Paws, pets, and playtime come together in these 20 Littlest Pet Shop coloring pages, available for you to download and print entirely for free! From Blythe’s apartment to the Day Camp to ever-hungry Russell Ferguson, these pages bring the essence of Littlest Pet Shop to your fingertips!
With scenes showing the pets napping, dancing, giggling, and embarking on all sorts of fun adventures together alongside their human pals, they offer endlessly entertaining coloring opportunities for LPS fans of all ages.

To start coloring, click on any of the below images or links to open the free PDF. Once opened, you can then download or print.
All of the below pages are on US letter-sized paper, but they also scale perfectly onto A4 paper too! Happy coloring!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Littlest Pet Shop Coloring Pages
Littlest Pet Shop characters are adorable and unique, so your child may have colored lots of them.
If those finished pages are piling up, try one of these engaging, innovative crafts.
1. Pet Shop Playground
Begin this unique craft by making a simple play structure for all the little pets.
This is easily done by combining empty paper towels and bathroom tissue cardboard with flat pieces of cardboard or poster board.
These can be put together however the youngster chooses, using a T-shaped pattern.
Then, cutouts from the finished coloring pages can be added to the various areas wherever the child desires. This craft is limited only by the youngster’s imagination!
2. A Milk Carton Home
This innovative craft requires only an empty half-gallon plastic milk container to get started. An arched doorway and windows should be cut from the container.
Then, characters from the Littlest Pet Shop coloring pages should be cut out, leaving an extra inch of paper at the bottom of each one.
When the extra paper is folded back, the characters can be glued into standing positions in the doorway of the “home” and in the windows, looking out.
Decorate the outside of the container with additional cutouts, and display this adorable craft anywhere.
3. Little Pets Ball Crawl
This craft is a big hit with all youngsters and begins with creating a “Ball Crawl” for the little pets, just like the ones seen at carnivals.
Use rolled-up paper and a square piece of cardboard to fashion a structure in the shape of an upside-down table. Then, wrap a piece of saran wrap around the “legs.”
Fill the square with a handful of craft pom-poms, and have the child cut out all his or her favorite characters from the finished pages.
Seal these in contact paper and tuck them into the “Ball Crawl” for a one-of-a-kind decoration.
4. Popsicle Stick Pet Shelf
Start this cute craft by having the youngster fashion a simple bookcase from popsicle sticks.
This is easily done by gluing the thin edge of the sticks to a stiff piece of cardboard or corkboard.
When dry, characters from the Littlest Pet Shop coloring pages can be cut out and glued to the back wall of the “bookcase.”
This adorable craft can be hung on the wall with non-damaging putty or displayed on a desk or bureau.
5. Little Animals in a Tree
This great classroom activity begins with the youngsters working together to draw a giant tree on craft paper.
Then, when each child has cut some favorite pets from the finished pages, they can be added to the tree as if they are resting in the branches.
For extra fun, the youngsters can embellish their cutouts with wiggle eyes, silly tongues made from red curling ribbons, or funny pom-pom noses.
6. Make a Unique Decoration
For this hilarious craft, have the youngsters use a large pom-pom and eight pipe cleaners to create a makeshift octopus.
Then, the child should cut multiple pets from all the finished coloring pages and seal them with contact paper.
One should be glued or stapled to each of the eight octopus arms, and this funny, one-of-a-kind decoration can be hung in a doorway, where it will delight any child.
7. All Aboard The Littlest Pet Shop Jet
Start this craft by having the youngster draw a big jet with lots of windows on a large piece of poster board.
Then, the child should cut pets from the finished coloring pages, making sure there is one for each window.
Using invisible glue, the pets should be attached to the windows, as if they are watching the landscape as the jet roars through the sky.
The background can be decorated with clouds, the sun, or even a night sky!
8. Create an Original Storybook
If your child is a storyteller, let him or her create an original storybook using Littlest Pet Shop characters.
Use ordinary paper, stapled together in the form of a book, as the basis for the craft. Then, let the youngster use his or her imagination.
Different characters can be glued to the various pages, and text bubbles can be drawn with magic markers for the dialogue the child has written.
Use full coloring pages for front and back covers, and the youngster has a delightful storybook keepsake.
9. Make a Pretty Pet Shop Crown
Your little king or queen may like to wear a pet shop crown featuring all his or her favorite animals.
Have the youngster cut multiple characters from the various pages, sealing them in contact paper to make them sturdy.
Use a hole punch to create holes on either side of each cutout, after which they can be strung together with pipe cleaners and tied at one end.
This makes the crown sturdy but still somewhat pliable, and the child can enjoy wearing it for any fun occasion.
10. Family Photos
If you have mini picture frames that you’d like to repurpose, let your youngster use them to create a “portrait wall” featuring a Littlest Pet Shop family.
The child can color and cut out all his favorite characters, placing one inside each frame.
These can be arranged on a piece of corkboard like a traditional family photo display; only it features the tiny pets!
Use this cute craft as a centerpiece or desktop decoration.