Get ready to branch out with creativity using these 20 Groot coloring pages, free for you to download and print! Perfect for fans of “Guardians of the Galaxy” and the Marvel universe, these pages are bound to provide hours of artistic fun, one cute coloring sheet at a time!
In this collection, you’ll find various depictions of the lovable tree-like being, from Baby Groot’s adorable expressions to Teen Groot’s rebellious phase and, of course, the heroic Adult Groot in action. Whether he’s dancing, fighting alongside the Guardians, or simply saying, “I am Groot,” each page offers a unique glimpse into his wooden world!

To start coloring, click on any of the below images or links to open the free PDF. Once opened, you can then download or print as many pages as you like.
All of the below pages are on US letter-sized paper, but they also scale perfectly onto A4 paper too! Happy coloring!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Groot Coloring Pages
Groot coloring pages are unique, interesting, and perfect for crafts.
If your youngster has finished a bundle of them, try these affordable, engaging activities.
1. Now Entering Planet X
For this fun craft, have youngsters draw their rendition of Planet X, which is Groot’s original home.
Then, when he’s colored and cut from the page, he can be placed anywhere the child desires on the scene and glued fast.
At the top or bottom, the youngster can write “Now Entering Planet X” and use this comical sign on a bedroom door for lots of laughs.
2. Groot Outside the Window
Because Groot resembles a tree, he’s perfect for this comical craft.
Have the youngsters cut four squares from black construction paper. When finished, it will look exactly like a window pane.
Then, using invisible glue, have them glue the frame over the finished Groot coloring page.
When hung up, it appears to be a view of Groot from the window!
3. Autumn Candle Jars
All youngsters love this fun and simple craft. Give each child an ordinary mason jar stuffed with yellow, orange, and green tissue paper.
When Groot is colored and cut out, he should be laminated to the jar with invisible glue.
Then, add large wiggle eyes and brown pipe cleaners to embellish Groot’s face and arms to make this adorable fall decoration really come to life!
4. Fun With Handprints
To begin this engaging craft, give each child a piece of white poster board and some brown finger paint. The youngsters should make large handprints in the center of the page.
Next, with green markers or even tufts of green tissue paper, they can turn the handprints into trees.
Groot cutouts from the finished coloring pages should then be positioned in the center of the “trees” for a personal touch to some unique Groot artwork.
Frame these cute pieces and hang them on a wall!
5. Make a Groot Flower Pot
Youngsters who want to make gifts for mom or dad will love this fun craft.
To begin, give the child an ordinary flowerpot. It can be plastic, terra-cotta, or any other material. Have the child fully decorate it with various cutouts from the Groot coloring pages.
Then, fill it with ordinary potting soil and let the youngster create a tree by twisting brown pipe cleaners together in a creative fashion.
This can be the placeholder until Mom or Dad replaces it with a real plant!
6. Make a Cute Groot Figurine
This craft is perfect if your child wants to decorate a desk or bureau with a homemade Groot doll.
Start by giving the youngster an empty paper towel cardboard. A slit about an inch long should be cut on opposite sides of its rim on one end.
The cardboard can be decorated with brown puffy paint or brown and gold glitter. Then, when Groot is colored and cut out, the cutout should be laminated in contact paper.
Slide it down into the cut at the top of the cardboard, and your youngster has an adorable Groot doll that stands on its own.
7. Unique 3D Art
When finished, this craft will look quite fancy, but it’s surprisingly easy to make.
Begin by having each youngster glue a cutout from a Groot coloring page to a piece of posterboard in their favorite color.
Then, using brown curling paper, have them embellish Groot to make it appear like he’s growing extra “branches.”
For even more fun, have them trace and cut out leaves from colorful construction paper to really turn Groot into a tree!
8. Giant Groot Display
This craft is perfect as a classroom activity and begins with giving the youngsters 8 to 10 empty paper towel and bathroom tissue cardboards to fashion into a makeshift display rack.
This can be done with krazy glue by simply gluing the cardboard together at different angles to resemble a rack. The youngsters can make it as simple or complex as desired.
Then, when their Groot characters are cut from the finished pages, they can be attached to different sections of the rack for a unique classroom display.
9. Tree of Life Craft
All youngsters love this easy craft, and it begins with a craft ring or old embroidery hoop.
Have the youngsters use pipe cleaners or brown yarn to create the illusion of tree branches, threading them back and forth, dreamcatcher-style, in the hoop’s center.
When Groot is colored and cut out, he should be sealed in glassine or contact paper and attached to the center of the “tree” with krazy glue.
Add a piece of yarn and hang this adorable craft anywhere.
10. Groot on Planet X
This cute craft requires only an old basketball or soccer ball. Using craft paint, spray the ball any color the child prefers. The idea is to make the ball “Planet X.”
Then, have the youngster decorate it with cutouts from the finished Groot coloring pages, applying them like decals.
Spray the ball with several coats of acrylic spray, and the child has his or her own “Planet X,” complete with Groot as the inhabitant.