should wrap the pumpkin with ordinary gauze, leaving one eye peeking out.
The gauze will be thin enough to see the artwork through, but the effect is a mummified Jack-o’-Lantern!
9. Easy Glowing Jack-o’-Lantern Craft
For this easy craft, any clear plastic bowl will do. When the Jack-o’-Lantern is colored, it should be cut out and glued to the bowl’s exterior with invisible glue.
The green ribbon is perfect for decorating the top of the bowl, and large, funny wiggle eyes should be added to embellish the face.
Place a tea light in the bottom of the bowl to create a Jack-o’-Lantern effect without using fire. This cute decoration can be displayed anywhere!
10. Fancy Jack-o’-Lantern Artwork
For this adorable craft, have the youngsters slip an ordinary paper plate upside down and laminate it with the Jack-o’-Lantern from the coloring page.
The cutout does not have to fit the paper plate perfectly! Next, make approximately 16 holes around the plate’s circumference using a hole punch.
Thread twine through the holes to create a lacy pattern around the edge. Next, cut up green pipe cleaners, and attach them to the twine for a fancy finishing touch.