On this page, you will find 20 unique clock coloring pages that are all free to download and print! If you are a teacher or parent wanting to teach your students/child about clocks and how to tell the time, these printables are a fun, interactive, and creative way in which you can help them to learn.
For this series, I illustrated a wide range of clocks that I think will appeal to all ages and skill levels. I also included a variety of clocks, including analog, digital, blank clock faces, clock towers, clocks with roman numerals, alarm clocks, plus many that you can see below!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Clock Coloring Pages
Clock coloring pages are fun and educational and easily lend themselves to all kinds of fun crafts.
Here are 10 terrific and free ways to preserve all that hard work!
1. Frosty the Snowman Clock
For this fun craft, cut out the finished clock and glue it to the back of a plain white paper plate. “Build” a snowman around the clock, using the clock part for his midsection.
A paper plate of the same size gives Frosty a base, and a slightly smaller one can be used as his head.
Kids will enjoy decorating their Frosty clock with wiggle eyes, and orange felt for a carrot nose, popsicle sticks for arms, and tiny black pom-poms to create a mouth.
2. Make a Ladybug Clock
For a super fun twist on an old favorite, use an upside-down paper bowl and a finished clock coloring page to create a ticking ladybug.
Have the youngsters color their clocks red and black, and once affixed to the upside-down bowl, they can be embellished.
Use black pipe cleaners for antennas and legs and a large black pom-pom for a ladybug head. Don’t forget big funny wiggle eyes and a small piece of red felt for a mouth.
3. A Spooky Spider Clock
For this fun craft, once the clock is colored and cut out, it becomes the midsection of a spider or even an ant.
This is easy to accomplish by gluing a smaller circle to the clock cut-out, which can be made from black construction paper or colored from poster board.
Black pipe cleaners make great legs, and spooky wiggle eyes are a must. Use craft sticks or fancy toothpicks for the clock’s hands.
4. Design a Homemade Grandfather Clock
Children love this easy craft, which is completed with just the coloring page, an old CD, and a shoebox.
Laminate the shoe box with construction paper (or use other clock coloring pages!) and cut out the finished clock.
Paste it to the shoe box, holding the box vertically, and use yarn and pom-poms to create the clock’s pendulum.
Glue an old CD into the middle of the clock cutout to create a shiny center, and let your child embellish the rest any way he or she sees fit!
5. Create a Giant Classroom Clock
This craft is a “clock within a clock,” and all youngsters will enjoy working on it.
On one or more poster boards, have the children work in groups to draw a giant clock free hand.
The children should then attach their colored clocks to the big poster clock so that instead of numbers, the face is a circle of tiny clocks!
See how many youngsters can tell you what number should be where when attaching his or her cut out without having to look at another clock.
6. Make a Felix the Cat Clock
Once a clock coloring page is finished, the clock should be cut out and pasted onto a large circle made from black poster board.
Paper arrows can be used for hands and affixed to the center of the clock with paper fasteners so that they can move.
A smaller circle should then be cut out of black construction paper and attached as the head.
Small triangles can be cut out of pink construction paper for ears, and large craft eyes can be added, along with toothpicks for whiskers and thick black yarn for a tail.
7. It’s Flower Time
A flower clock can be used as a decoration for a vase of flowers or even in a garden bed.
Once the clock is cut out, it should be laminated with glassine, and a large craft stick or knitting needle should be glued or taped to its back.
Colorful petals can be cut out of construction paper and taped to the backside of the clock to make it look as if its face is a flower.
This pretty ornament can be placed virtually anywhere!
8. Countdown to New Year’s Eve
For this easy craft, have the youngsters color and cut out their clocks and paste them into the center of a poster board.
In the blank space around the clock, the children can write down things they remember from the previous year, as well as hopes they have for the next year.
The clock can then be decorated with glitter, confetti, freehand art, or anything the child desires to make it fancy and bright.
9. A Decorative Wall Craft
If your child is creative, the sky’s the limit with this fun craft.
Once the clock is colored and cut out, small holes should be punched around the bottom of its circumference.
With yarn or thread, freestyle cutouts, such as flowers or leaves, can be attached at the bottom to create a decorative piece of wall art.
Alternatively, your child can attach pom-poms, craft feathers, buttons, or any other object to create this piece. It will look a bit like a wind chime, only it’s silent!
10. Make a Unique Invitation
For this easy craft, color two identical clocks, and fasten one on top of the other with the paper fastener at the top so that one clock can be slid up to reveal the one underneath.
On the front clock, have the child write “you’re invited,” and on the inside, have them put the date of the party or event.
Use popsicle sticks or cutouts to make hands that point to the time the party begins!