Power up your imagination with these 22 Nintendo coloring pages, all set for you to download and print for free! With these sheets, you can immerse yourself in the world of Nintendo, bringing to life the characters and consoles that have defined generations of gaming!
This collection features a range of iconic Nintendo characters, from the adventurous Mario and Luigi to the courageous Link and Banjo Kazooie. You’ll also find scenes depicting popular gaming consoles, like the classic N64, the innovative Switch, and the beloved Game Boy!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Nintendo Coloring Pages
All children love Nintendo games, so it’s not surprising they like Nintendo coloring pages, too.
Here are ten inexpensive, engaging crafts to do with all those finished pages.
1. Mario’s Hammer
This craft is enjoyable for all children and begins with rolling a piece of cardboard into a cylinder shape to create Mario’s hammer.
Then, decorate the hammer with cutouts from the Nintendo coloring pages. Next, cut a hole in the hammer’s center, in the correct size for an empty paper towel cardboard.
Spray the cardboard roll red, fit it into the hole, and use a line of rubber cement around its circumference to stabilize it.
Children can play with this fun hammer anywhere!
2. Make a Decorative Game Cube Bank
This interesting craft starts with a small, empty cardboard box. Decorate each side with cutouts from the Nintendo coloring pages.
It can be decorated randomly, or the child can use a specific Nintendo character on the various sides.
Finally, a small slit should be cut at the top for coins, and the youngster can use this adorable, decorative game cube as a bank.
3. New Take on an Old Favorite
Everyone recognizes those famous man-eating plants from Mario. This craft offers a funny way to highlight them if they’re your child’s favorite Nintendo item.
Give the child an ordinary plastic cup filled with packing peanuts or something similar. The cup can be decorated with cutouts from the finished pages.
Then, the youngster can draw the piranha plant, cut it out, and attach it to a popsicle stick. Finally, cut a slit in the cup’s bottom surface.
When the popsicle stick is placed in the slit, the youngster can push it up from the bottom, and it will appear over the rim’s edge, just like it does in the game.
4. Make a Unique Game Score Book
Lots of youngsters still use notebooks to record high Nintendo scores. To take them from ordinary to exceptional, the youngsters can customize them.
The children can choose Nintendo coloring page cutouts featuring their favorite characters, games, or any associated item.
The front of the notebook or ring binder can be decorated in the theme of one specific game or designed collage-style to feature various games and characters.
Seal the work in contact paper, and keep this fancy scorebook as a keepsake. Don’t forget to decorate the back cover too!
5. Nintendo Designer Jewelry
It’s easy to make a one-of-a-kind Nintendo necklace or bracelet.
For example, the youngster can take ordinary, thick paper, fold it into a small cube, and decorate it with cutouts from the Nintendo coloring pages.
Staple a piece of colorful string to the cube, and it becomes a necklace. Similarly, a Nintendo cuff bracelet can also be made from ordinary cardboard.
Simply cut the end from an empty wrapping paper cardboard, laminate it with the desired Nintendo cutouts from the finished pages, and wear this “jewelry” anywhere!
6. Hide the Button
All youngsters remember those old games where three nut shells were rotated on a flat surface, and they had to guess which one concealed a button or a bean.
Children can make fun versions of this game based on Nintendo. To begin, the “shells” can be made by laminating empty jar lids with cutouts from the finished pages.
Then, a final item should be cut from another page and sealed in contact paper. This will serve as the “hidden” item.
Place it under one of the lids, and play the old-fashioned game with a new spin!
7. Create Colorful Framed Art
To begin this craft, create an abstract frame by cutting finished Nintendo coloring pages into four strips. Glue these to an 8.5 x 11 swath of cardboard as a frame.
Then, the child should color and embellish a favorite Nintendo page, making it as bright as possible, using neon markers, glitter, sequins, craft gems, or anything loud and sparkly.
The colored item should then be trimmed from the page into a heart, mushroom, or any desired shape. Using invisible glue, attach it to the frame’s center.
Display this adorable artwork anywhere.
8. Customize a Character
To start this engaging craft, the child should choose a page featuring his or her favorite Nintendo game character.
The idea is to color the page in such a way that the character resembles the child.
Yarn can be used for hair, glasses can be made from pipe cleaners, and funny wiggle eyes and puffy paint are perfect for the eyes and mouth.
Have the child mount it on cardstock and sign his or her name for a terrific keepsake.
9. Quiet! Game in Session
Your youngsters probably play Nintendo in their rooms, so they need a “keep out” sign when games are in session.
Whatever “warning” the youngster chooses should be written in the center of a posterboard with a fat magic marker.
Then, a cutout from the finished Nintendo coloring pages should be added to each corner of the sign.
The youngster can hang the sign on his or her bedroom door when gaming is underway!
10. Make a Reversible Knickknack
Start this innovative craft with a small cardboard box. Use paint to make some sides of one color and laminate others with cutouts from the finished pages.
Make a small slit in the box’s top, and have the youngster choose two characters from other finished pages, gluing one to either side of a popsicle stick.
Place the bottom half of the popsicle stick in the slit at the cube’s top, and the youngster now has a desktop ornament that’s reversible, simply by changing sides!