On this page, you will find 22 delicious donut coloring pages that are all free to download and print! For this series, I illustrated a wide range of donuts, including cute Kawaii ones, simple outlines of donuts for kids, Homer Simpson with donuts, different types of donuts, plus many more!
While these pages are great for coloring in, they can also make for a great birthday party activity, decorations for a donut-themed party, in the classroom to learn about different types of food, placemats, wall art, and much more creative uses!

To start coloring these scrumptious pictures, simply click on any of the below images or links to open the PDF on a new page. Once opened, you can then download and print entirely for free!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas To Do With Donut Coloring Pages
The following are some great ways to preserve these pages by completing fun crafts:
1. Donut Tic-Tac-Toe
Another fun craft for children to make with donut coloring pages is their own tic-tac-toe game.
For this easy craft, start by drawing the board for the game on a large square with two vertical lines and three horizontal ones.
Have all the youngsters color their donuts and decorate them with a pattern of X’s or O’s. The donuts can then be used instead of pencils to play the game.
When they are finished playing, they can glue their donuts to the gameboard to make a fun poster for the classroom!
2. Make the Donut Lifelike
Donut coloring pages can be made to look lifelike with this fun craft. Start with ordinary brown wrapping paper, and crunch it up into the shape of a donut.
Make sure the size is similar to the donut on the coloring page. Cut the donut out of the finished coloring page and affix it to the top of the “paper donut.”
Add white, brown, or pink puffy paint for icing and glitter or confetti for sprinkles. A small purple pom-pom can be taped to the side for “jelly donuts.”
3. Turn the Donut into a Retro Record
This super-fun craft will appeal to children of all ages. Giant coloring pages are best for this craft.
Have a child color the donut and write “greatest hits by (kid’s name)” in the middle, where the song’s name would be on a real record.
The cutouts can then be laminated onto black construction paper and hung from the ceiling.
The solid black back makes it look like a record, while the front showcases each child’s coloring creativity!
4. Make a Unique Ball
Finished donut coloring pages can be used to laminate any size ball. Whether a baseball, softball, or basketball, this is a craft that youngsters love.
All you need is glue, but not too much, and the coloring pages. The children can cut their coloring pages according to a template.
Alternatively, they can make a textured finish for their ball by crunching the paper around randomly, allowing it to crinkle as they go along. Either way, this craft is loads of fun!
5. A Realistic Looking Snack
This abstract version of still life is a unique way to use a donut coloring page. Use brown wrapping paper to create a makeshift donut, which is then laminated with the coloring page.
Cut a large circle out of a white or tan piece of poster board: this is the “plate.”
Glue the donut onto the plate, and then tear off a small piece to make it look as if a bite was taken.
A few pieces of popcorn can be crumbled up and attached to the plate with crazy glue to look like crumbs.
6. Coffee and a Donut
For this entertaining craft, give each child a large Styrofoam cup. Have them color their donuts and carefully cut them out.
The donuts can then be glued onto the side of the cup like a decal. Next, have the youngsters cut circles out of brown construction paper.
The circles should be placed carefully at the mouth of the Styrofoam cup and pushed down until they fit snugly. This makes it look as if the cup is full of coffee!
7. Create a Cute Framed Picture
To use a donut coloring page to create a cute framed picture, have your child draw his or her favorite comic book character or animal and cut it out, making sure to give it ample arms.
Once the donut coloring page is finished, it can be cut out and taped in front of the character, glued to its hands, as if the character is holding it, getting ready to take a bite.
This cute creation can be framed and hung up on a wall or door.
8. Design a Donut Chain
This classroom or at-home activity is always a winner. Have all the children color a donut or two and cut them out, making sure to also cut out the donut “hole.”
String the donuts onto a long piece of craft yarn, using pom-poms and other craft items in between to space the donuts out.
This fun banner can be hung over a chalkboard, across the center of a large window, or around the classroom’s door.
9. Make a Donut Necklace
For this fun craft, have the youngsters color and cut out two donuts from their coloring pages. These can be glued together, so each side looks identical.
Next, the piece should be laminated with acrylic spray or even clear packing tape. Yarn or craft string can be used to thread through the donut “hole.”
Glitter, puffy paint, or even colored buttons can be used to decorate the donut, and the children can wear their artwork home!
10. Donut Horseshoes
For a new twist on an old favorite, don’t use horseshoes to play the game; use donuts! Naturally, donuts that take up the whole page are the proper size for this craft.
Once the donuts are colored, they should be cut out and taped to a thick corkboard backing with a good-sized hole cut out in the middle.
The entire piece, front and back, should then be laminated with acrylic spray. The “donuts” can then be used in place of horseshoes to play the classic game with a new twist.