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Sun Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables)

On this page, you will find 20 original sun coloring pages that are all free to print and download! When I was teaching first and second grade in elementary school, lessons on the sun and its importance were always eagerly awaited! Children were always so fascinated by this bright, life-giving star that warms our planet and makes life possible.

For this series, I illustrated a wide variety of sun pictures to fit every aged child, including simple drawings of the sun, the sun with rays, the sun with smiling faces, the sun with clouds, sunrise and sunset scenes, sun mandalas, the sun in different cultural styles, plus many more!

Sun Coloring Pages Featured Image v2

These printables can make for a fun and informational way to learn about the sun while also expressing some creativity. Once the pages are completed, they can be hung up in the classroom as decorations, used for a doorway entry, book covers, plus many more uses!

All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!

10 Craft Ideas To Do With Sun Coloring Pages

Kids enjoy playing in the sun, so it’s not surprising they love to color it too!

Here are 10 top crafts to do with the completed pages for extra fun.

1. Comical Sunglasses

This craft is a favorite with all children everywhere! Coloring pages featuring a sun with many pointy rays around its circumference are perfect. Two pages are needed.

Once the suns are colored and cut out, holes should be cut in their centers in the approximate size of the sunglass lens.

With Krazy glue or craft glue, the suns should be glued to the front of the frames to make an outrageously funny pair of sunglasses.

2. A Sunny Decoration

Begin this craft with orange and yellow construction paper, and have the youngster trace his or her hand approximately 6-8 times.

Next, the child should color the desired page, adding a huge smiley face to the sun’s center with a marker or puffy paint. 

Once the sun is cut from the page, the hand cutouts should be glued to the back to become the rays! 

This adorable craft can be hung anywhere to brighten someone’s day.

3. Make an Old Fashioned Sundial

This fabulous craft is perfect as a classroom activity and is simple and easy to make.

Once the pages are finished, and each child has cut out a bright sun, it should be laminated to a cardboard circle.

Next, Roman numerals should be written around the circumference. This can be a fun learning activity.

Finally, a small piece of cardboard can be used to create the “dial,” which can be slid into a tiny slit made in the sun’s center for an original sundial!

4. Design an Unusual Refrigerator Magnet

For this fun craft, give the children construction paper in multiple colors to cut into long strips.

When the pages are finished, the suns should be cut out and embellished with wiggle eyes and big smiles.

The strips are then folded in half, and the ends taped together so they can be glued in a circle behind the sun as a colorful border.

Craft magnets can then be attached to the back for a terrific refrigerator magnet.

5. Easy Paper Sun Crown

For this easy craft, give each youngster a long strip of yellow poster board. The ends can be stapled or taped together to create a “crown.”

Each child should color a bright sun, cut it from the page, and seal it in contact paper or glassine.

The sun should be placed in the center of the crown for an adorable, sunny headband.

6. Make an Emoji Sun

Even the youngest child probably recognizes emojis, so why not let them make one from the sun?

Once the sun is finished and cut out, the youngster can use stickers, black and red markers, or other craft items to create an original emoji.

Sunglasses, hats, or even a text bubble can be added to make the sun “talk.”

When finished, it can be displayed in the child’s room or on a refrigerator. The youngsters may also decide to make a banner from their emojis for their classroom!

7. Sun and Flowers Garden Ornament

This craft begins with coloring and cutting out a big bright sun, laminating it to a corkboard, and gluing it to a large craft stick. 

The sun should be sealed in contact paper or coated with a layer of acrylic spray.

Next, paint the craft green, and attach a few artificial flowers with pipe cleaners.

This beautiful ornament is perfect to place in a flower arrangement or to decorate a garden.

8. Decorate a Bird Feeder

If you have a plain bird feeder that needs some pizzazz, have your youngster finish some sun coloring pages and use them to make decals.

These can be applied to the surface of the birdfeeder with Krazy glue or rubber cement, and they can be arranged in any pattern your child prefers.

Small stickers of birds, butterflies, or caterpillars can be added in between to make it extra fancy and a coat of acrylic spray will seal in this cheerful artwork.

9. Pipe Cleaner Daydreams

Begin this craft with a plain, white paper plate, some yellow pipe cleaners, and some inexpensive craft jewels.

Once your child has colored and cut out a sun, it should be glued to the center of the paper plate.

The yellow pipe cleaners can be attached to the back, where they will become the sun’s rays, and the craft jewels can be used to make a sparkling face to reflect natural sunlight.

This adorable ornament is perfect for hanging in a doorway or from a porch roof.

10. Paper Plate Sun Marionette

This craft makes a great classroom activity that all youngsters enjoy. When the sun is colored, it should be glued to thin cardboard and cut out.

Pipe cleaners should be added as arms and legs, and hands and feet can be made from construction paper to complete the puppet.

The hands should be laminated in contact paper, and small holes made at their tops. 

When the string is threaded through the holes, the youngsters can have fun playing with their sun marionettes!   

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