On this page, you will find 20 original Luigi coloring pages that are all free to download and print! For this series, I illustrated a variety of styles and types, including Luigi from Mario Kart, Luigi with other iconic Nintendo characters, paper Luigi, Luigi’s mansion, plus many more!
These printables are great for kids (and adults, too!) who are enthralled with Luigi and want something creative to do. After you are done, you can display the completed picture as art in a kid’s bedroom, a placemat, a book cover, and many more creative uses!

To use any of these printables, click on an image or link to open the PDF on a new page. Once opened, you can then download or print any of these pages for free!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Luigi Coloring Pages
The Mario craze is far from over, and Luigi is a very popular character in this world.
Here are some terrific ideas to make all your children’s coloring pages come to life!
1. Bring the Video Game to Life
For this interesting craft, use a red plastic cup filled up about a quarter of the way with sand or craft stones.
Color Luigi, carefully cut him out, and lay him aside. Then, cut a slit in the bottom of the cup and push a wooden craft stick through to the inside.
Once done, glue Luigi onto the wooden craft stick inside the cup.
From the bottom of the cup, the craft stick can be pushed up or pulled down to make it appear as if Luigi is jumping in or out of the cup, just like in the video game!
2. Create a Scoring Notebook
These pages can be used to create a special notebook to keep score of video game points.
This can be done by laminating and gluing a finished Luigi coloring page to the front of a regular notebook.
Another option is to make the whole book by hand, with blank pages interspersed with finished coloring pages, and fastened with ties or paper fasteners to hold it together.
3. Design a Mansion for Luigi
Luigi’s Mansion is a favorite of many youngsters, so let them get in on the fun.
Give the children blank craft paper or even a large poster board on which to draw a mansion of their own creation.
After Luigi is brought to life with crayons, he can be cut out and glued into the mansion wherever the child desires!
4. Line a Drawer or Craft Box
If your child uses plastic drawers or containers to keep craft supplies in, a Luigi coloring page makes the perfect liner!
There’s no need to do anything special, other than color the page itself, and lay it on the bottom of the drawer or craft box.
It can be laminated if you think it’s necessary, but typically the coloring page will work fine for this use without any additional layers.
5. Luigi Door Sign
If your child is a Mario Brothers fan, Luigi makes a great choice for this craft.
When the coloring page is finished, laminate it with acrylic paint or simple laminating paper and glue it to a corkboard or thick cardboard.
Use a hole punch to make a place for a string, and hang it on a small nail, thumbtack, or pushpin.
6. Luigi’s Mansion 3 Craft
In Luigi’s Mansion 3, Luigi has a doppelgänger helping him fight ghosts!
With this fun craft, have your youngster color Luigi the way he or she normally would, but then provide an additional coloring page, making sure the pages are identical.
The second one should be colored only with various shades of green to look like the character in the game.
Each one should then be cut out, and glued together, so that one side is Luigi, and the other side, his counterpart!
7. Make a Luigi “Mask”
Print the coloring page that is a Luigi close-up; just his face and hat. When the page is colored, have your child cut holes where Luigi’s eyes would be.
Carefully cut out the face and glue it onto thin cardboard, making the same eye holes there as well.
Glue the finished product to a wooden craft stick, and your youngster can hold it in front of his or her face and look out the eyeholes, thus becoming Luigi for a moment!
8. Create a Luigi Picture Frame
For this easy craft, print smaller coloring pages with a variety of Luigi figures. Take a large poster board, and follow a template to make a plain picture frame.
Cut the finished characters out of the coloring page and attach them at various places around the frame.
They don’t have to fit perfectly within the borders, but rather you can go a little wild! The picture frame can even be used to frame another Luigi coloring page!
9. Design a Luigi Calendar
If your child likes to color a lot, print out multiple coloring pages, and let him or her make a Luigi calendar.
It can even be made in the form of a story, with each month featuring another part of the story, based on the coloring page.
It can be a well-known story about Luigi, or something your child makes up!
10. Make a Luigi Jack-o’-Lantern
This craft is simple, easy, and loads of fun. Print a Luigi page featuring the character’s face with a scared expression.
Once it is colored, cut out the mouth and the eyes. Fix it to the outside of the pumpkin, using glue stick, but make sure to cut out the same holes in the pumpkin before attaching the coloring page.
Once a candle is placed inside the pumpkin, it will make an eerie, ghostlike Luigi that will make your youngster think he or she is in the mansion!