On this page, you will find 26 Alice In Wonderland coloring pages that are all free to download and print! Of all the Disney movies I watched growing up as a kid, none others captured my imagination like Alice In Wonderland. With such a whacky set of characters, I had to do a post on this iconic movie and book!
For this series, I included different versions of characters from the 1951 and 2010 versions of the movies, as I know both are crowd favorites. Below, you will find pages of Alice, The Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit, the Red Queen, the Cheshire Cat, the Tweedledum characters, plus tons more!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas to do With Alice in Wonderland Coloring Pages
Alice in Wonderland has endured through the years, and children never get tired of coloring these fun characters.
Below are some of the best ways to use the finished pages to preserve them!
1. A Smiling Cheshire Cat
All kids love the famous smile without a cat and vice versa!
For this fun craft, start with the Cheshire Cat, and when it’s colored, glue it to thick cardboard, cut it out, and glue it to an upside-down styrofoam cup.
Next, take a piece of curling ribbon in a similar shade and attach it to the bottom as a long bouncy tail.
Add bright wiggle eyes, and fancy toothpicks for whiskers, and you have a hilarious decoration.
2. Running Out of Time
For this fun craft, youngsters should fashion that famous clock from Alice in Wonderland.
The clock can be made from simple materials like poster board, and construction paper hands can be connected with paper fasteners.
Once Alice is colored, she can be cut out of the page and pasted in the center of the “clock.”
Two large craft pom-poms can then be glued to the top like alarm bells, and the ensemble can be hung in a doorway or a window as a unique decoration.
3. Make a Mad Hatter Craft Box
Have your youngster laminate an ordinary cardboard box with green tissue paper and place a fuchsia ribbon around the bottom.
It should then be placed on a square piece of green poster board to resemble a hat.
Several Alice in Wonderland coloring pages should be used to laminate the box on all four sides.
Your child now has a unique “hat box” in which to store treasures or keep craft supplies!
4. Alice in Wonderland Puppet
This adorable craft is easily made with a snow cone paper, a bit of glue, and the finished coloring page.
When the coloring page is complete, Alice should be cut out and glued to a long craft stick.
A snow cone paper or upside-down party hat should then be laminated with a piece of blue construction paper matching Alice’s dress.
A small slit can be cut in the pointy end of the cone for the craft stick to be pushed through. This creates an adorable Alice in Wonderland stick puppet with a funny wide skirt!
5. A Houseful of Characters
This craft is easily completed with some popsicle sticks and the coloring page cutouts.
Have the youngsters glue the sticks to a piece of colorful posterboard in the shape of a square, with two at the top to make a pointy roof.
Additional sticks can be added to create four separate squares inside the “house.”
Four characters should be cut out from various coloring pages, such as the Cheshire cat, the Duchess, the Mad Hatter, and Alice; one for each square in the house!
6. A Lifelike Mad Hatter
For this engaging craft, give each child an empty bathroom tissue cardboard.
Once the Mad Hatter is colored and cut from the page, he should be glued vertically to the front of the roll, and two popsicle sticks glued to the back on each side for arms.
The children can draw and cut out a tiny teapot and teacup and glue them to the Mad Hatter’s “hands.”
Black pom-poms make perfect feet, and the Mad Hatter will stand on his own!
7. Design a Set of Teacups
All youngsters need for this craft are the finished coloring pages, and a set of inexpensive teacups from a discount store.
The children can have fun coloring and cutting out various characters from the story, such as the Mad Hatter, the Queen of hearts, the Duchess, Alice, and of course, that famous cat.
Each one can be laminated to one of the teacups and sealed with acrylic spray for an adorable, original tea set.
8. Create a Keyhole Welcome Sign
For this craft, the youngster should draw a large keyhole on a piece of poster board, positioned vertically.
Once the chosen characters are finished and cut from the coloring page, they should be placed collage-style inside the keyhole. Anything goes for the layout!
Next, the word “Welcome” should be written in black puffy paint, and the entire ensemble should be sealed in glassine.
A hole punch can be used to make a hole at the top, and you have a terrific welcome sign for the front door!
9. A Crazy Clock
For this terrific classroom activity, give each child a piece of poster board on which to draw a clock.
The more colorful, the better, turning the numbers upside down as they go around to make it extra fun!
Once they have chosen a coloring page and finished their characters, they should be cut from the page and glued to the clock’s center.
Arms can be made from construction paper, and paper fasteners can be used to make the hands turn for this simple but enjoyable craft!
10. Make a Unique Mobile
For this craft, your child will need several coloring pages, but he or she won’t mind!
From an embroidery hoop, tie 4-6 pieces of yarn at alternating levels to create a mobile.
Have your youngster color and cut out various characters from the Alice in Wonderland pages, and laminate them with a coat of acrylic spray.
Punch holes in the cutouts and connect them to the yarn and your child has an adorable Alice in Wonderland mobile to hang in his or her room.