Step into a timeless love story with these 20 Lady and the Tramp coloring pages, available to download and print for free! Through these sheets, you can relive the enchanting tale of the sophisticated cocker spaniel, Lady, and the street-smart mutt, Tramp, as they embark on unforgettable adventures together.
This selection includes heartwarming scenes like their iconic spaghetti dinner moment, playful chases in the park, and tender moments shared between the two. Whether you’re a long-time fan or introducing this Disney classic to a new generation, these coloring pages are sure to be a big hit!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Lady And The Tramp Coloring Pages
Here are 10 budget, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Yarn Spaghetti Craft
To make a cute yarn spaghetti picture, you’ll pick one of my Lady and the Tramp illustrations where they’re eating at the Italian restaurant (I have several to choose from).
Have your kids color in most of the picture, including the two dogs, the table, and any background.
Then, you’ll need white, light yellow, or tan yarn, which your kids will glue over the spaghetti on the plate (and between Lady and the Tramp’s mouths).
9. Lady Ears Headband
If your kids ever wanted to be a “lady” of their own, now is their chance with this cute craft.
You’re going to pick a picture of Lady where her ears are prominent; I like Cute Baby Lady Coloring Page for this one, as one of her ears is blank, and you can draw in texture if you like.
Print it out twice so you have two ears, and color it in.
Then, you’re going to take two-inch strips of construction paper, fit them around your kids’ heads, and tape or staple them together.
Finally, you’ll attach the ears on either side of the construction paper loops, again using tape, staples, or even glue.
8. Christmas Cards
There are a few of my Lady and the Tramp pictures that would make truly cute Christmas cards, including Scamp With Three Sisters In Front Of Christmas Tree.
Print them on the half page and fold them so that the picture is on top, then give them to your kids and have them color them in for a special DIY touch.
7. Valentines
You can turn some of my romantic Lady and the Tramp pictures into valentines, too, and gift them to your sweetie with flowers and chocolates.
I would recommend cutting out a heart from cardstock, overlaying it with a lacy doily, and then cutting a sweet scene into a heart and placing it over the doily.
6. Perler Beads Keychains
To make a perler bead keychain, you’ll want to pick a simpler picture – like Cute Baby Lady or the like.
Place your perler bead pegboard over the illustration and fill in the colors (e.g., darker brown for Lady’s ears, lighter brown for her fur, etc.).
Once you’re done with that, you can set a piece of parchment paper over the perler beads and iron them down. Your beads shouldn’t have any “dots” in the middle anymore.
When the beads are cooled, you can take a big needle and poke a hole through the figure, then attach your keychain hardware.
5. “And Beyond Those Distant Hills…” Craft
This craft would make an adorable decoration for a nursery, but it would work in any room of your home, too.
Using one of the romantic-themed Lady and the Tramp pictures – I like Lady and the Tramp in Flower Garden – color that in the whole page.
Next, if you don’t have nice handwriting, you can type it out using a pretty font; you’ll write, “And beyond those distant hills, who knows what wonderful experiences?”
This is a quote said by the Tramp to Lady.
Print that out onto colored cardstock, cut it out carefully, somewhat following the letters, and paste it onto the picture.
Then, you’ll just put the illustration in a frame and hang it up.
4. Stick Puppets
To make stick puppets that your kids can play with again and again, you’ll print the figures you want to use onto white cardstock.
Have your kids color them in and cut them out carefully.
Then, they’ll glue popsicle sticks or crafting sticks to the backs. Let the glue dry completely (you don’t want any of your puppets sliding off their sticks!) before playing.
3. Christmas Tree Ornaments
For this craft, you will need clear, fillable Christmas tree ornaments, which you can find at your local craft store or online at Amazon.
Then you will also need shrink sheets; you’ll print out the scene you want to use onto the shrink sheets, color it in with marker, and then cut it down a bit.
Bake per the shrink sheets’ instructions and let cool. When it’s touchable, you can tuck it into an ornament and fill it with ribbon, tinsel, glitter – anything you like.
2. Lady In The Hatbox Craft
To make this craft, you will need a few sheets of construction paper or cardstock, upon which you will draw a cylindrical-shaped hatbox, as well as a lid for it.
Cut those out and decorate them as you like, with ribbon, dots or, stripes, etc.
You’re going to pick an illustration of Lady, color her in, and cut her out, then glue just the top of her head to the very bottom of the hatbox lid.
Cut a slit big enough to fit her in the top of the hatbox and slide her in so that when you pull up on the lid, Lady appears!
1. Jigsaw Puzzles
For a fun classroom activity or to make inexpensive party favors, you can have the kids color in a variety of Lady and the Tramp pictures.
Then, they’ll draw directly onto the illustrations (using black Sharpie) puzzle-shaped pieces and cut them out along the lines.
They can either trade puzzles or collect the pieces into baggies and tie them with ribbon to be included with gift bags for your next Lady and the Tramp-themed birthday party.