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Nativity Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables)

On this page, you will find 20 unique nativity coloring pages that are all free to download and print! Whether you are looking for a fun activity to get into the Christmas spirit or to teach children about Nativity and the birth of Jesus, these printables are sure to delight!

For this series, I illustrated many nativity scenes and themes for all ages and skill levels. Included are nativity scenes of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, stable nativity pages, nativity scenes with baby Jesus with kings and shepherds, plus many more that you can see below.

Nativity Coloring Pages Featured Image v2

While these coloring sheets are great to use in the classroom, at home, or in church, they can also have many other uses! These include Christmas tree or mantle decorations, a DIY Jesus-themed gift for a loved one, wall art, or even some fun printable wrapping paper!

All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!

10 Craft Ideas To Do With Nativity Coloring Pages

Here are 10 inexpensive, exciting, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!

10. Mosaics

For a beautiful craft that is front-and-center fridge-worthy, have your kids “color” in the lines – with little bits of colorful paper.

For smaller/younger kids, you’ll want bigger pieces, but for bigger/older kids, you can provide scraps of paper that are smaller.

Encourage the children to “color” as realistically as possible, with yellow for the hay, blue for Mary’s robes, brown for Joseph’s, and an array of hues for any visiting kings.

9. Dioramas

To pull off a nativity diorama, you will need a cardboard box or shoe box, glue, scissors, plus whatever your child wants to use to color on the page.

You might want to print off two of the same nativity coloring pages; one for the backdrop and one for the figures.

Have your kids color in the backdrop and paste it against the “back” (the bottom, with the box tilted so that the opening is facing toward you) of the cardboard box.

Then have them color in the figures; the great part about this craft is that they don’t have to stay perfectly within the lines when shading in the figures – because they’re going to cut them out!

Draw onto the bottom of the figures about a half-inch square and have the kids cut them out with the squares attached.

You’re going to use the squares to fold under so that you have something to glue the figures to the box with.

Place the figures in the foreground; you could even put a battery-powered tea light behind the Baby Jesus’s manger for nighttime illumination.

8. Tabletop Art

For this simple craft, you’ll have the kids color in and cut out the figures on the page.

Then you’ll take empty toilet paper rolls (cut down to size if needed) and paste them to the back of the figures.

You can then set up the nativity on any table you choose.

7. Baby Jesus Crafts

For this craft, you’ll only need the Baby Jesus and his manger, so have your kids color that in and cut him out.

Then, you’ll take a regular-sized paper plate and cut out half the circle, leaving the rim intact.

Have your kids color in the paper plate with a brown marker and then put down strands of yellow construction paper at the top of the non-cut side.

Paste the Baby Jesus’s manger over the construction paper.

Finish with a golden or yellow star at the top of the rim.

6. Nativity Silhouettes

For this craft, your kids won’t need to color anything, but they will have to cut out the central figures of Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Jesus.

Then, using those figures as templates, they’ll trace the shapes onto black construction paper and cut those out.

Using blue construction paper, cut down to a square shape, they’ll paste the figures down. You can also add a black border to the silhouette.

5. Nativity Ornaments

For this craft, you’ll need shrink sheets on which to print the illustrations.

Have kids color in just the central figures and cut them out so that they’re all one piece. Make sure to punch a hole in the top, too!

Bake per the shrink sheets’ directions and wait for them to cool. Once they’re cool, string ribbon through the hole and tie it off.

4. Posters

For a simple craft that will complete your Christmas decorating, simply have the kids color in the nativity page(s) of their choice from start to finish.

Then, frame the images and hang them on the wall for all to admire.

It’s a straightforward use for my coloring pages, but one that immediately brightens your walls and adds a homemade touch to your Christmas décor.

3. Nativity Rocks

Get as many medium-sized rocks as you want to decorate.

You might want to shrink the nativity illustrations a bit to fit the rocks; you can do that on your computer using any illustrator or word processing software.

Print them off and have the kids color in the central figures, then cut them out.

Mod Podge them to the rocks; you might want to do two or three coats to make them truly waterproof.

Then either place it around your home or share the love and leave the rocks at a local park or trail.

2. Christmas Cards

You can turn my nativity coloring pages into lovely Christmas cards to give out to family and friends.

You can either set the illustration to take up half a page and then fold it once.

Or you can place it in the lower-right corner of the page and fold the page in half once, then in half again, so that the illustration is on the front.

Get your kids to color it in and write a message on the inside, and you have yourself homemade Christmas cards that cost next to nothing.

1. Nativity Wreaths

Using green felt or construction paper, cut out about a 10 to 12-inch circle, then a smaller circle from the inside (about seven to nine inches, respectively).

Have your kids color in the figures from several of my nativity coloring pages – people, animals, the Baby Jesus’s manger, etc.

They’re going to cut them out and then place them around the wreath.

Get creative! Use glitter or glitter pens to create stars.

Poke a hole in the top of the wreath and string the ribbon through to hang it.

Marie Fairall

Tuesday 2nd of January 2024

Thank you for your kindness and generosity in allowing free printables of biblical colouring sheets which have been invaluable for my church creche areas. Children have loved colouring them in and have enjoyed this very much.

Monday Mandala Team

Thursday 11th of January 2024

Hi Marie, thanks so much for the kind comment, it is much appreciated! You can also enter any of the completed coloring sheets that the children do into our monthly content :)

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