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Transformers Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables)

On this page, you will find 50 original Transformer coloring pages that are all free to print and download! These pages were really fun to do as I had a lot of help from my two young boys, who are massive fans of all things Transformers!

I illustrated a wide range of pages for this series, including popular Transformer characters and themes such as Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Jetfire, the Transformers logo, Insignia, and many more!

transformers coloring pages feature

To get started, click on any of the images or links below. This will open the PDF coloring sheet in a new tab. From there, you can download, print, or even color digitally on an iPad.

All of these coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes too! Enjoy!

10 Craft Ideas To Do With Transformer Coloring Pages

Here are some unique craft ideas you can try with your finished Transformer coloring pages that all kids will enjoy!

1. Get the Transformer Ready for Battle

The above printables can be easily turned into an ornament for a desk, bureau, or gaming table. Color the Transformer and use Elmer’s glue to attach it to a thin piece of corkboard.

Carve it out of the corkboard and place bottle caps at the bottom to serve as the Transformer’s “feet.” 

With pipe cleaners, create makeshift ion blasters and photon pistols. Glue or staple these to the character’s hands, and you have a great decorative ornament!

2. A Fun Classroom Transformation

Transformer coloring pages make great classroom or at-home activities, especially when the kids get inventive.

Have each child color his or her favorite transformer page and carefully cut them from the page. All the transformers should be mounted on a poster, and then the fun begins.

Have a large box of craft materials, such as pipe cleaners, yarn, elastic string, glitter, pom-poms, and similar items.

Have each child create some “laser streams” with his or her chosen material, and you suddenly have a colorful, attention-getting poster for the classroom.

3. Create a Transformers Game

When the children have colored their transformer characters, they should be glued to a stiff poster board and laminated with two coats of acrylic spray.

Next, they should be strung together with thin thread to create a paper chain that can be used in a fun game. 

Have two children take turns holding either end of the paper chain while one child runs through it to see if he or she can run fast enough to break the “chain.” 

The laminated Transformers will hold up fine; only the thread will break!

4. Have the Transformers Guard Your Treats

Take an ordinary snack bag clip and turn it into something fun. 

This craft begins with the youngsters coloring a transformer logo page. Transformers themselves can be used for this craft, but the Transformer logo works especially well.

Two pages can be colored, and when the characters or logos are cut out, they can be laminated with glassine and glued to either side of the bag clip with Krazy glue.

Kids can make a separate one for chips, pretzels, bread, or anything that comes in a bag!

5. A Great Two-Part Classroom Craft

With this craft, kids can color a transformer and create a word search! 

Of course, the words should be related to all things Transformers. The coloring page chosen is simply a matter of preference.

The children can make their craft in poster form, with the coloring page at the top and the word search underneath.

They can also design it in card format, with the picture on the left and the word search on the right. Either way, it’s a ton of fun!

6. Laminate Toy Bowling Pins

Lots of kids have toy bowling sets, or there may be one in their classroom. Fortunately, this craft can be done individually or as a group.

It may take more than one coloring page to laminate each bowling pin. This simply depends on their size.

The characters can be cut out and used as decals, or the entire page can be used to eliminate the pins. This is just a matter of preference.

Acrylic spray should be used to seal the pins, and several coats are recommended to keep them looking nice!

7. Fun Felt Faces

The Transformer logo works best for this craft. After it’s colored, very thin cardboard should be used on which to mount it. 

Then, felt is cut out in the same shape as the various mask parts. Krazy glue is best for this task. 

Elastic string is perfect as a way to wear the mask, and this simply needs to be tied through two small holes on either side of the felt face.

8. A Creative Key Holder

Using a corkboard and thumbtacks, the above printables can be used to make a terrific keyholder.

Once the coloring page is finished, the Transformer should be cut out and glued to the corkboard with rubber cement. 

A small nail or thumbtack should be positioned in the Transformer’s hand.

Once the keys are hung on the nail or tack, it looks like the Transformer is “handing” the person his or her key ring.

9. Fun with Helium Balloons

This craft is loads of fun for any child. It requires some helium balloons and some empty paper towel rolls.

The cardboard should be laminated with the finished coloring pages, which can be left intact or cut out.

Glassine or acrylic spray should be added to keep them nice. The helium balloons are then stapled to the top of the cardboard roll, and suddenly, the Transformer is flying through the air!

10. Mailbox Guardian

Have your youngster color his or her favorite character and use it as a decal for the side of a mailbox.

Better yet, if your mailbox is on a post, laminate the Transformer with acrylic spray, cut it out, and affix it to the post as if the Transformer is holding up the box.

Another fun way to do this craft is to affix the cutout to the mailbox’s red flag, so it’s waving to the mail delivery person to alert him or her that there’s mail to go out!

Transformers Coloring Pages Featured Image


Thursday 20th of April 2023

Could you do bayverse: ironhide, ratchet, optimus, starcream, constructicons, grimlock, slug and scorn


Sunday 18th of June 2023

So where are the characters i've requested?


Tuesday 6th of June 2023

And add dark of the moon: leadfoot, roadbuster, topspin


Monday 29th of May 2023

@Vladimir_03, and rise of the beasts: bumblebee, scourg, wheeljack and battletrap


Monday 29th of May 2023

@Vladimir_03, and bayverse jazz and brawl


Monday 29th of May 2023

@Monday Mandala, Could you do: The last knight ww2 bumblebee and ww2 hot rod, bayverse constructicons, bayverse shockwave, dark of the moon: soundwave, que, dino, megatron. I would appreciate it

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