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Star Wars Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables)

Ignite your lightsabers and let the colors flow with these 30 thrilling Star Wars coloring pages that are entirely free to download and print! With these sheets, kids (and adults, too!) can bring their imaginations to life with one of the most beloved movie and TV franchises of all time!

For this collection, you will find a wide range of Star Wars illustrations, including Wookies, Sith lords, Rebel fighters, famous droids, Yoda, Darth Vader, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, the Millennium Falcon, the Death Star, and many more that you can see below!

star wars coloring pages feature image

To start coloring in any of these pictures, you can click any of the below images or links, which will open the PDF file on a new page. Once opened, you can then download and print as many times as you like!

All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!

10 Craft Ideas To Do With Star Wars Coloring Pages

Here are 10 inexpensive, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!

10. Party Decorations

Whether you’re hosting a birthday party for a huge Star Wars fan or perhaps a viewing party – with that one friend who has never seen the movies – you can use my illustrations as inexpensive party decorations.

For example, you could color in and cut out individual characters, tie them together with string, and hang them up as bunting on the wall or over a doorway.

You could also use them as place settings or even as a table centerpiece, standing up the cut-outs and arranging them in a display.

9. Greeting Card Embellishments

The Star Wars fan in your life will love the thoughtfulness behind a DIY greeting card that uses my coloring pages.

Take a piece of cardstock and fold it in half.

Then, on another piece of cardstock, print the illustration with the character(s) you want to use.

You’re going to color them in and cut them out (this is a great craft for kids, too!), then paste them to the front of the card.

Include a cute message as well, like, “#1 Dad in the Galaxy” or “Yoda Best – Happy Birthday!”


My Star Wars character drawings make awesome bookmarks that are perfect for the little – or big – Wookie in your life!

You’ll print off the character(s) you want to use and color them in, or have your kids color them in.

Then you’ll carefully cut them out. Next, you’ll make a three or four-inch by eight-inch rectangle with a piece of construction paper or cardstock.

Then you’ll paste the figure to the rectangle. It’s as simple and easy as that! You can also add a tassel of yarn to the top by punching a hole in the bookmark.

7. Keychains

To make Star Wars character keychains, you will need shrink sheets, which you can find online for less than $10 at Amazon.

You’ll print the figures you want to use onto the shrink sheets and then have your kids color them in with markers.

They’ll cut them out and punch a hole where they want the keychain hardware to affix. You’ll then bake them off per the shrink sheets’ instructions.

Once they’ve cooled, you can attach the keychain hardware through the hole you made and use it for house keys or simply attach it to a purse or backpack.

6. Paper Dolls

You can turn my Star Wars illustrations into paper dolls that your kids will play with again and again.

You’ll just print the figures that you want to use onto cardstock, as it is more durable and less flimsy than regular computer paper.

Color them in and cut them out. You can either leave them like that or add crafting sticks to the back of them for easier handling.

5. Findable Rocks

To make findable rocks, you’ll want to shrink the figures down to about two or three inches (depending on the sizes of your rocks).

You can do this by using the rectangular selector in the PDF you’ve downloaded, creating a rectangle around the figure you want to use, and then copying/pasting it into a word processor document.

This way, you can copy and paste multiple figures onto one page.

Print them off and have your kids color them in. Depending on how old they are, you might have to do the cutting out.

Then you can Mod Podge them to the rocks. Let them dry overnight, and then take them with you as you walk trails, run errands or head to the park.

Leave them where others can find them!

4. Christmas Tree Ornaments

May the force be with – your Christmas tree!

You’ll need shrink sheets again; print the figures you want to use onto them and have your kids color them in.

After they cut them out, they’ll punch holes near the top. Bake them and let them cool.

Once they’re ready, you can tie off a piece of ribbon through the hole and use that to hang them on the tree.

You can add glitter, a ribbon bow, or anything festive to the ornaments.

3. Book Covers

Take a book with a boring cover and liven it up with my Star Wars illustrations.

To do this, you’ll need to copy and paste the picture you want to use into a word processor document, where the page is set to landscape orientation.

You’ll center the picture on the right-hand side, leaving about a half-inch to an inch of margin all around.

Print that and then lay it flat, face down. You’ll put your book over it and mark where the edges align.

Fold the page inward along those marks, all the way down the paper; you’ve created flaps you can use to slide the book cover onto the book.

2. Character Headbands

To make character headbands, you’ll pick illustrations where the character’s heads are larger. Print them out, color them in, and cut them out.

You’ll make two-inch strips with construction paper and loop them to fit around your kids’ heads.

Then attach the character cut-out to the headband.

1. Coasters

To make out-of-this-world coasters, you will likely need to resize the characters to fit a four-inch by four-inch wooden or ceramic coaster.

Color them in and cut them out. Then you’re going to Mod Podge the cut-out to the coaster, applying several coats.

Let them dry overnight, and you have some neat DIY home décor!

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