Get ready to lace up and break into creativity with these 20 Nike coloring pages, free for you to download and print! Nike’s iconic designs, ranging from the instantly recognizable Swoosh logo to their trendy and innovative sneakers, provide a stylish and modern canvas for color enthusiasts of all ages.
In this set, you’ll encounter various Nike sneakers, such as the classic Air Force 1s, retro Nike sneakers, Nike SB skateboarding shoes, and Nike KB, to name a few! Also featured are scenes of athletes wearing Nike gear, the famous Swoosh logo, unique Nike slogans, plus many more you can see below!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Nike Coloring Pages
Everyone knows that Nike is that enduring sneaker brand youngsters love.
If those Nike coloring pages have piled up, these affordable and engaging crafts are a great way to use them.
1. Coloring Page Comes to Life
To make this fun craft, give each youngster a shoebox filled with shoe paper, tissue paper, or ordinary brown packing paper.
Next, have them color two identical Nike coloring pages and cut the pairs of sneakers from the page.
The blank side should be glued together, with a thick layer of cotton batting in between. Then, the pair of sneakers should be sealed in glassine.
Yarn can be used to create “shoelaces,” and the sneakers can be glued to the layer of paper in the box. At first glance, the sneakers will look real!
2. Walking Up the Wall
This craft is great if your youngster wants a comical touch added to his or her bedroom decor.
Once seven or eight sneakers are laminated to thin cardboard and cut from the coloring pages, non-damaging wall putty should be added to their backs.
Then, the cutouts can be transferred to a wall in a footstep pattern to depict that someone has been “walking up the walls.”
3. Make a Unique Decoration
This craft is perfect for displaying a creatively colored Nike sneaker. When finished, the page should be glued to a thin piece of corkboard or corrugated paper and cut out.
Glue a rectangular piece of cardboard to the bottom of the sneaker as if it’s “standing” on it.
Then, pipe cleaners can be bent and stapled to the bottom of the cardboard to form an “easel.” You can now display your youngster’s colorful sneakers anywhere!
4. A Comical Craft
For this fun group activity, give the youngsters a large piece of craft paper and have each child draw a bug. It can be an aunt, spider, fly, or anything they like.
Glue the coloring pages to thin cardboard, and when the sneakers are cut out, a fold should be made in the toe area of the cutouts.
Using krazy glue, have the youngsters glue the toes of their sneakers onto the bugs they colored as if they were “squishing” them for a hilarious piece of artwork.
5. Nike Wreath
This easy craft is perfect for any age child, particularly if he or she has lots of coloring pages finished!
A circle should be cut from a piece of green posterboard, and the center hollowed out, similar to how a tire looks.
Then, the toe end of each cutout should be glued in place around the circle until it becomes a wreath of sneakers. This cute craft will look nice anywhere.
6. Make a “Just Do It” Sign
Everyone knows that famous Nike logo, “Just Do It,” so use those coloring pages to make a sign featuring that iconic phrase.
The youngsters should cut out the finished Nike shoe and glue it to a piece of cardstock, writing the famous logo on top in puffy paint.
Underneath, the child should write a big goal he or she has for the future and display the poster where it will remind the youngster to keep working towards the goal!
7. Classroom Running Track
Start this interesting classroom activity by having the youngsters work together to draw a giant racetrack on a piece of craft paper.
When the youngsters have colored and cut out their Nike sneakers, they should add wheels to the bottom made from construction paper. This makes the sneakers look like cars!
Then, they should be glued to the track as if they were in the race. Display this fun poster in the classroom.
8. Make a Funny Caricature
To make this comical craft, have the youngsters cut out the Nike sneaker from the finished coloring page and turn it upside down.
On the blank area on the back, the children should color themselves, caricature style. It doesn’t have to be perfect! The idea is to make it silly.
It’s almost certain to be comical when the youngsters have to make the picture fit in the shape of the sneaker’s sole, and that’s the fun of it!
Use these silly cutouts as hanging ornaments in the classroom.
9. Hanging Around
Ice skaters sometimes hang their skates around their necks, so why not do this with sneakers?
Once the youngsters have finished coloring two similar Nike shoes, they should be glued to thin cardboard and holes punched in the heel ends.
Using a real shoelace, which should be long, the youngsters can thread the sneakers through and “wear” them around their necks as if they just got back from a track meet!
10. Make a Scoring Notebook
If your youngster has lots of favorite sports teams and likes keeping track of scores, a fancy scoring notebook can be made with Nike coloring pages.
Using an ordinary ring binder, have the youngster glue a finished coloring page to both the front and back cover of the binder.
Then, dividers can be used in between sheets of paper to designate various teams.
These dividers can be decorated with Nike cutouts as well, and new sheets of paper can be added in between whenever necessary!