On this page, you will find 65 Among Us coloring pages that are all free to download or print! Before I set out to illustrate these pages, I had no idea how popular the Among Us game was! Luckily for me, my two young sons (who are obsessed with Among Us) led me in the right direction on what to include.
Some of the many Among Us characters, tasks, and scenes I drew include crewmates, impostors, various hats and skins, pets, the Skeld, MIRA HQ, Polus, Airship, in-game tasks, emergency meetings, and many more! These printables are perfect for young ones who are big fans of Among Us and looking for a fun and creative activity!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
15 Craft Ideas To Do With Among Us Coloring Pages
Here are 10 affordable, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring pages!
15. Paper Dolls
You can turn the Crewmates from my Among Us pictures into cute paper dolls (or handheld puppets if you prefer) that’ll spark your kids’ imaginations.
Have your kids color in and cut out Crewmates, then trace the cut-outs against cardstock or construction paper.
Cut out the outline they just drew and paste the two pieces together.
From here, the kids can either play with them as-is (after the glue has dried) or paste crafting sticks to the back for easier handling.
14. T-Shirts
For this craft, you will need a Cricut machine (or similar), and once you have the iron-on printed and cut, you can really apply it to anything – bags, hoodies, backpacks, etc.
You’re going to copy/paste the illustration with the Crewmate you want into an illustrator software so that you can color it in.
Then you’ll print it off onto iron-on vinyl and feed it into your Cricut for the precision cut (instructions for that can be found here).
Once it’s cut, you can iron on the cut-out to your t-shirt; some cute ideas include on the pocket (if there is one) or even on the back, up near the collar.
13. Calendars
To make cute Among Us calendars, your kids will color in the illustration of their choice and then either make a calendar grid on the computer or freehand on another sheet of paper.
You have a few options to bind the two together; if you have access to a spiral binder, that is a great choice.
Or, you can use a simple three-hole punch and then bind the two pages together using O-rings, twine, or even yarn.
Plus, your kids can make up multiple-month grids and tear them off as the month changes.
12. Party Invitations
When you’re throwing an Among Us-themed party, you’ll want the invitations to set the tone.
For an inexpensive way to make invites, use my Among Us pictures.
You’re going to copy and paste the illustrations into a word processor. Resize the image so that it takes up a fourth of the page.
You’re going to place it in the upper-left corner – upside down. Don’t worry; the picture will be on the front, right-side up, once it’s folded!
You can then add the party info on the inside (bottom-right corner of the page) via the word processor or add it in manually.
Have your kids color in the pictures, and you will have some nifty invitations!
11. Cupcake Or Cake Toppers
To make cupcake or cake toppers, you will need shrink sheets, which you can find online at Amazon for less than $10 a pack.
You’re going to print off the Crewmates of your choice onto the shrink sheets and have your kids color them in with markers or Sharpies.
Then they’ll cut them out, and you’ll bake them off per your individual shrink sheet’s instructions.
Once they’re cooled, you’ll need to get out your hot glue gun because you’re going to glue extra-large toothpicks to the backs.
Once the glue has set, they’re ready to be stuck in cupcakes or onto your character cake!
10. Valentines
For adorable Among Us-themed Valentines (which you can give at any time of the year if you love someone!), just follow these steps.
You and your kids are going to choose a Crewmate, color it in, and cut it out.
Then you’re going to trace the outline against a piece of construction paper or cardstock.
You’ll cut out that outline and carefully staple the two pieces together at the very top. Two or three staples should do it.
Once you have the pieces together, you can write your Valentine’s Day message on the inside.
Something like, “I love being Among You!” or “I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is Among Us.”
9. Pencil Holders
To make pencil holders with my Among Us pictures, you will need toilet paper rolls.
You’ll have your kids color in, cut out different Crewmate figures, and then set those aside.
You can keep your toilet paper rolls brown or – and I recommend this step – cover them in construction paper in a complementary color.
Then you’re going to glue the toilet paper rolls to the backs of the cut-out figures.
This simultaneously sits the figures upright on their own and gives a place to stash your pencils, pens, and markers.
8. Posters
Your kids can make super cool Among Us posters using cut-outs from different coloring pages.
Start off with a big piece of poster board and then add Crewmate cut-outs that have been colored in.
They can also trace and cut out letters that spell Among Us (or any other catchphrases from the game, like “Throw sus” or “AFK.”
7. Keychains
To make cute Among Us keychains, you will need shrink sheets, plus any keychain accessories you want, like O-rings or clasps.
You’re going to have your kids pick out the figures they want to use, color them in and cut them out.
Before you bake them off, your kids will punch holes where they want the keychain attachments to go.
Bake per the shrink sheets’ instructions and wait for them to cool completely.
Once they’ve cooled, you can attach your keychain hardware.
Crewmates are the perfect shape for bookmarks, so let’s get on it.
You’re going to have your kids pick out which figures they want to use, then color them in and cut them out.
They can then proceed one of two ways: They can paste the Crewmate figure onto a rectangle of construction paper, or they can reinforce the cut-out with cardstock or construction paper.
If the former, you can resize the illustrations a bit so that the Crewmates fit on a typically-sized bookmark.
In fact, you could do multiple cut-outs on a single bookmark.
5. Coasters
To make Among Us coasters, you will need ceramic or wood tiles and Mod Podge tiles.
You’ll likely have to resize the illustrations so that the figures will fit on the tiles; print them off, have your kids color them in, and cut them out.
Then you’ll need Mod Podge the cut-outs to the tiles. You will probably want to apply a few coats and then wait for the tiles to dry.
The Mod Podge not only affixes the cut-outs to the tiles but also seals them so that condensation from your drinks won’t ruin them.
4. Clothespin Among Us Figurines
This is a cute little craft that is perfect for grade schoolers.
You’ll resize the Among Us crewmates to about three inches tall, print them off, and have your kids color them in and cut them out.
They’re actually going to cut across the Crewmates’ bodies, just below their visor window.
Then, glue the top and bottom halves to the top and bottom pieces of a sideways clothespin.
The effect is that when they press on the clothespin, it looks like the Crewmate is talking.
3. Window Clings
To make simple window clings, you’ll need puffy paint. You can do just the outline in black or color in the lines using orange, yellow, green, etc.
You’re going to print off my Among Us pictures and then have your kids outline the Crewmate figures in black puffy paint.
You can leave it there if you just want a basic window cling, but the kids can color in the lines if you have the paint.
Naturally, if they opt to color in the figures, it will take a lot longer to dry. Give it two days and check to ensure the paint is set.
2. Party Decorations
To cap off your Among Us-themed birthday party (or play party), decorate using my pictures – it’s inexpensive and super cute!
You can cut out Crewmates and string them together for bunting or attach notecards and have them label the food on your table.
Use the figures to decorate a big Happy Birthday sign, make photobooth props out of them or use whole illustrations as place settings.
1. Crewmate Visor Headband
To make a Crewmate visor headband, you will need to use an illustration where the visor – the “window” part of their helmet that they see out of – is prominent.
You might have to copy/paste part of an illustration into a word processor and then enlarge it, too.
Print off as many as you need, then make two-inch wide strips with construction paper.
The strips should fit around your kids’ heads, so you might have to link one with part of another to make it fit. You can tape it, staple it or glue the ends together.
Your kids will then cut out the visor and tape, staple, or glue it to the headband.
And voila! You have Crewmate headbands that your kids can use to playact Among Us – or follow these instructions for how to play Among Us in real life!