Whisk up your creativity and prep your palettes for these 30 delicious cake coloring pages that are all free to print and download! These sheets offer a great treat for young artists and cake lovers, serving up a delightful array of designs that promise to satisfy their imaginative cravings!
For this series, you will find a wide range of cakes in varying styles for all ages and skill levels! Included are simple-to-color cakes for preschoolers, happy birthday cakes, wedding cakes, cake slices, and themed cakes like Minecraft, Disney, Halloween, and many more!

To use any of these free printables, you can click on any of the below images or links to open the high-resolution PDF on a new page. From there, you can freely download or print to your heart’s content!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Cake Coloring Pages
Here are 10 affordable, fun, and creative craft ideas you can do with your completed coloring page!
10. Greeting Cards
My cake pictures are ideal for many different celebrations, whether it’s a birthday, a wedding, Christmas, or even Halloween or Easter.
My favorite way to use them is to print out the picture you want, color it in (or have your kids color it in!), and then cut it out.
Then paste it to the front of a piece of cardstock that has been folded in half.
This adds a little dimension to the card and makes it that much more special for the recipient.
9. Jewelry
My cake illustrations would make adorable earrings, necklaces, bracelets, or even anklet charms!
You’ll need shrink sheets, which you can purchase online at Amazon for less than $10 per pack.
Print the cakes you want to use onto the shrink sheets, color them in with markers, and cut them out.
If you’re using jewelry findings that connect with O-rings, you’ll want to punch holes where those should go.
Bake per the shrink sheets’ instructions and let cool. Once ready, you can add the jewelry findings, whether with pliers or a hot glue gun.
8. Puffy Paint Cakes
A fun activity that uses a crafting supply from the days of old, puffy paint cakes is a great way for you and your kids to spend a rainy afternoon stuck inside.
You’ll simply supply puffy paints in a multitude of colors, print out whichever cakes your kids choose, and let them have at it.
They’ll trace the cakes and fill in the lines. Give it at least overnight to dry before hanging.
As an added bonus, if you peel the puffy paint cakes off the page, they double as window clings!
7. Glittery Cakes
In the same vein as puffy paint cakes, glittery cakes make use of glitter and glitter or glitter glue pens.
Your kids will have a ball tracing the lines of the cakes and adding some (okay, a lot of) sparkle!
You could do this craft at the same time as the puffy paint craft and even mix media!
6. Cake Crowns
For a special birthday girl or boy, if a royal crown simply isn’t festive enough, a cake crown is sure to be.
First, though, you will need to copy/paste the cake you want to use into a word processor document that is oriented to landscape.
This is so that there is enough room on either side of the cake to cut two-inch wide tabs along with the cake figure itself.
Color in and decorate the cake however you like, then punch holes in the tabs and connect pieces of string or ribbon.
Make them long enough that they will not only reach behind your child’s head but they can be tied into a bow.
5. Cake Pins
To make adorable cake pins, you will need shrink sheets; print the cakes you want to use onto the shrink sheets and have your kids color them in with markers.
They’ll then cut out the cakes carefully (or they can just around if they’re little and don’t have great scissor control!).
Bake per the instructions, and once they’ve cooled, you can hot glue pinbacks to the back of the cut-outs.
Wait for the glue to dry, and attach it to your clothes, shoes, backpacks, etc.!
4. Party Decorations
If you’re celebrating a birthday or wedding or you’re hosting a Christmas or Halloween party, you can use my cake pictures as inexpensive decorations.
You could color in and cut them out, then prop them up using a toilet paper roll or paper towel roll to create a centerpiece.
String up five or six cakes and make a bunting – perfect for hanging on the wall behind the actual cake or over a doorway.
You could even assign a cake to each guest and use the picture as their place setting.
3. Gift Bag Embellishments
Next time you have a birthday party or Halloween party to attend and you’re bringing a gift, DIY your own gift bag.
Pick a plain gift bag in the color of your choice (you can find many colors at most dollar stores).
Then print out the cake you want to use, color it in, and cut it out. It does help if you print it out onto cardstock, as that paper is a lot more durable.
You’re going to take three little rectangles of paper and fold them three times, like an accordion.
Paste each one to the bag in a triangle and then put glue on the other end and press down the cake on top.
This creates a cool 3D effect!
2. Classroom Birthday Cake Wishes
For this craft, each student will color in a cake picture and then write on it a birthday wish for the special boy or girl.
Collect the pictures and three-hole punch them, then bind them together with O-rings and present them to the birthday boy or girl!
1. Cake Picture Frame
For this craft, you’ll need two pieces of cardstock, one of which you will print the cake you want to use.
Consider a more basic cake – A cake With a Happy Birthday Topper or Third Birthday Cake For Preschoolers is ideal because you’re going to cut an oval into the front.
Paste a cute picture of your kid, from behind the cake so that their face peers out through the oval.
And then paste both pieces onto the second page of cardstock. Add a message, like Happy Birthday, in cute lettering, and you have an adorable card!