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Robot Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables)

On this page, you will find 32 robot coloring pages that are all free to download and print! Whether you are a parent seeking an activity to keep your child entertained, or a teacher looking for an engaging and educational activity with a robotic theme, these pages are sure to be a big hit!

For this series, I illustrated many robots, including popular ones from pop culture, including R2-D2, Wall-E, C3-PO, Optimus Prime, The Iron Giant, and even Bender from Futurama! Below, you will also find simple to-color robots for young kids and some detailed ones for older kids and adults.

Robots Coloring Pages Featured Image

While these robot printables make for a terrific and relaxing activity, they can also be used for scrapbooking pictures, book covers, framed wall art, robot-themed birthday party decorations, banners, DIY birthday cards, and even DIY bookmarks!

All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!

10 Craft Ideas To Do With Robot Coloring Pages 

Here are 10 creative, fun, and crafty activities that you can do with your completed pictures!

1. Build-A-Robot

The simple craft is completed by laminating a small rectangle-shaped box with a robot coloring page. 

An empty toilet paper roll is then glued horizontally on top as the head.

Black pom-poms make perfect eyes, and a black marker can be used to create a grid-shaped mouth to complete this hilarious face.

Use stiff paper, folded up and stretched out accordion-style, for arms and legs and gray pom-poms for feet. The result is an eerily lifelike robot.

2. Dress up a Tin Bucket

If mom and dad have flowerpots or utility buckets sitting around the house or garage that are not so attractive, robot coloring pages are the perfect remedy.

They can be used in their entirety, or the robots can be cut out and glued to the outer surface of the buckets individually.

With four large buckets or pails, youngsters can create a pattern with several robot coloring pages to depict a short story!

3. Make a Moveable Robot

This craft makes a good classroom activity, but it’s also great for individual children. Ideally, two robot coloring pages should be used.

The first one is rolled up as the body of the robot, and then another robot should be colored and the various parts cut out and attached to the rolled portion to make it look real.

Craft sticks can be used for legs, and pipe cleaners make great arms. Fancy toothpicks can be stuck at the top to serve as antennas, robot ears, or anything the child wants!

4. Create a Glow-In-The-Dark Robot

This craft is a terrific choice if your child has been longing for a glow-in-the-dark ceiling decal.

Instead of using traditional crayons, use glow-in-the-dark paint to finish the robot coloring page.

It can be cut out or left in its entirety, and affixed to your child’s bedroom ceiling with non-damaging wall putty or other acceptable substance.

Once the lights are out, the robot will be glowing down on your youngster!

5. Design a One-of-a-Kind Robot Pin

This craft is definitely top on the fun list. Have the youngsters color and cut out a robot that does not need to be laminated.

Decorate a clothespin with tiny pom-poms, and put glue on the outer edges of one side of the hinged section.

Cut the appropriate length slit in the coloring page, and fold two tiny edges down so that they can be pressed onto the glued side of the clothespin.

The result is hilarious: when the clothespin is squeezed shut, the robot looks as if its mouth is opening!

6. Build Your Own Android

Robot coloring pages make great items with which to create an android robot.

Use a tissue box in its upright position, and create legs from rolled-up pieces of paper, about the size of a cigar. Pipe cleaners are great for arms.

Use a small shell, a tiny craft bowl, or even one half of the walnut shell as a head, and tape or krazy glue toothpicks for those tiny antennas.

If the robot is colored green, it will look just like that little android icon.

7. Make a Difficult Puzzle

Robot coloring pages can easily turn into puzzles that even adults may find difficult. The key is coloring and cutting the robot page in a swirling pattern.

Since robots typically feature square or rectangular geometric shapes, this will make it difficult to put the puzzle back together, even if only a modest number of pieces are used.

For extra fun, the youngsters can color tiny “clues” into their homemade pieces so they can impress the adults by putting their puzzles together quickly.

8. Create a Dancing Robot 

Have the youngsters color their robots brightly and decorate them with glitter, puffy paint, or even craft paint.

It’s important to choose a full-length robot with arms, legs, hands, and feet.

Once it’s colored, it should be carefully cut out, and then tiny holes should be made at the appropriate places in order to put it back together with paper fasteners.

This creates loads of fun for kids because they can put the robot into any position they want.

9. Make a Robot Activity Board

A  robot coloring page is a fun item to make into an activity board. Color the page and leave it intact rather than cutting the robot out.

Glue it to a piece of cork board and trim the edges with gray, white, and black pom-poms.

Designate a part of the robot for each part of the day, such as morning, afternoon, and evening.

Use it to tack reminder notes, receipts, tickets for events, or anything the family doesn’t want to lose.

10. Make a Silly Robot Mask

Have the youngsters choose a robot face to color; the bigger, the better. When finished, it should be glued to thin cardboard or construction paper. 

Make tiny holes on either side for a piece of elastic string, with a button on either end to hold it in place. 

Cut out holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth, and you have a silly robot mask to wear any time.

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