Plunge into the mysterious depths with these 26 octopus coloring pages, free for you to download and print! With these sheets, you can dive straight into the fascinating world of these eight-armed wonders, discovering the intrigue and beauty of one of the ocean’s most intelligent and adaptable creatures.
In this collection, you’ll encounter the giant Pacific octopus, blue-ringed octopus, mimic octopus, dumbo octopus, common octopus, and the coconut octopus, to name a few. Also included are cute and simple octopuses for kids, an octopus coloring worksheet, a Kraken octopus, and even some octopus mandalas!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Octopus Coloring Pages
Octopus coloring pages are popular with children everywhere.
If those finished pages are piling up, try these affordable and easy crafts to preserve your child’s hard work.
1. Easy Octopus Ornament
To make this super-cute craft, have the youngster cut the octopus from the finished page and glue it around an empty paper towel cardboard.
The leftover cardboard at the bottom can be curled up as tentacles cut into strips without cutting them completely off.
The cardboard will curl easily, and it can then be sprayed with craft paint to match the coloring page cutout.
This adorable craft will sit on its own wherever it’s placed.
2. A Unique Hanging Decoration
To make this one-of-a-kind hanging decoration, have the youngster color and cut out an octopus and glue it to an empty coffee container. Rubber cement works best for this.
An old shower cap should be tied around the top, and large wiggle eyes are a must!
Then, have the youngster make five or six paper chains from colorful construction paper and glue or tape them around the bottom of the can.
Hang this unique octopus anywhere!
3. Swimming Along
Begin this fun craft by giving the youngster an ordinary paper plate, which should be colored blue with craft paint or crayons.
Then, when the octopus is colored and cut from the page, pieces of colorful yarn should be stapled to the bottom to embellish the octopus’ tentacles.
Big wiggle eyes should be added to the cutout, and the ensemble should be glued to a craft stick or popsicle stick.
Make a cut across the center of the plate, and slip the craft stick through. The child can hold the stick from behind and make the octopus move across the “water.”
4. Revive an Old Lampshade
If you have an old lampshade you’d like to revive; nothing is better than an octopus coloring page.
Start by having the youngster cut out the finished octopus, which can be glued to the lampshade with fabric glue.
Then, use a curling ribbon to embellish the octopus’ tentacles, allowing them to hang down past the lampshade’s bottom rim.
It will look like an old-fashioned fringed lamp, only octopus style!
5. Count Your Blessings
This fun craft is perfect for youngsters of all ages and is a great classroom activity.
When the youngsters have finished their coloring pages, the octopuses should be cut out and glued to a posterboard base.
This can be done as one giant collage, or each child can do one individually.
At the tip of each of the octopus’s eight tentacles, the youngsters should write something they are grateful for, and this adorable “reminder” can be displayed anywhere.
6. Make a Colorful Wind Chime
Start this craft by giving each youngster an empty styrofoam cup turned upside down. The octopus from the coloring page should be cut out and laminated to the cup.
Next, tufts of bright-colored tissue paper can be attached to the cup’s bottom rim with glue or staples. These will look like big, colorful tentacles.
A small craft bell should be attached to the bottom of each piece of tissue paper with a small piece of tape or krazy glue.
Hang this adorable octopus wind chime in a doorway or window.
7. Octopus Trivia
All children will enjoy this fun craft-turned-game, and it begins by carefully cutting out their artwork from the finished coloring pages.
The body of each octopus should be glued to a piece of construction paper as a background, leaving the tentacles “free.”
Underneath each tentacle, the youngsters can write the answer to a trivia question and then write the trivia question on the side of the tentacle that can be seen.
When they answer each other’s questions, the octopus can lift its arm to display the answer!
8. Design a Giant Classroom Decoration
This classroom craft is lots of fun and starts by fashioning a giant circle from a long strip of cardboard.
The students should color and cut out their octopus characters from the pages and attach them around the circumference of the cardboard with invisible glue.
The youngsters can embellish the tentacles with anything they desire, such as paper chains, streamers, or even pipe cleaners with pom-poms at the end.
This giant craft can be hung from the ceiling as a hilarious “chandelier.”
9. Fun With Pipe Cleaners
This cute craft is a big hit with kids of all ages and begins with giving each child eight pipe cleaners in various colors.
Then, each youngster should be given an empty soup can that’s cleaned and dried. The youngsters should glue their octopuses to the outside of the cans.
The pipe cleaners can be glued to the bottom circumference of the cans with craft glue.
The children will have fun bending the octopus’s tentacles into various shapes. The best part is that the octopus will stand on its own.
10. Chow Time
This fun craft is made with Cheerios, and it’s an instant favorite with any age child.
Once an octopus is colored, the youngsters should use Cheerios to embellish the tentacles. This will make the octopus look surprisingly real.
For extra fun, glue several Cheerios to the tentacle nearest to the mouth of the octopus as if he’s about to chow down!
Display this inventive artwork on the refrigerator.