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Plants Vs Zombies Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables)

On this page, you will find 34 Plants vs. Zombies coloring pages that are all free to download and print! Whether you’re an avid gamer or just a fan of the popular Plants vs. Zombies game series, get ready to unleash your creativity and dive into the world of this incredibly fun and whacky game!

For this series, I illustrated many versions and themes surrounding Plants vs. Zombies, including the heroic plants such as Peashooter, Sunflower, and Cherry Bomb, as well as the menacing zombies like the Conehead Zombie, Buckethead Zombie, and Football Zombie. You’ll also find some epic plant and zombie battles and even a few Christmas and Halloween-themed pages!

plants vs zombies coloring pages featured image

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!

All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!

10 Craft Ideas To Do With Plants Vs Zombies Coloring Pages

Here are 10 creative, fun, and cheap craft activities that you can do with the above coloring pages!

10. Cupcake Or Cake Toppers

To make cupcakes or cake toppers out of my PvZ (Plant Vs. Zombie) illustrations, you will first need to do some magic on the computer.

Copy and paste the pictures from the original PDF downloadable format into a word processor document; from there, you can actually cut and paste individual figures onto the same page.

You’ll want each figure to be about three to five inches, depending on if you’re making cupcake toppers or cake toppers.

Print them off, color them in, and cut them out carefully (they’re small!). From there, you can paste extra-long toothpicks to the back and, once they’re dry, stick ‘em in your baked goods.

Or, if you have access to a laminator, you can take the extra step of laminating them before gluing the toothpicks to the backs.

9. Monthly Or Weekly Calendars

You can make cute calendars with my PvZ pictures – here’s how.

You might want to change the orientation of the illustrations, which you can do by copying/pasting the picture from its original PDF into a word processor document.

Then change the orientation of the document to landscape, resize the illustration so that it fits on one page, and center the image so that it sits in the middle of the page.

From there, you can either make the calendar grid also on the computer or freehand it.

To connect the two pieces of paper, you’ll punch holes at the bottom of the picture page and the top of the grid page and then use O-rings or even twine or yarn to tie the two together.

8. Suncatchers

To make suncatchers out of my PvZ pictures, you will need to print off the figures you want to use onto transparency paper.

Then you’ll get tissue paper in a multitude of colors, and you can either place little pieces like a mosaic or use bigger pieces to “color” in the lines.

Whichever way you opt, you’ll glue the pieces down and let them dry completely. Then you can cut out the figures, poke a little hole at the top and tie off some cording to hang it with.

7. Planters

What could be cuter than Plants holding plants?

You’ll need some cheap plant pots, which you can find at the dollar store, as well as Mod Podge.

Resize the illustration so that the figures will fit on the plant pots you chose, color them in, and cut them out.

Then you’re going to Mod Podge the cut-outs onto the pots, using a good few coats. 

Let the Mod Podge dry completely, and you’ll have a sealed decorative pot that can withstand some dripping when you water your plants.

6. Puppets

You can make puppets out of my PvZ illustrations with just a bit of glue and some cardstock.

You’ll print off the figures you want to turn into puppets and have your kids color them in and cut them out.

Next, they’ll trace the cut-outs against the cardstock and cut out that those outlines. Then they’ll paste the two pieces together.

Now, they can add a handle by gluing a large crafting stick to the backs, or they can just hold onto the puppets directly.

5. Party Decorations

For a cost-efficient way to decorate your kids’ PvZ-themed party, you can use my coloring pages in a variety of ways.

For example, you can use cut-outs of the figures as place settings, food labels, or strung together as bunting or a mobile.

Or you could use the entire pages as placemats or signs indicating where the coats go or where the bathroom is.

4. Keychains

To make keychains, you’ll need shrink sheets, which you can find online at Amazon.

Print off the figures you want to use onto the shrink sheets and have your kids color them in and cut them out.

They’ll then punch a hole where they want the keychain hardware to affix. Bake off the cut-outs per your shrink sheets’ instructions and let cool completely.

Once they’re ready, you can then attach the keychain hardware.

3. PvZ Headbands

Use PvZ pictures where the “head” of the plant or the zombie is prominent.

You’ll have your kids color in just the top third of the head and then cut it out accordingly.

Next, you’ll make two-inch strips out of construction paper and loop them (you might need to attach two to fit around your kids’ heads).

Then, paste the tops of the heads to the construction paper loops and “crown” your kids with their new headgear!

2. Charm Bracelet

For this craft, you will again need shrink sheets; and you’re going to isolate the figures you want to use and put them all on one page.

To get them to be the right size after baking, you’ll want to resize them, too, to about two inches.

Print them off onto the shrink sheets and have your kids color them in with markers. They’ll cut them out and punch holes near the top.

Bake them per the instructions and let them cool completely. Once they’re ready, you can use pliers and little O-rings to attach them to the bracelet.

1. Rocks

This craft is perfect for all ages – all you need is Mod Podge and some smooth-topped rocks.

You’ll resize the illustrations to fit the rocks, color in the figures, and cut them out.

Then Mod Podge the cut-outs to the rocks and let them dry completely.

You can put them in your plants or your garden or leave them on trails, in parks, or at the beach.

Plants Vs Zombies Coloring Pages Featured Image

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