Rev up your imaginations with these 26 thrilling Blaze and the Monster Machine coloring pages that are all entirely free to download and print! Known for their high-octane adventures, Blaze and his friends are a hit among kids, making them the perfect subject for hours of coloring fun and creative exploration, whether in the classroom or at home!
For this series, I illustrated a variety of scenes featuring Blaze, his driver AJ, and their friends like Starla, Darington, Zeg, Swoops, Darington, and Stripes, to name a few! So, buckle up, grab your coloring gear, and get ready to turbocharge your creativity with Blaze and his Monster Machine pals, one page at a time!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Blaze and the Monster Machines Coloring Pages
Blaze and the Monster Machines are exciting and fun for any youngster to color.
If those coloring pages are piling up, though, try some of these engaging crafts.
1. Easy Monster Machine Craft Box
Begin this craft by laminating a large tissue box with the finished coloring page, using an additional page to laminate an empty paper towel roll.
Wrap two inches of foil around one end of the roll to serve as Blaze’s “hose.”
A face can then be drawn on one end of the box, complete with wiggle eyes and a puffy paint smile.
Cut a hole in the back right corner for Blaze’s paper towel hose, and your youngster has a fun craft box in which to store tiny treasures.
2. Fun Homemade Partyware
Blaze coloring pages are perfect for making homemade partyware; the more pages your child colors, the better.
Once the images are cut out, they can be used to laminate plates and drinking cups, making sure to seal the finished artwork with acrylic spray.
These cutouts are also perfect for making Blaze placements.
Depending on how many pages the child has, an entire scene can be depicted on the placemat, or just one cutout can be used. Either way, this craft is lots of fun.
3. Abstract Art With a Big Eye
This fun craft is easy to complete with paper, glue, and a giant, funny wiggle eye. From the red poster board, have the youngster cut out the general shape of Blaze’s truck.
This should then be laminated with characters from the coloring pages in an abstract collage style.
Big tires made from black construction paper can be added to the bottom.
Finally, a giant wiggle eye should be glued to the front of the truck, and your child has a unique piece of artwork to hang anywhere!
4. Create a Blaze Piñata
Begin this craft with two pieces of poster board trimmed in the shape of the Blaze truck.
Cutouts from the coloring pages should then be glued to the poster board pieces in any pattern the children desire.
The candy and treats for the piñata should be placed in between the two poster board cutouts, with their decorated sides facing out.
Crepe garland should then be used to wrap the two pieces together in a zigzag pattern so that the artwork shows through and the youngsters have homemade piñata!
5. An Original Birthday Ornament
Begin this craft with the children tracing and cutting out the letters of their names from black construction paper.
The characters from the coloring pages should be cut out and glued to a red poster board, under which the letters can be placed.
The corresponding number for each child’s birthday is then drawn on the truck with puffy paint, and the entire ensemble is sealed in glassine.
Finally, a craft stick can be attached to the cutout, and its opposite end is pushed into a piece of styrofoam for a great birthday ornament.
6. Decorate a Tire Swing
The smooth sides of the tires are perfect for gluing on colorful artwork. If your youngster has a tire swing, he or she will love this craft.
Once some Blaze and Monster Machines characters are colored and cut out, rubber cement should be used to glue them to the tire’s sides.
The youngster can get creative and make any scene he or she desires, and when the artwork is sealed with three to four coats of acrylic spray, it will last a long time.
7. Classroom Races
For this fun classroom craft, have the youngsters color different characters from Blaze, such as Stripes, Pickle, or Crusher.
Then, they can work together to create a giant racetrack from sheet paper to eventually become a classroom mural!
Once the racetrack is designed, the youngsters can cut out their machines and place them around the track. For extra fun, each child can give his or her “racer” a number.
8. A Fun Monster Machines Wreath
This craft is perfect if your child has numerous Blaze coloring pages and they’ve begun to pile up.
Using ordinary brown packing paper, have the youngster twist it into the shape of a wreath. It doesn’t have to be perfect.
When he or she has cut out all the machines from the pages, they can be used to decorate the circumference of the wreath.
They can be used as is or laminated on contact paper first, and a piece of red yarn can be added to hang the wreath anywhere the child desires!
9. Make an Official Racetrack Sign
Using swatches of black and white tissue paper, have the youngster decorate a piece of poster board like a racing flag.
When the child has finished coloring Blaze characters, they should be cut out and glued to the paper.
The child should then add his or her name, like this example: “Justin’s Racetrack.” Two knitting needles can then be used to turn it into a fun sign for the backyard!
10. Make a Hero’s Trophy
Using an inexpensive trophy from any novelty store, let the youngster laminate the front of the trophy with a cutout from a finished Blaze coloring page.
Have the child create a paper fan from colored construction paper in any shape he or she prefers. This can be placed behind the truck cutout to make the trophy extra fancy.
Toy racing flags can be placed inside the cup, and your youngster has a great trophy to display in his or her bedroom.