On this page, you will find 26 original fire truck coloring pages that are all free to download and print! When my two sons were aged 3-5 years, they were obsessed with everything that had wheels or wings. One piece of machinery they particularly loved was fire trucks!
For this series, I illustrated a wide range of styles, types, and themed fire engines, including simple outlined ones for young kids, more detailed ones, modern-day fire trucks, Lego fire trucks, fire trucks in different situations, plus many others!

While these coloring pages make a fun artsy afternoon or rainy day activity, they can also be used at home or in the classroom to teach children about the importance of first responders in our society. Also, they can be used as fun party decorations, banners, wall art, and tons more creative uses!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes. Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Fire Truck Coloring Pages
Fire trucks are exciting for all youngsters, as well as lots of fun to color.
Here are some unique and innovative ways to use those finished fire truck coloring pages:
1. Create a Unique Picture for Any Wall
For this craft, give the children white poster boards on which they can draw a house, office, or school that’s on fire.
The finished fire truck should be cut out and glued onto the poster as if it’s pulling up to fight the flames. Embellish the fire engine once it is attached.
Try tufts of cotton with gray glitter for smoke, tiny craft noodles for a hose, and puffy blue paint for the water it’s producing. Make sure to frame this display-worthy artwork.
2. Make the Ladder Move
Color and cut out the fire truck, making sure it is one with a ladder on top.
Carefully cut the ladder off without tearing the rest of the truck.
Take a large clothespin and glue the ladder to the top part and then glue the remainder of the fire truck to the bottom.
When the pin is closed, the fire truck is intact, but when you squeeze it to open it, the ladder begins to rise!
3. A Cup of Fire
For this amusing, abstract craft, kids only need red crêpe paper and styrofoam cups.
When the coloring pages are finished, and the firetrucks are carefully cut out, they should be glued around the circumference of the styrofoam cups.
This creates a continuous picture. Next, tape red drinking straws around the inner circumference of the cup spaced equally.
Take red streamers or red crêpe paper and thread it around the straws and tear the top sections to make them look jagged like flames!
4. Larger than Life Fire Truck
For this craft, have your youngster color a large fire truck and then take an empty tin foil or plastic wrap container and laminate it with red construction paper.
The fire truck should then be cut out of the coloring page and glued to the front of the empty box.
The box lid should then be cut off and reattached with the paper fasteners so that it’s mobile.
With a black marker, the lid can be made to look like a ladder, which can be put up and down via the paper fastener.
5. Five Alarm Birthday
Use a finished fire truck coloring page to announce your youngster’s birthday. Have him or her color a fire truck and place it in a paper frame that stands on its own.
With a red crayon or red puffy paint, your child can write “Sound the Alarm, (child’s name) is turning six!” or whatever number is appropriate.
The fire truck announcement can be displayed in the house throughout the child’s birthday month.
6. Laminate Hot Pepper Jar
A fun and practical way to use a fire truck coloring page is to laminate a hot pepper jar. What better way to warn someone about a particular food?
Your child can make as many of these as he or she wants, since you’ll probably never run out of uses for them.
You can use them to label hot peppers, spicy sauces, or anything that may require a person to wet their whistle after tasting!
7. Have Classroom Fun with Fire Facts
For this innovative classroom project, have the children work together to create a giant book in the format of a scrapbook.
Their coloring pages can be alternated with blank or lined paper, and fastened together by using a three hole punch and strong paper fasteners.
Each child gets to write a safety fact regarding fire prevention on the blank page next to his or her fire truck.
With a little encouragement, the youngsters may decide to make similar books about safety in other areas!
8. Create Some Red Hot Stickers
Fire truck coloring pages are a terrific choice for stickers, and a few pages of sticker paper are all that’s necessary for this activity.
The youngsters can cut the fire truck into unique pieces or laminate the entire page to make a large decal-size sticker.
They can be placed on notebooks, toy boxes, knapsacks, or plastic mugs or cups.
If your child has a sticker book, he or she may decide to dedicate a whole page to fire trucks!
9. Make a Unique Mat to Place Wet Shoes On
Use a piece of engineered wood, vinyl, or even cork board, and cut it to the approximate size of a welcome mat. Laminate the bottom with acrylic sealer.
The child can glue the fire truck coloring page to the top of the mat with carpenter’s glue or rubber cement. The top should then be laminated like the bottom.
Now your youngster has a cute and decorative place to put muddy shoes or boots.
10. Decorate a Fireman’s Hat
All little boys–and lots of girls, too–love to dress up as firefighters. A fire truck coloring page is a great way to decorate a toy fireman’s hat.
Once the fire truck is colored, invisible glue can be used to affix it to the front of the hat. If a thin coat of acrylic spray is used, it will last a long time.
If the page featured a fire extinguisher, a fireman’s ax, or even a cute dalmatian, these can be cut out too, and used to decorate the back of the hat.