If you are a parent or teacher who is seeking some unique and high-quality zebra coloring pages that are free to download and print, you’re in the right place! These printables are great for kids (and adults, too!) who are intrigued about these striped animals from southern and eastern Africa.
For this series of coloring sheets, I created a variety of zebras for almost any age or skill level. These include easy outlines of zebras for young kids, more detailed zebras for older kids, zebra mandalas, zebras with other animals (horses, elephants, giraffes), plus many more!

After the coloring pages have been completed, they can be used for many other uses, including classroom art, doorway entry, safari-themed birthday party decorations, wall art, book covers, school project, plus whatever else you can think of!
All these PDF coloring pages are on standard US letter size, but they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes! Enjoy!
10 Craft Ideas to do With Zebra Coloring Pages
It’s hard to come up with an animal that’s more fun than a zebra.
If your child likes zebra coloring pages but you’re wondering what to do with them all, try some of these 10 craft ideas!
1. Design a Funny Zebra Ornament
For this cute craft, use an empty paper towel roll and cut it in a two-thirds/one-third manner, using the larger part for the zebra’s body and the smaller for his head.
Glue them together, and use the appropriate parts of the finished coloring page to laminate them.
Add pieces of felt for ears, wiggle eyes, and black pom-poms for feet, and place them on a desk or bureau for funny decorations.
2. Make a Z is for Zebra Poster
For a cute poster that also helps children to learn their letters, have your child make a Z is for Zebra poster.
From the green poster board, have your kid trace and cut out a large Z. Once the Zebra is colored and cut out, have the child glue it to the letter’s center.
At the top, the Z slogan can be written, and the child can decorate the Z with green pom-poms, green glitter, or black and white puffy paint.
3. Create an Adorable A-Frame Zebra
For this easy craft, have your children color two identical zebras and glue them to stiff cardboard.
They should be carefully cut out, and then the backs glued together, but only along the uppermost edge.
This will create a sort of “A-frame,” and when the bottom of the cutouts are pulled slightly apart, the zebra will stand on its own!
4. Zebra Goes to the Zoo
For this oh-so-simple craft, you need the coloring page, some popsicle sticks, and some white poster board.
All kids love the zoo, so have them draw a zoo on a poster board.
Next, the finished zebra should be cut from the coloring page and added to the poster.
Gray pipe cleaners can be glued over the cut-out vertically to create the zebra’s cage, and a piece of gray felt can be cut out and added as a door for a fun 3D poster.
5. Make Zebra Decals
If your child can’t decide where he or she wants to put the finished zebra coloring pages, decals are a great option.
All you need is contact paper or sticker paper and as many finished zebra coloring pages as your child wants.
Once the zebras are colored and cut out, they can be sealed in contact paper and attached to different surfaces with Velcro or sealed in sticker paper for permanent placement.
6. Create a Zebra Environment
For this fun craft, color and cut out the zebra, and glue it to a base of “grass” made from green tissue paper tufts glued to cardboard.
Smaller animal cutouts can be added here and there in the “grass.”
Next, another piece of cardboard should be decorated with a yellow pom-pom for the sun, cotton balls for clouds, and anything else your child wishes.
This should be glued straight up behind the bottom piece to serve as a background for the zebra and his friends.
7. Make a Zebra Treasure Box
This craft is great if you have a child who has fragile items that they want to keep safe.
Line an empty shoe box with green felt and crêpe paper, making sure to place some paper on the outside as well, to create a “grassy field.”
Next, cut the colored zebras from the page and attach them to the outside of the box as decoration.
Your child can now use the box to keep important items from being damaged and enjoy the decorative touch it adds to their room.
8. Make a Zany Zebra Poster
To make a zany zebra poster, all your child needs is a white poster board, some black paint or markers, and black and white craft pom-poms.
A classic black-and-white spiral should be drawn on the poster board. You can trace it for your child if necessary.
The zebra should then be cut from the coloring page and glued to the center of the poster board.
A frame can be made with black and white pom-poms, and the zebra can be embellished with glitter, wiggle eyes, puffy paint, or anything the child desires.
9. Zebra Party Hat
To begin this craft, fold a thin cardboard in the pattern of a classic child’s party hat.
Laminate the hat with the zebra coloring page, putting the face at the very top.
Add a pink pom-pom for a funny nose, use pink felt for ears, and pieces of black and white pipe cleaners for tufts of hair between the ears.
This makes a hilarious party hat your child will love to wear.
10. Make a Zebra Puzzle
The fun thing about making zebra puzzles is that they can be as difficult or easy as your child wishes.
The zebra coloring page should be left in its entirety and glued to thin cardboard before the outline of the puzzle pieces is drawn.
Smaller pieces will create a more difficult puzzle, and larger pieces an easier one.
If this is done as a classroom craft, let the students exchange puzzles and see if they can solve each others.