On this page, you will find 42 festive snowmen coloring pages that are all free to download and print! Winter is here, and it’s time to break out the hot cocoa, cozy blankets, Christmas movies, and embrace the chilly weather with some fun indoor activities!
Whether you’re looking for a fun activity for the kids or a relaxing way to unwind after a long day, coloring snowmen is the perfect way to get in the holiday spirit. Included below are many snowman illustrations with various Christmas and winter themes, including Santa, snowflakes, and candy canes, to name just a few!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Snowman Coloring Pages
Here are 10 inexpensive, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Fluffy Snowmen
You only need cotton balls and glue to make fluffy snowmen out of my coloring pages.
The kids are going to pick a snowman (preferably one where his body is prominent) and then fill him in with glued on cotton balls.
They can color his hat and scarf (if he has one), and you can give the kids little black buttons to glue on, too.
9. Masks
Choose a snowman illustration where the face is featured really large – I recommend the Easy Snowman Face.
Have the kids color in the hat and carrot nose – the rest of him you can leave uncolored because snowmen are supposed to be white!
The kids will carefully cut out the snowman’s head and then punch holes on either side of his face.
Next, they’ll tie string or ribbon or even yarn into the holes, leaving the other ends dangling. They must use enough string to tie in a bow around their heads.
And then they can do just that – tie the ends of the string together and become a snowy snowman!
8. Headbands
If your kids don’t like the idea of wearing something on their faces, they could just wear the snowman’s hat on their heads.
You can do this by using that same coloring page, Easy Snowman Face, and having them color in just the hat.
(They could also adorn the hat along the stripe with ribbon, lace, or a strip of fabric!)
Next, they’ll make two-inch strips of construction paper and connect them, end to end, to make loops. They might have to use one and a half or two to fit around their heads.
Then, it’s just a matter of pasting the hat to the loop. This would be a fun crafting activity at a Christmas party or during the last days of school before Christmas break.
7. Snowman Inside A Snow Globe
While you could color in Snow Globe With Snowman Inside and call it a day, why not take it to the next level and create something truly special?
You’ll need plenty of dark blue and black construction paper; the dark blue you will cut into a circle large enough to fit the snowman of your choice.
And the black you will cut into a triangle, large enough to serve as the base of the snow globe.
You’ll instruct your kids to color in the snowman as much or as little as they want and then cut him out.
First, they will paste the dark blue circle about halfway onto the black triangle (with the circle overlapping the triangle).
Then, they’re going to paste the snowman into the circle.
They can use white-out pens to make little flecks of snow fall all around!
6. Window Clings
To make window clings, you will need lots of puffy paint.
You will have your kids pick which illustrations they want to use and then outline the snowmen with white puffy paint.
Now, they can leave just the outline and then do the outline of the eyes, twig arms, scarf, and nose and put the pieces together separately.
Or they can totally color in the outlines – and know that the wait time for it to dry will likely be up to two days.
Once the puffy paint is dry, you can peel the figures off the page and stick them on the windows.
5. Winter Calendars
You can turn my snowman coloring pages into individual winter month calendars that are so cute – and useful!
You will print off the illustrations your kids want to use and have them color them in, top to bottom.
Then you will either make a table in a word processor or free-hand the actual days/weeks on a separate piece of paper.
Next, you’ll have them punch three or four holes in the bottom of the illustration and the top of the days/weeks page so that they line up.
Attach the two with string, ribbon, or twine.
4. Marshmallow Snowmen
For this cute craft that is perfect for preschoolers, you only need a few bags of marshmallows (mini marshmallows work the best, but the big puffy ones will do, too!).
Basically, the kids will glue the marshmallows onto the snowman’s body and color in the rest.
And I won’t tell if everyone sneaks a few marshmallows to eat!
3. Pinecone Snowmen
Gather rounder pinecones from outside or buy them from a craft store. You’ll also need white spray paint, which you will coat the pinecones in.
Next, you will have your kids pick a snowman’s head (plus a scarf and hat, where applicable!), color it in, and cut it out.
They’ll glue the head to the top of the pinecone, and they can even add real buttons to the front of the body.
2. Earrings
To make snowman earrings, you’ll need shrink sheets and earring notions (plus a pair of pliers wouldn’t hurt).
You will print off the same snowman illustration twice onto the shrink sheets, color it with markers, punch a hole in the top, and bake according to the directions.
Once they’re cooled, you can add the earring notions and wear them with your favorite Christmas sweater!
1. Ornaments
To make ornaments, you’re going to follow the same instructions as the earrings, except instead of adding jewelry posts, you’re going to tie off a loop of ribbon or metallic cording.
Then you can hang it on your Christmas tree this year and every year to come!