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Teddy Bear Coloring Pages (Free PDF Printables)

On this page, you will find 37 cuddly teddy bear coloring pages that are all free to download and print! There is just something so undeniably cute and comforting about teddies that make kids (and adults, too!) around the world fall in love with them.

Included below is a wide range of illustrations, including easy-to-color teddy bears for young kids, cute kawaii teddy bears, teddies with love hearts, Christmas-themed teddies, a mandala teddy bear, plus tons more!

Teddy Bear Coloring Pages Featured Image v2

After the selected coloring pages have been completed, they can live on in many ways, including wall art for a bedroom or classroom, book covers, scrapbooking, a DIY bookmark, decorations for a picnic, or even free printable banners!

To start coloring, click on any of the below images or links to open the free PDF. Once opened, you can then download or print. All of the below pages are on US letter-sized paper, but they also scale perfectly onto A4 paper too! Happy coloring!

10 Craft Ideas To Do With Teddy Bear Coloring Pages

Here are 10 inexpensive, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!

10. Sweatshirts/T-Shirts/Canvas Totes

For this craft, you will need a Cricut machine, but the end result is so, so worth it.

First, you’ll digitally color in the teddy bear illustration of your choice using paint or an illustrator software (or you can leave your teddy bear in black and white, just the outline).

Then you’re going to print the illustration onto press-on vinyl and feed it into the Cricut machine using the print and cut function.

After the Cricut has done its thing, you should have your perfect teddy bear outline cut out.

You’ll iron it (or press it) onto whatever apparel or tote you want.

This is perfect for the little boys or girls in your life, for making baby onesies, or for making a sweatshirt or t-shirt for you!

9. Pom Pom Teddy Bears

Rather than coloring in the teddy bears in the traditional way, with colored pencils, markers, or crayons, have your kids fill them in with brown craft pom poms.

Just get the pom poms and glue – Elmer’s glue will work just fine! – and set your kids to fill in the lines.

The pom poms create a fuzzy, soft texture that no colored pencils can match.

8. Teddy Bear Crowns

For a cute craft that would make a super fun party activity, have your kids create teddy bear crowns.

You can even let the kids pick out which illustration they want to use – and it doesn’t matter if the teddy bear is looking straight-on or not!

Have the kids color in the teddy bears’ heads and then cut them out.

Then, use strips of brown construction paper to make loops, which you can tape together (if the strips aren’t long enough, put two together and cut them down to fit).

Then you can either glue or tape the teddy bear heads to the loops.

7. Teddy Bear Masks

For this craft, depending on your child’s head size, you might need to “blow up” the teddy bear illustration a little bit using the computer first.

But you’ll want to pick a coloring page where the teddy bear’s face is looking straight on.

Have your kiddo color in the face and then carefully cut it out.

You’ll want to step in and help cut out the eyes – just make circles big enough for your child’s eyes to see through.

Then you’ll punch a hole on either side of the head and attach string, ribbon, or yarn to both holes.

Leave the strings dangling so that the masks can be adjusted!

6. Stand-Up Teddy Bears

What could be cuter than teddy bears brought to life from the page?

Have your kids pick out which teddy bear illustration they’d like to make “3D,” color it head to toe, and then cut it out.

Next, you’ll need toilet paper rolls, which you’re going to glue to the back of the cut-out teddy bears.

And voila! You have teddy bears that sit or stand up and can be used for play or as table décor.

5. Teddy Bear Christmas Tree Ornament

For this craft, you can do just the head of a teddy bear or the entire body (though if you do the entire body, you might want to shrink the illustration down a bit).

Have your kids color in the teddy bear and then carefully cut it out.

You’re going to get something to reinforce the ornament with – cardstock is good, but cardboard is best.

You might have to help out small hands with cutting out the shape of the teddy bear from the cardstock or cardboard.

Glue (or Mod Podge!) the colored illustration to the cardboard. Punch a hole in the top of the head and string the ribbon through.

4. Teddy Bear Mosaics

For a fun way to spend a rainy afternoon, have your kids make mosaics out of my teddy bear coloring pages.

You’ll need brown construction paper – of varying shades – cut up into little pieces.

The smaller the hands, the bigger the pieces; so for older kids, who have better fine motor skills, you can definitely do little pieces the size of dimes or quarters.

Have the kids glue the pieces onto the teddy bear for another cute way to “color in” the lines.

3. Greeting Cards

My teddy bear illustration pages are perfect for greeting cards, whether it’s a baby shower or just a hello to Grandma and Grandpa.

You can print them out on the half-page or the quarter-page. Fold it over and write a sweet or special message inside.

2. Party Decorations

How cute would a first birthday party be, with teddy bear decorations colored in by your older children?

After the older kids have colored them in, you can cut them out and create bunting, hang them on the walls, or even use them as table decorations.

1. Journal Or Book Covers

My teddy bear pages can be used as the cover for a first journal; simply find a blank spiral-bound notebook and paste the colored-in page to it.

Or you can use them as covers for small books; simply follow these instructions for making a book cover out of a paper bag.

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